An introduction to the CENFA package


Date: 2019-12-16

Author: D. Scott Rinnan

Maintainer: D. Scott Rinnan <>


CENFA provides tools for performing ecological-niche factor analysis (ENFA) and climate-niche factor analysis (CNFA). This package was created with three goals in mind:

CENFA takes advantage of the raster and sp packages, allowing the user to conduct analyses directly with raster, shapefile, and point data, and to handle large datasets efficiently via partial data loading and parallelization.



We will use some example datasets to perform a basic ENFA. The historical climate dataset climdat.hist is a RasterBrick of 10 climate variables, covering much of the western US coast. QUGA is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of the historical range map of Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana).

A plot of the data, using the one of the layers of climdat.hist:

plot of chunk QUGA-plot

The enfa function takes three basic arguments: the dataset of ecological variables (climdat.hist), the map of species presence (QUGA), and the values of QUGA that specify presence (in this case, a column named “CODE”). Calling the enfa object by name provides a standard summary of the ENFA results.

mod.enfa <- enfa(x = climdat.hist, s.dat = QUGA, field = "CODE")
#> Original function call: enfa(x = climdat.hist, s.dat = QUGA, field = "CODE")
#> Marginality factor: 
#>   MDR   ISO    TS HMmax CMmin   PWM   PDM    PS   PWQ   PDQ 
#> -0.13  0.51 -0.67 -0.03  0.67  0.71 -0.13  0.70  0.72  0.13 
#> Eigenvalues of specialization: 
#>  Marg Spec1 Spec2 Spec3 Spec4 Spec5 Spec6 Spec7 Spec8 Spec9 
#>  5.12  8.92  4.82  3.01  2.55  2.01  1.28  0.77  0.68  0.36 
#> Percentage of specialization contained in ENFA factors: 
#>  Marg Spec1 Spec2 Spec3 Spec4 Spec5 Spec6 Spec7 Spec8 Spec9 
#> 17.36 30.24 16.32 10.20  8.64  6.80  4.33  2.61  2.30  1.21 
#> Overall marginality:  1.654 
#> Overall specialization:  1.718 
#> Significant ENFA factors: 
#>        Marg Spec1 Spec2 Spec3
#> MDR   -0.13 -0.46  0.59  0.38
#> ISO    0.51  0.11 -0.46 -0.05
#> TS    -0.67 -0.34 -0.54  0.39
#> HMmax -0.03  0.58 -0.07 -0.57
#> CMmin  0.67 -0.54  0.00  0.49
#> PWM    0.71 -0.08  0.26  0.27
#> PDM   -0.13  0.10  0.09  0.03
#> PS     0.70  0.12 -0.11 -0.02
#> PWQ    0.72  0.03 -0.19 -0.25
#> PDQ    0.13  0.00 -0.11 -0.04


We can visualize the ENFA results via the scatter function, which produces a biplot of the marginality axis and one of the specialization axes. This gives us a portrait of the species' niche to compare with the global niche of the reference study area, with the ecological axes projected onto the ENFA dimensions. (Note: since mod.enfa only contains information about the species habitat, we must first construct a GLcenfa object that also describes the global habitat.)

glc <- GLcenfa(x = climdat.hist)
scatter(x = mod.enfa, y = glc)

plot of chunk scatter

For larger datasets, we can speed up the computation via parallelization. We provide two additional arguments, parallel = TRUE, and n, which specifies the number of cores to use. n has a default value of 1, so only setting parallel = TRUE will not parallelize the function by itself.

# does not enable parallelization
mod <- enfa(x = climdat.hist, s.dat = QUGA, field = "CODE", parallel = TRUE)

# enables parallelization across 4 cores
mod <- enfa(x = climdat.hist, s.dat = QUGA, field = "CODE", parallel = TRUE, n = 4)

The function will attempt to match the value provided to n with the number of cores detected on the local device via parallel::detectCores(); if the provided n is greater than the number of available cores k, a warning will be issued and n will be set to k - 1.


The cnfa function is very similar to enfa, but performs a slightly different analysis. Whereas ENFA returns a specialization factor (the eigenvalues of specialization) describing the amount of specialization found in each ENFA factor, CNFA returns a sensitivity factor that reflects the amount of sensitivity found in each ecological variable. This makes the sensitivity factor more directly comparable to the marginality factor, and more interpretable in the context of species' sensitivity to a given variable.

