The pattern heterogeneity question asks whether a relationship between two variables has changed across conditions. It is often fundamental to a scientific inquiry. For example, a biologist could ask whether the relationship between two genes in a cancer cell has been modified from a normal cell. The ‘DiffXTables’ R package answers such questions via evaluating statistical evidence for distributional changes in the involved variables from data.
The package provides statistical methods for hypothesis testing of differences in the underlying distributions across two or more contingency tables. They include three statistical tests:
Their null test statstics all follow an asymptotically chi-squared null distribution. These options test for heterogeneous patterns that differ in either the first order (marginal) or the second order (joint distribution deviation from product of marginals). Second-order differences may reveal more fundamental changes than first-order differences across heterogeneous patterns.
This package takes a model-free approach without assuming an underlying parametric model for the relationship between variables, in contrast to differential correlation based on differences between linear models. Its input is contingency tables that store the counts or frequencies of discrete variables. Thus, continuous variables need to be discretized before using the tests. One option to do discretization is via optimal univariate clustering provided by the ‘Ckmeans.1d.dp’ R package.