v0.3.2 Clean up, test, rinse and repeat
Clean up old comments, add more tests…
- 100% code coverage
- min_possible_prevalence() is now much more efficient
- Improvements to overlay = “line” en PPV_heatmap(), now using {ggforce} for labels
- Changed color palette for NPV
- Tweaked color palette for PPV
v0.3.1 Testing, testing
Corrected issues raised in CRAN revision
- Reduced title to less than 65 characters
- Do not capitalize things in the Description text
- Added references to Description explaining main concepts
- Replaced cat() with message()
- Added folder parameter to PPV_diagnostic_vs_screening() and PPV_heatmap() functions
Added tests
- Added tests for all main functions
- Added codecov
v0.3.0 It, works?
Global clean-up
- No more global environment vars
- PPV and NPV working
- Passes all CRAN checks
v0.2.0 Somehow, sometimes works
Some improvements to stability
- Overlay works better
- Shiny app working
v0.1.0 It barely works
Initial release, includes 3 functions:
- PPV_heatmap.R: Plot PPV heatmaps
- PPV_diagnostic_vs_screening.R: Plot PPV for a diagnostic and a screening group
- min_possible_prevalence.R: Show minimum possible prevalence given the test characteristics