NEWS | R Documentation |
Added support for the 2007-2008 Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (see readBTLS
) for Waves 1 to 5.
uses less memory when reading in PISA 2015 data. This is because it now uses the haven
package's read_sav
new skip
and n_max
arguments to read in portions of files. This should save time on read in.
Other PISA files were changed to use base R read functions, this results in a different ordering of columns in 2012 and 2015.
Some PISA 2003 variables were read in as an integer and are now in as a real values, mostly hours variables.
After the OECD files were updated, downloadPIAAC
and readPIAAC
now properly use the 2012 USA file for Cycle 1.
To allow both 4.0 and 3.6 compatibility, an
now stores covs
as characters in preference to factors.
is no longer imports readr
, rvest
, stringi
, stringr
, or xml2
. In addition, RColorBrewer
was imported but is now suggested.
now uses heat.colors
by default.
Several data files were stored in text format in functions and are now stored in inst/extdata
as rds
The news for 2.4.0 was edited to note that the gap
linking error in NAEP is only for mathematics and reading.
now rounds the printed coefficients matrix in the standard way.
Fixed a bug in edsurveyTable
that caused it to return incorrectly labeled output if multiple covariates were tabbed with weights.
A broken link in the vignette was fixed.
Added support for the 2009 High School Longitudinal Study (see downloadHSLS
and readHSLS
). These do not support Restricted Use Data (RUD).
Added support for the 2002 Education Longitudinal Study (see downloadELS
and readELS
Added the ECLS Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 Study. Thes datasets can be downloaded with downloadECLS_K
and read in with readECLS_K1998
. This was added in 2.3.0 but first added to the NEWS for 2.4.0.
Added support for ePIRLS (see read_ePIRLS
and download_ePIRLS
). This was added in 2.3.0 but first added to the NEWS for 2.4.0.
Added support for 2018 for the existing readICILS
function. Thanks to Jeppe Bundsgaard of Aarhus University, Danish School of Education, for contributing the code for this.
OECD moved the PIAAC data to a new location, and the downloadPIAAC
function now uses the new URL.
The PISA 2015 data cache could have been formed incorrectly; that is fixed. When PISA 2015 datasets are first used with 2.4 it will take time to re-cache the data. The process now also uses far less memory.
The PISA data had incorrect PSU and stratum variables for most years. They are all fixed except for 2000, which we do not believe has a PSU variable on the file. Several strata have only one PSU, so the design still needs to be edited by the user to get correct Taylor series sampling variance estimates.
The mixed.sdf
function now correctly aggregates results and has its methodology documented. It no longer supports binomial models and has several arguments deprecated as a result.
The gap
function argument varMethod
is deprecated. The function uses only jackknife variance estimation.
The gap
function now accounts for linking error between NAEP paper and digitally based assessments for mathematics and reading.
The subset
function used to fail when a global variable shared a name with a column on the data; it now works.
The percentile
function has been updated to a formula that generates survey percentiles that are robust to transformation. For example, if the values are multiplied by a constant, then the percentiles move by that same constant.
The lm.sdf
function header now prints the number of plausible values used (when they are used) as well as the number of plausible values used in the sampling variance (jrrIMax
The levelsSDF
function now makes more informative warnings when passed a
The print
function for cor.sdf
now prints a final new line.
When searchSDF
was called with more than one search string and the levels
argument was set to TRUE
, a useless warning was issued. The warning was removed.
More EdSurvey
functions wrap to the width of the console.
The rq.sdf
function adds quantile regression to the package. See the rq.sdf
documentation for more information.
The functions getStratumVar
and getPSUVar
were added to give users stratum and PSU variables for surveys and Taylor series analyses.
The summary2
function now accepts a vector of variables.
The searchSDF
function now accepts a vector string
input so that results can be filtered.
The formula for degrees of freedom when Taylor series variance estimation is used has been updated. The new formula is derived in the statistics vignette. See
PISA 2015 is now supported.
The waldTest
function allows the user to test composite hypotheses–hypotheses with multiple coefficients involved–even when the data include plausible values. Because there is no likelihood test for plausible values nor residuals, the Wald test fills the role of the likelihood ratio test, ANOVA, and F-test.
The mvrlm
function adds multivariate regression (a regression with multiple outcomes) to the package. See the mvrlm
documentation for more information.
Survey weighted mixed models can now be fit with the mixed.sdf
function. Both linear and logistic models can be fit. These models are limited to 2 levels (one level with random effects).
Regressions can now output standardized regression coefficients using summary(myLm, src=TRUE)
. When the lm.sdf
call includes standardizeWithSamplingVar=TRUE
the standardized error of the standardized regression coefficient account for the sampling error and measurement error (when applicable). Otherwise, the standard deviations are assumed to be measured without error.
Added summary2
function to produce unweighted and weighted descriptive statistics of a variable in
Added $ variable access to e.g. sdf$dsex
Updated covariance matrix estimation in the vcov
function for lm.sdf
and glm.sdf
to work when varEstInputs
was not returned
Added covariance matrix estimation for lm.sdf
when Taylor series variance estimation was used.
Added rebindAttributes
function to make dplyr interaction more smooth. See the rebindAttributes
documentation for an example.
When printing an
it now says the survey, year, subject, and country at the top. The dimensions are moved down.
In gap
, achievement levels can be specified with partial matches. This helps out when achievement levels have long names.