mod.cnfa <- cnfa(x = climdat.hist, s.dat = QUGA, field = "CODE")
#> Original function call: cnfa(x = climdat.hist, s.dat = QUGA, field = "CODE")
#> Marginality factor: 
#>   MDR   ISO    TS HMmax CMmin   PWM   PDM    PS   PWQ   PDQ 
#> -0.13  0.51 -0.67 -0.03  0.67  0.71 -0.13  0.70  0.72  0.13 
#> Sensitivity factor: 
#>   MDR   ISO    TS HMmax CMmin   PWM   PDM    PS   PWQ   PDQ 
#>  4.52  2.86  4.16  3.72  3.98  3.36  1.35  1.71  2.94  0.92 
#> Percentage of specialization contained in CNFA factors: 
#>  Marg Spec1 Spec2 Spec3 Spec4 Spec5 Spec6 Spec7 Spec8 Spec9 
#> 17.36 30.24 16.32 10.20  8.64  6.80  4.33  2.61  2.30  1.21 
#> Overall marginality:  1.654 
#> Overall sensitivity:  1.718 
#> Significant CNFA factors: 
#>        Marg Spec1 Spec2 Spec3
#> MDR   -0.13 -0.46  0.59  0.38
#> ISO    0.51  0.11 -0.46 -0.05
#> TS    -0.67 -0.34 -0.54  0.39
#> HMmax -0.03  0.58 -0.07 -0.57
#> CMmin  0.67 -0.54  0.00  0.49
#> PWM    0.71 -0.08  0.26  0.27
#> PDM   -0.13  0.10  0.09  0.03
#> PS     0.70  0.12 -0.11 -0.02
#> PWQ    0.72  0.03 -0.19 -0.25
#> PDQ    0.13  0.00 -0.11 -0.04

Using the sensitivity_map function, we can create a habitat map that identifies where we expect the species to be most sensitivite to changes in climate. <- sensitivity_map(mod.cnfa)

plot of chunk sensitivity-map


The departure function provides a measure of a species' potential exposure to climate change. It takes a future climate dataset as an additional argument, and calculates the absolute differences between historical and future values.

dep <- departure(x = climdat.hist, y = climdat.fut, s.dat = QUGA, field = "CODE")
#> Departure factor: 
#>   MDR   ISO    TS HMmax CMmin   PWM   PDM    PS   PWQ   PDQ 
#>  0.05  0.10  0.22  0.53  0.44  0.23  0.12  0.38  0.23  0.16 
#> Overall departure: 0.909

The departure factor tells us the average amount of change that is expected in each climate variable across the species' range. Using the exposure_map function, we can create a habitat map that identifies where we expect the species to be most exposed to climate change. <- exposure_map(dep)

plot of chunk exposure-map


The vulnerability function provides a measure of a species' potential vulnerability to climate change, taking both sensitivity and exposure into account. It takes a cnfa object and a departure object as its arguments.

vuln <- vulnerability(cnfa = mod.cnfa, dep = dep)
#> Vulnerability factor: 
#>   MDR   ISO    TS HMmax CMmin   PWM   PDM    PS   PWQ   PDQ 
#>  2.18  1.78  2.25  2.38  2.40  2.03  1.23  1.54  1.90  1.03 
#> Overall vulnerability: 1.368

Using the vulnerability_map function, we can create a habitat map that identifies where we expect the species to be most vulnerable to climate change. <- vulnerability_map(vuln)

plot of chunk vulnerability-map

Useful raster functions

The raster package contains the clusterR function, which enables parallelization methods for certain raster operations. clusterR only works on functions that operate on a cell-by-cell basis, however, which limits its usefulness. The CENFA package contains a few functions that speed up some basic raster functions considerably by parallelizing on a layer-by-layer basis rather than a cell-by-cell basis.


The parScale function is identical to raster::scale, but has a parallelization option that will scale each raster layer in parallel. The center and scale arguments can be logical (TRUE or FALSE) or numeric vectors.

clim.scaled <- parScale(x = climdat.hist, parallel = TRUE, n = 4)


The parCov function returns the covariance matrix of a Raster* object x, computing the covariance between each layer of x. This is similar to raster::layerStats(x, stat = 'cov'), but much faster when parallelization is employed.

mat <- parCov(x = climdat.hist, parallel = TRUE, n = 4)

Additionally, parCov can accept two Raster* objects as arguments, similar to stats::cov(x, y). If two Raster* objects are supplied, then the covariance is calculated between the layers of x and the layers of y.

mat <- parCov(x = climdat.hist, y = climdat.fut, parallel = TRUE, n = 4)


The stretchPlot function provides a simple way to adjust the contrast of plots of RasterLayers to emphasize difference in values. It can perform histogram equalization and standard deviation stretching.

sm <- sensitivity_map(mod.cnfa)
par(mfrow = c(1, 3), oma = c(1,1,1,1))
stretchPlot(sm, main = "linear")
stretchPlot(sm, type = "hist.equal", main = "Histogram equalization")
stretchPlot(sm, type = "sd", n = 2, main = "Standard deviation (n = 2)")

plot of chunk stretchPlot


Basille, Mathieu, et al. Assessing habitat selection using multivariate statistics: Some refinements of the ecological-niche factor analysis. Ecological Modelling 211.1 (2008): 233-240.

Hirzel, Alexandre H., et al. Ecological-niche factor analysis: how to compute habitat-suitability maps without absence data?. Ecology 83.7 (2002): 2027-2036.