To cite the 'DataVisualizations' R package in publications, please use:

Thrun M, Ultsch A (2018). “Effects of the payout system of income taxes to municipalities in Germany.” In Papiez, M., Smiech, S (eds.), Socio-Economic Modelling and Forecasting, volume No 1, 533-542. doi: 10.14659/SEMF.2018.01.54,

Corresponding BibTeX entry:

    title = {Effects of the payout system of income taxes to
      municipalities in Germany},
    booktitle = {Socio-Economic Modelling and Forecasting},
    volume = {No 1},
    author = {Michael Christoph Thrun and Alfred Ultsch},
    publisher = {Foundation of the Cracow University of Economics},
    year = {2018},
    editor = {{Papiez} and {M.} and {Smiech} and {S}},
    doi = {10.14659/SEMF.2018.01.54},
    url = {},
    pages = {533-542},