Added the ECLS Kindergarten Class of 2010-2011 Study. Longitudinal datasets can be downloaded with downloadECLS_K
and read in with readECLS_K2011
PIRLS 2016 is now supported.
Added returnNumberOfPSU
in achievenemtLevels
, percentile
, lm.sdf
, and gap
to report the number of primary sampling units (PSUs) used to calculate a statistic.
Added oddsRatio
helper function for logit results to show odds ratios.
When running a Pearson correlation on a discrete variable, cor.sdf
function by default condenses the occupied response codes to be consecutive integers. This can now be turned off by setting the condenseLevels
argument to FALSE
so that the code book levels are used instead.
The glm.sdf
function now uses the glm2
package to fit models. This package converges on a broader class of models.
The EdSurvey
package nolonger sets the number of threads used by the required data.table
package to one when EdSurvey is being attached. The issue is now fixed in data.table
Across the download functions, when a file is missing the warning text was homogenized. Additionally, all download functions now support a verbose
argument that can be used to make downloads silent.
The lm.sdf
and glm.sdf
functions now accept formulas that use the I()
function or other unevaluated expressions to the left of the tilda. Previously only a single variable could be named.
now checks that each recode has only a to
and from
in it.
The edsurveyTable
function now works without RHS variable, allowing the formula y ~ 1
to return overall means.
The percentile
function used to produce output even if asked to produce a percentile outside of the valid range (0 to 100). Now it prints out message if users input at least percentile outside of the valid range, and stops if all percentiles are invalid.
The getData
function now removes rows with omitted levels after being recoded.
All SPSS (.sav) file reads using the haven
package set the user_na = TRUE
flag to ensure no defined missing/omitted values are automatically converted to NA
values prematurely.
For consistency with other download functions, downloadPISA
now uses a years
argument instead of a year
Running an edsurveyTable
on an
used to have the potential to create invalid (unprintable) output if the factor levels did not agree on every element of the
. They now return printable output.
An edsurveyTable
could produce a standard error when there was data from only one stratum. It now produces an NA
standard error.
Works with the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), TIMSS Advanced, the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), and the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS), International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), the Civic Education Study (CivEd), the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), and the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS).
International datasets can be downloaded with downloadTIMSS
, downloadTIMSSAdv
, downloadICILS
, downloadICCS
, downloadPISA
, downloadPIAAC
, downloadTALIS
International datasets can be loaded with readTIMSS
, readTIMSSAdv
, readICILS
, readICCS
, readPISA
, readPIAAC
, readTALIS
Added logit.sdf
and probit.sdf
functions with support
for survey item responses.
Added gap
codegap that compares the average, percentile, achievement level, or percentage of survey responses between two groups that potentially share members.
Added percentile
that calculates the percentiles of a numeric variable.
Added showCodebook
that retrieves variable names, variable labels, and value labels for an
, or
Redesigned achievementLevels
, edsurveyTable
function for
significant faster computation with much smaller memory footprint. We also
made error messages and outputs more informative.
More informative error message and output for cor.sdf
, getPlausibleValue
, showPlausibleValues
, showWeights
, and getData
and glm.sdf
are now S3 method extended from
so users can call the function using lm
and glm
Added the contourPlot
for regressions diagnostic.
Added the recode.sdf
function for recoding levels within variables.
Added the rename.sdf
function for modifying variable names.
Added the
function to return
a list of sdfs from either an or a single
Manual documentation was refreshed.
Moved vignettes to AIR webiste at or see links in the vignette inlcuded in this package.
Added a new vignette on “Exploratory Data Analysis on NCES Data” provides examples of conducting exploratory data analysis on NAEP data.
Added new vignette on “Calculating Adjusted p-Values From EdSurvey Results” to the AIR website describing the basics of adjusting p-Values to account for multiple comparisons.
Added new vignette on “Using EdSurvey to Analyze TIMSS Data” to the AIR website describing; an introduction to the methods used in analysis of large-scale educational assessment programs such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) using the EdSurvey package. The vignette covers topics such as preparing the R environment for processing, creating summary tables, running linear regression models, and correlating variables.
Added new vignette on “Using EdSurvey for Trend Analysis” to the AIR website describing the methods used in the EdSurvey package to conduct analyses of statistics that change over time in large-scale educational studies.
Added new vignette on “Producing LaTeX Tables From edsurveyTable Results With edsurveyTable2pdf” to the AIR website detailing the creation of pdf summary tables from summary results using the edsurveyTable2pdf function.
Added new methodology documentation on “Methods Used for Gap Analysis in EdSurvey” to the AIR website convering the methods comparing the gap analysis results of the EdSurvey package to the NAEP Data Explorer.
Added new methodology documentation on “Methods Used for Estimating Percentiles in EdSurvey” to the AIR website describing the methods used to estimate percentiles.
Added new methodology documentation on “Weighted and Unweighted Correlation Methods for Large-Scale Educational Assessment: wCorr Formulas” to the AIR website detailing the methodology used by the wCorr R package for computing the Pearson, Spearman, polyserial, and polychoric correlations, with and without weights applied. See
Fixed connection issue associated with closing connections to an LaF
readNAEP function now works on a case sensitive file system.
Vignettes now should appear in numerical order on CRAN.
Examples now name most arguments.
Vignettes now name most argument.
some print functions had number of plausible values added.