Release 0.6.2 in development July 2020 CRAN submission July 16
- Planned enhancements to Plot2WayANOVA
- Implemented
so user can choose their theme
- Implemented
so user can add arbitary ggplot formatting
- Corrected doco to fix failing links under devel
- Tested against ggplot2 version 3.3.2
- Uexpected consequences of broom upgrade breaks Plot2WayANOVA now reporting eta squared versus r squared
- tibble 3.0.2 introduces a silly warning about dots fixed in 3.0.3
Release 0.6.1 in development April 2020 CRAN release sumitted May 27
- Builds locally with R 4.0.0
- Mosaic plots in PlotXTabs2 waiting on the next version of ggmosaic for some bug fixes before it can get in CRAN version
- Changes in advance of ggplot2 3.3.1 release ggplot(data.frame(x))
- numbr for BF results
Release 0.6.0 submitted and accepted by CRAN 2 April 2020
- Fixed tibble 3.0.0 issue
- Fixed dependency issues with ggplot2, scales, sjstats and added ggmosaic
- Adding mosaic plots to PlotXTabs2 still debugging and waiting on the next version of ggmosaic for some bu fixes
- Significant upgrades to seedist including lots of customization options and the addition of violin plots.
Release 0.5.9 deployed to CRAN March 2020
- Added functionality to PlotXTabs2 will be deprecating PlotXtabs next release
- Another vignette example for newggslopegraph
- Added chaid_table() including vignette
- Added cross2_var_vectors function
- Requiring R >= 3.6.0 to support DescTools
- Cleaned up dependencies
- Corrected overly aggresive error checking in newggslopegraph
- Remove deprecated neweta()
Release 0.5.8 feature release 20 June 2019
- Updated newslopegraph to add aditional formatting options
- Added support for selected themes from ggthemes
- Updating github web pages
Release 0.5.7 feature release 12 June 2019
- Updated newslopegraph to add aditional formatting options
Release 0.5.4 hotfix release 8 April 2019
- Updated Plot2WayANOVA to remedy an error when there were zero significant effects and post hoc tests failed
Release 0.5.3 stable release 3 April 2019
- Updated vignette for Plot2WayANOVA
- Major improvements and features added to Plot2WayANOVA
Release 0.5.2 accepted by CRAN 22 March 2019
- Hotfix to Plot2WayANOVA
- Minor improvements and features added to Plot2WayANOVA
v0.5.1 in development on 21 March 2019
- Minor improvements and features added to Plot2WayANOVA
Release 0.5.0 released on CRAN 21 March 2019
- Major improvements and features added to Plot2WayANOVA
- Deprecated function neweta
Release 0.4 published on CRAN 13 June 2018
Release 0.4 published on Github 11 June 2018
- Changed version # to .4
- Added new function newggslopegraph
Release 0.3.1 (hotfix) published on Github 25 April 2018
- Changed version # to 3.1
- Added percent scales to percent plot using the scales package which necessitated changes in DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE
- Added some code to keep track of missing values that are omitted in calculations and plotting
- Creating the ggtitle with a bquote seemed to be creating issues with both performance and also creating intermittent errors if the title was long. Replaced bquote with sprintf and while I was at it changed how it presents
- Rebuilt vignettes and doco as needed to show the changes
Release 0.3 published on CRAN
Release 0.1