Bayesrel: Bayesian Reliability Estimation

Functionality for the most common single test reliability estimates is provided: Coefficient alpha, 'Guttman's' lambda-2/-4/-6, the greatest lower bound and coefficient omega. The Bayesian estimates are provided with credible intervals. The frequentist estimates are provided with bootstrapped confidence intervals The method for the Bayesian estimates, except for omega, is sampling from the posterior inverse 'Wishart' for the covariance matrix based measures. See 'Murphy' (2007) <>. In the case of omega it is 'Gibbs' Sampling from the joint conditional distributions of a single factor model. See 'Lee' (2007, <doi:10.1002/9780470024737>). The glb method is adjusted code from the 'Rcsdp' package by 'Hector Corrada Bravo', <>; lambda-4 is from 'Benton' (2015) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07503-7_19>; the principal factor analysis for the frequentist omega is from 'Schlegel' (2017) <>; and the analytic alpha interval is from 'Bonett' and 'Wright' (2014) <doi:10.1002/job.1960>.

Version: 0.6.1
Depends: R (≥ 2.10)
Imports: LaplacesDemon, Rcsdp, MASS, ggplot2, ggridges, lavaan, plotrix, coda, methods, stats, graphics, Rdpack
Suggests: testthat (≥ 2.1.0)
Published: 2020-03-04
Author: Julius M. Pfadt and Don van den Bergh
Maintainer: Julius M. Pfadt <julius.pfadt at>
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README
CRAN checks: Bayesrel results


Reference manual: Bayesrel.pdf
Package source: Bayesrel_0.6.1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: Bayesrel_0.6.1.tgz, r-oldrel: Bayesrel_0.6.1.tgz
Old sources: Bayesrel archive


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