Please employ me.
I am M.D. in mathematics. My math paper will be published, in which I study Gromov-Hausdorff topology and some function space.
Now (2020 19 March), I am free and also a xxxxxxx. My xxxxxxx life has started cuz to escape from chemical substances, such as insecticide, syndet, softener, exhaust gas, petrochemical products …etc.
Please, employ me!
please, employ me….
This is not a Joke. Please …. ha … I want to … live in peace with clean air, water.
To show one of my skill, I made this package and up load to CRAN but, .. my life dose not change,,,
I suffer from Chemical Sensitivity (CS) and in my initiating toxicant is a synthetic detergent (i.e., syndet) named ooooo (I cannot say) made by some large company in Japan. I use it in job. My exposure begin irritant stimulus in my whole body. One month later from this exposure, my whole body has chronic inflammation causing fire in body and brain. My symptom make my quality of life to be much low.
In japan, there are famous three procedure is available to detect CS, i.e., tracking eye movement examination and pupllary function and Standing ability. Unfortunately, the author had positives for all examination at once. By Martin Pall, the mechanism of the reason why the inflammation is chronic is revealed. According to him, NO/ONOO- (pronouciation is NO!Oh,NO. cycle) is running by the toxicant and it is loop, thus another cycle is made, so it took a long time to recover from CS. As a detoxification in our body, there is the notion of conjugation. To help this, vitamin and minerals are recommended. Manufactures never accept the toxicity of their products such as syndet.
*In GUI, if the second row in the table is vanished, then ppp() failed,…. Why does such bug occur?? ha. I am tired. 2020 March 8
Drop down list for parameter selection of trace plot in GUI
FPF and TPF plot by mean and CI interval, the scatter plot is hard to see.
Bayes Factor
Mean and Conf. Interval representation for synthesized datasets in the scatter plot of ppp()
Reduce dependencies
Applying the central limit theorem,
\[d \log \Phi \in \text{Exponential family}?\] If not how we can approximate it by exponential family
cannot use, I regret, in my package my initial periods, I use summary
for extract estimates from stanfit
, which does not allow me to make generic function summary
for stanfitExtended
, since the code is overlapped and cause error.If x1(t),…,xn(t) are curves into plane, then we can define its mean curve
by x(t):= mean(x1,…,xn). Or use mean parameter over all readers to get modality-wise one.
I think, if number of readers are very large, then I guess such pooling will be required. 2020 Jan
I diseased from multiple chemical sensitivity which was very heavy, and, now, my body still a lot of prurigo nodularises, chronic inflammations. The initial toxicant is synthetic detergent (i.e., syndet). When I made this pkg, I hope programming and statistics save my life, but it dose not. Above me only sky.
Check Package –R CMD check additional options should be specified as following
--as-cran --run-donttest
the author noticed that he should use
`if (interactive()) { }`
BayesianFROC.Rcheck / BayesianFROC-Ex.R shows the example codes designated in #'@examples
uses \dontrun
instead \donttest
improves prior to get more uniformly distributed rank statistics of SBC
the following roxygen is not allowed and causes error on R CMD check.
#' @examples
# \dontrun{ <- as comment, not code
#' \donttest{
#}#dontrun <- as comment, not code
In case of a single reader and multiple modality case, an array of type, e.g., [3,1] is reduced to a vector of dimension 3 and it caused some error. So, the author fixed it.
The author had forgotten to adjust the number of lesions denoted by NL for the function ppp_srsc such that it reflects the number of hits. It caused the true positive fractions of fake datasets to calculates ppp are greater than 1. So, in this update, the author has fixed this.
2020 Jan
Non-hierarchical MRMC Model is introduced as a new model to avoid the divergent transition issues
2019 Oct 21
In oxygen comments, the following multiple line does not be allowed.
Moreover such multiple line cannot be detected by the R CMD check in my computer but in R CMD check in CRAN detects it. So the debug or find such multiple line is very hard to find because the error message never specify the information about such a location.
In .Rd files I should not use
or or any other. The reason is it cause unknown errors. The author struggled these unknown issues in several days. Because, the error is not appear in R CMD check in my computer but in CRAN auto check says the error that
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 Check: PDF version of manual, Result: WARNING LaTeX errors when creating PDF version. This typically indicates Rd problems. LaTeX errors found: ! Paragraph ended before was complete.
This error is very heavy to debug.
The statistical model and theory is significantly changed. The previous models are not generate models. To ensure the sum of hits is less than the number of lesions, we have to change the model and the author has changed so that the summation condition satisfies and hence we obtain the generative model so that the model generates the dataset of FROC trial.
The posterior predictive p values (ppp) is wrong in the previous release. Thus, in the current release, I ensure the ppp and fixed.
very correctly works!Made a ppp()
for Predictive Posterior P value and implement on the Shiny GUI in fit_GUI_Shiny()
For the only one modality case, I made a model to pool AUCs among readers.
I attempted to use rstantools::rstan_create_package("name")
but I failed. I am not so young, I do not want to waste a time to fix errors. head ache. no. ital.
2019 August 2
Revise the GUI of BayesianFROC::fit_GUI()
so that it is faster, and add more buttons in it.
Shiny based Graphical User Interface for fitting and estimates and drawing curve;
file is used
Develop theory, in particular, the author find some latent variable to determine the false alarm rate,
Provides a GUI via Shiny for single reader and single modality.
Provides posterior mean of chi square goodness of fit for MRMC case.
Fix the following inconsistent
model <- stan_model(
model_code = "parameters { real<lower = 0> y; }
transformed parameters { real<upper = -1> z = y; }"
fit <- sampling(model)
which cause the error
[1] "Error in sampler$call_sampler(args_list[[i]]) : Initialization failed."
Some Stan developer taught this in stack over flows, His answer is very plain, I appreciate him. He helps me many times, thank you.
In statistical perspective,
I use proper priors instead of improper priors which does not be shown yet in vignettes.
I export the null hypothesis test via Bayes factor. (The result is converse, why???)
Stan file had been changed from improper priors to proper priors.
Proper priors decrease WAIC for some dataset.
Fix English or Grammar in documents of manual and vignettes.
Fix errors.
2019.05.22 Revised.
Core R scripts is changed but Stan file is not changed essentially.
The aim of update is fix English or Grammar in documents of manual and vignettes.
I found [F7] key is useful for spell check of Rmd file.