The attached sample data and request files were constructed to illustrate the use of the EventStudyTools R-package.
The files hold data about the addition of several well known firms to the S&P 500 index in the late 1990s. With this data, the R package will investigate for you the question whether a company’s stock value increases if the firm is added to the S&P 500 index. This is a common research question and has been adressed, among others, by Anthony W. Lynch and Richard R. Mendenha in a 1997 study: They found a positive effect of about 3.8% over the period starting the day after the announcement and ending the day before the effective date of the change.
You can use our R-package to easily investigate such and similar questions.
For performing an Event Study with our API you need:
)You get a free API key from our website EventStudyTools. In the first step we need to authenticate to the web API. There are three ways to handle this two parameters:
Option 1 and 2: You can save API key and URL in the options
# The URL is already set by default
# options(EventStudy.URL = apiUrl)
options(EventStudy.KEY = apiKey)
# use EventStudy estAPIKey function
# initialize object
estSetup <- EventStudyAPI$new()
Option 2: Set the API Key and URL directly during the EventStudyAPI
This API package is designed to perform all analyses we provide on our website. Furthermore, all parameters can be set. You are able to set every parameter in R (we will provide more details later), or you can perform a fast Event Study with default parameters.
There will be soon a separate vignette for setting parameters.
Our API offers different types of Event Studies:
Default parameters for all type of above Event Studies are:
and avc
and GARCH(1, 1) Model for avyc
The type of Event Study can be set by parameter:
By default all data files must be named as follows. Furthermore, they have to be in the current directory:
You are also able to set custom file names and paths by defining it in a named vector:
All results will be written by default into the directory ./results
. You can easily change this path by setting it as a parameter:
If the resultPath
do not exist, the R package will create this directory.
Finally, the Event Study is performed by:
estResult <- estSetup$performDefaultEventStudy(estType = estType,
dataFiles = dataFiles,
destDir = resultPath)
It will write all result files into the result directory. Furthermore, results will be parsed into a R object.
For performing an Event Study we need three files (file names can be chosen arbitrarly):
All files must be saved without header, semi-colon separated and dates has to be in following format: 30.04.1997
. In next section we will descripe the file structure based on the S&P 500 example Event Study more detailed. You always find more information (if necessary) on our website: EventStudyTools.
We added the S&P 500 example Event Study to this package. The three necessary files can be easily generated by following command:
We named the request and data files in following manner:
In your analysis, you can name them as you want.
This csv file contains the event definitions. It contains 9 columns. The order must be in the following way, as the columns are not named in the csv.
]: Date of the eventIn the following example, we have an event window of [-2, 2]
(an event window of length 5
), an estimation window of length 120
, and the estimation window ends 11
days before the event.
df <- readr::read_delim("01_RequestFile.csv", col_names = F, delim = ";")
names(df) <- c("Event ID", "Firm ID", "Market ID", "Event Date", "Grouping Variable", "Start Event Window", "End Event Window", "End of Estimation Window", "Estimation Window Length")
knitr::kable(head(df), pad=0)
Event ID | Firm ID | Market ID | Event Date | Grouping Variable | Start Event Window | End Event Window | End of Estimation Window | Estimation Window Length |
75510 | Adobe Systems | SP500 | 30.04.1997 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
64390 | Progressive | SP500 | 25.07.1997 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
23473 | Cincinnati | SP500 | 16.12.1997 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
70500 | Coca-Cola Enterprises | SP500 | 01.10.1998 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
70519 | Travelers Group | SP500 | 01.10.1998 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
76149 | Safeway | SP500 | 05.11.1998 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
The first column (Event IDs) must be unique and numeric.
The stock data for each firm defined in the request file. It contains 3 columns.
]: Date of the closing price.The following table shows the first 20
entries of our example firm data.
df <- readr::read_delim("02_FirmData.csv", col_names = F, delim = ";")
names(df) <- c("Firm ID", "Date", "Closing Price")
Firm ID | Date | Closing Price |
Cincinnati | 01.10.1996 | 58.000 |
Cincinnati | 02.10.1996 | 57.000 |
Cincinnati | 03.10.1996 | 56.750 |
Cincinnati | 04.10.1996 | 57.500 |
Cincinnati | 07.10.1996 | 57.625 |
Cincinnati | 08.10.1996 | 57.750 |
This file is similary structured as 02_FirmData.csv
]: Date of the closing price.The following table shows the first 20
entries of our example firm data.
df <- readr::read_delim("03_MarketData.csv", col_names = F, delim = ";")
names(df) <- c("Market ID", "Date", "Closing Price")
Market ID | Date | Closing Price |
SP500 | 30.09.1996 | 100.0000 |
SP500 | 01.10.1996 | 100.2575 |
SP500 | 02.10.1996 | 100.9747 |
SP500 | 03.10.1996 | 100.7958 |
SP500 | 04.10.1996 | 102.0587 |
SP500 | 07.10.1996 | 102.3380 |
You are also able to apply a Fama-French 3-Factor Model or a Fama-French Momentum-4-Factor Model. This will change the neccessary data you need for performing an Event Study (e.g. by adding Fama-French Factors). You find more information at
Please cite our work in your publication.