Shiny application supported
Numbers increased of included items, especialy the databases
Use github forum
Add parameter overwrite
in install.bioinfo
Add Opencpu, Shiny and Rstudio service in Docker container
Use ‘Setting’ module in Shiny application to manage the variables
Multiple resources file be supported
Adjust and set db, github, nongithub, web and docker in inst/extdata/config
Meta information of software and database be added in newly supported items
Decompress can be auto-recognized
Docker supported default is to write tempfile() now
Fixed a bug when set to FALSE. It can raise installed fail
ANNOVAR databases can be download using inst/extdata/databases/ANNOVAR.toml
Move databases toml file to inst/extdata/databases/
be supported (Don’t need download the source code again when it were download already)
Function docker.pull
be added to download and search docker repo
Function craw.all.versions
be added to crawl source code of all version (Sotwares or databases)
#R# CMD #R# marked the R CMD need to be runed
glue parse be supported
Softwares versions of github.cfg be fetched from github API
destdir and download.dir can be setted respectively
default is TRUE, show log infomation
clean tests files fail on windows (force = TRUE)