
The goal of Distributacalcul is to simplify the life of students and scientists by offering premade functions for various functions of probability distributions. Functions calculate moments of the distribution (mean, variance, kth moment) as well as the expected value of functions of the distribution (truncated mean, stop-loss, mean excess loss, etc.). In addition, the package includes some risk measures (Value-at-Risk and Tail Value-at-Risk).

This package depends primarily the stats package.


You can install the released version of Distributacalcul from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows you the typical use of the functions:

##  Various moments:
E_beta(shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4) # E[X]
#> [1] 0.3333333
V_beta(shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4) # V(X)
#> [1] 0.03174603
kthmoment_beta(k = 3, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4) # E[X^k]
#> [1] 0.07142857

##  Expected value of functions:
Elim_beta(d = 0.3, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4) # E[min(X; d)]
#> [1] 2.19811
Etronq_beta(d = .3, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4, less.than.d = TRUE) # E[X * 1_{X <= d}]
#> [1] 0.08523
Etronq_beta(d = .3, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4, less.than.d = FALSE) # E[X * 1_{X > d}]
#> [1] 0.2481033
Mexcess_beta(d = .3, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4) # E[(X - d | X > d)]
#> [1] 0.169697
SL_beta(d = .3, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4) # E[max(X - d, 0)]
#> [1] 0.4065693

##  Risk measures:
TVaR_beta(kap = 0.99, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4) # TVaR_{k}(X)
#> [1] 0.8239414
VaR_beta(kap = 0.99, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4) # VaR_{k}(X) = F_X^(-1)(k)
#> [1] 0.7779277


Function Syntax
Mean E_distribution
K-th moment kthmoment_distribution
Truncated mean Etronq_distribution
Limited expected value Elim_distribution
Variance V_distribution
Stop-loss SL_distribution
Excess of mean Mexcess_distribution
Moment Generating Function MGF_distribution
Probability Generating Function PGF_distribution
Density ddistribution
Cumulative density function pdistribution
Value-at-Risk (percentile) TVaR_distribution
Tail Value-at-Risk VaR_distribution

Included distributions and functions

Continuous distributions

Erlang Inverse Gaussian Weibull Burr
Mean X X X X
kth moment X X X
Variance X X X X
Truncated mean X X X X
Limited mean X X X X
Stop-loss X X X X
Excess of mean X X X X
Moment Generating Function X X
Probability Density Function X
Cumulative Probability Density Function X
Value-at-Risk X X X X
Tail Value-at-Risk X X X X

Table continues below

Log-logistic Beta Gamma Pareto
Mean X X X X
kth moment X X X X
Variance X X X X
Truncated mean X X X X
Limited mean X X X X
Stop-loss X X X X
Excess of mean X X X X
Moment Generating Function X X
Probability Density Function
Cumulative Probability Density Function
Value-at-Risk X X X X
Tail Value-at-Risk X X X X

Table continues below

Lognormal Exponential Uniform Normal
Mean X X X X
kth moment X X X
Variance X X X X
Truncated mean X X X X
Limited mean X X X X
Stop-loss X X X X
Excess of mean X X X X
Moment Generating Function X X
Probability Density Function
Cumulative Probability Density Function
Value-at-Risk X X X X
Tail Value-at-Risk X X X X

Discrete distributions

Binomial Negative Binomial Poisson
Mean X X X
kth moment
Variance X X X
Truncated mean X X X
Limited mean
Excess of mean
Moment Generating Function X X X
Probability Generating Function X X X
Probability Density Function
Cumulative Probability Density Function
Value-at-Risk X
Tail Value-at-Risk X X X

Table continues below

Uniform Logarithmic Hypergeometric
Mean X X X
kth moment
Variance X X X
Truncated mean
Limited mean
Excess of mean
Moment Generating Function X
Probability Generating Function X
Probability Density Function X
Cumulative Probability Density Function X
Tail Value-at-Risk


Date Modifications
26/07/2019 Initial creation of package
12/09/2019 Completion of creation of all necessary function files
17/11/2019 Merger of tvarPackage, beginning of documentation creation.
20/05/2020 Addition of Shiny component.
02/06/2020 Completion of documentation, first attempt of a submission to CRAN.
02/07/2020 Modifications according to CRAN’s notes, version 0.2.0.