Ball 1.3.9
- bcorsis can conveniently analyze category variables (e.g., GWAS datasets).
- Add permutation-free method for the Ball Divergence and Ball Covariance test (both only for constant weight now).
- Add variance (chi-square) weight for Ball Divergence test.
- Fix potential bugs in R version 4.0
Ball 1.3.8
- Improve the reproducibility and efficiency of multi-threading and change the default number of threads as the number of CPUs available.
- Improve the computational efficiency of the KBD test.
Ball 1.3.7
- Modify ambiguous arguments of bcov.test, bd.test, bcorsis
- Modify document
Ball 1.3.6
- Formula interface for bd.test and bcov.test
- Optimize the package dependency
Ball 1.3.5
- Faster implementation of mutual independence test
- Multi-thread support for the test of mutual independence
- Modify document
Ball 1.3.0
- Add a KBD statistic designed for detecting the distribution distinction when a part of group distributions are identical. (setting kbd.type = “maxsum”)
- OPENMP based Multi-thread support for KBD
- Optimized OPENMP parallelism
Ball 1.2.0
- Speed up feature screening.
- Speed up mutual independence test.
- Another K-sample test statistic (setting kbd.type = “max”) is implemented. It is good at detecting the distribution distinction when a part of group distributions are identical.
- Add component in the output list of bcov.test, bd.test and bcorsis such that user not need to re-run them when user want to obtain the test of result of different statistics.
Ball 1.1.0
- Bug fix
- OPENMP based Multi-thread support for bd.test and bcov.test
- Speed up feature screening for survival data
- Implement Angular metric for compositional data
Ball 1.0.0