BayesPostEst 0.2.1
- Added ‘stringsAsFactors = TRUE’ for new data.frame() default with R 4.0.0
BayesPostEst 0.2.0
- Added functions
and mcmcMargEff()
- Added corresponding website and static docs using pkgdown.
- Added function
. This function takes generalized objects and has the same functionality as mcmcRocPrc()
, which only works for jags objects currently. It should be noted that mcmcRocPrcGen()
works much more slowly than mcmcRocPrc()
. Future version aim to merge and improve upon these functions.
BayesPostEst 0.1.0
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
- Improved
speed by replacing imported ROCR functions with faster custom ROC and PR curve calculators. The test example with “fullsims = TRUE” should now take 2s or less to run instead of the previous 10-30s. (#25)
- Removed ROCR package from dependencies.
- Changed the
interface. Instead of pre-calculating several data matrices, the function now takes a fitted “rjags” object ([R2jags::jags()]) as input along with names of the dependent and independent variables that were used in the model.
BayesPostEst 0.0.1