BaTFLED is a machine learning algorithm designed to make predictions and determine interactions in data that varies along three independent modes. For example BaTFLED was developed to predict the growth of cell lines when treated with drugs at different doses. The first mode corresponds to cell lines and incorporates predictors such as cell line genomics and growth conditions. The second mode corresponds to drugs and incorporates predictors indicating known targets and structural features. The third mode corresponds to dose and there are no dose-specific predictors (although the algorithm is capable of including predictors for the third mode if present).
BaTFLED assumes a generative model where matrices of predictors are multiplied through projection matrices to form latent representations of the input data. These latent representations vectors are analogous to principal component vectors. Matrices containing the latent vectors are combined to form the response tensor which, in this case, are measures of the growth of cell lines after treatment with different drugs at different doses.
The algorithm learns distributions on values in the projection matrices and latent matrices using a Bayesian framework. Prior distributions on the projection matrices can encourage a sparse representation of the input data. Values in the model are learned through variational approximation which maximizes a lower bound on the posterior likelihood by iteratively updating values in the model. This process is deterministic given a random initialization and update ordering.
This document will walk through the use of BaTFLED on a small simulated dataset.
First we check for installation of necessary packages, install them if necessary and load them.
# Set up backend for parallel execution
cores <- 1
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
clust <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
} else doMC::registerDoMC(cores)
Next we generate simulated data according to the assumed generative model which we will try to reconstruct using BaTFLED. Many aspects of model building can be adjusted, use ?get_data_params
to see them.
args <- list('decomp=Tucker', # Should be either CP or Tucker factorization
'm1.rows=20', 'm1.cols=80', # Dimensions of input matrices
'm2.rows=25', 'm2.cols=100',
'm3.rows=5', 'm3.cols=0',
'A1.intercept=T', # Add intercepts to projection matrices
'H1.intercept=T', # Add intercepts to latent matrices
'm1.true=8', # Number of predictors affecting output
'R1=4', 'R2=4', 'R3=4', # Core dimension
'core.spar=0.5', # Amount of sparsity in the core [0-1], 1=no sparsity
'' # Amount of Gaussian noise added to responses
data.params <- get_data_params(args)
toy <- mk_toy(data.params)
The toy
list contains the input matrices (mode1.X
, mode2.X
and mode3.X
), the sparse projection matrices (mode1.A
, mode2.A
and mode3.A
), the latent matrices (mode1.H
, mode2.H
and mode3.H
), the core tensor (core
if a 'Tucker' decomposition is used) and the response tensor (resp
). The matrices and slices of the tensors can be view using im_mat()
. Note that there are normally some patterns visible in the response tensor.
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,2,2), mgp=c(1,1,1))
im_mat(toy$mode1.X, main='Mode 1 X', ylab='Samples', xlab='Predictors')
im_mat(toy$mode1.A, main='Mode 1 A', ylab='Predictors', xlab='Latent factors')
im_mat(toy$mode1.H, main='Mode 1 H', ylab='Samples', xlab='Constant + latent factors')
im_mat(toy$resp[,,1], main='Slice of response tensor',
xlab='Mode 2 samples', ylab='Mode 1 samples')
Now that we've built a model, let's see if we can get BaTFLED to learn the values in the projection and latent matrices and the core tensor given just the input data and responses. We separate two of the 'samples' from modes 1 and 2 to be used as test data and form input_data
objects. We also set a percentage of training responses to NA
to be used for 'warm start' testing. If the X
matrices contain constants they are removed since these is optionally added during training. <- input_data$new(
mode1.X=toy$mode1.X[-c(1,2), !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode1.X))],
mode2.X=toy$mode2.X[-c(1,2), !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode2.X))],
mode3.X=toy$mode3.X[, !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode3.X))],
# Remove 'warm.per' percent of responses to be used as 'warm' test data
warm.per <- 0.05
warm.idx <- sample(1:prod(dim($resp)), prod(dim($resp))*warm.per)
warm.resp <-$resp[sort(warm.idx)]$resp[warm.idx] <- NA$delta[warm.idx] <- 0 <- input_data$new(
mode1.X=toy$mode1.X[c(1,2), !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode1.X))],
mode2.X=toy$mode2.X[-c(1,2), !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode2.X))],
mode3.X=toy$mode3.X[, !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode3.X))],
resp=toy$resp[c(1,2),-c(1,2),]) <- input_data$new(
mode1.X=toy$mode1.X[-c(1,2), !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode1.X))],
mode2.X=toy$mode2.X[c(1,2), !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode2.X))],
mode3.X=toy$mode3.X[, !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode3.X))],
resp=toy$resp[-c(1,2),c(1,2),]) <- input_data$new(
mode1.X=toy$mode1.X[c(1,2), !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode1.X))],
mode2.X=toy$mode2.X[c(1,2), !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode2.X))],
mode3.X=toy$mode3.X[, !grepl('const', colnames(toy$mode3.X))],
To train BaTFLED we create and initialize a model
object. Again there are a lot of parameters to specify, a subset of which are indicated below. To see all available parameters, their descriptions and defaults run ?get_model_params
. Note: decomp=CP is not currently implmented.
args <- list('decomp=Tucker', 'row.share=T',
'A1.intercept=T', 'A2.intercept=T', 'A3.intercept=F',
'H1.intercept=T', 'H2.intercept=T', 'H3.intercept=T',
'plot=F', 'verbose=F',
'R1=4', 'R2=4', 'R3=4',
'm1.alpha=1e-10', 'm2.alpha=1e-10', 'm3.alpha=1',
'm1.beta=1e10', 'm2.beta=1e10', 'm3.beta=1',
'core.0D.alpha=1', 'core.0D.beta=1',
'core.1D.alpha=1e-4', 'core.1D.beta=1e4',
'core.2D.alpha=1e-8', 'core.2D.beta=1e8',
'core.3D.alpha=1e-12', 'core.3D.beta=1e12',
'parallel=T', 'cores=1', 'lower.bnd=T',
'update.order=c(3,1,2)', 'show.mode=c(1,2,3)')
model.params <- get_model_params(args)
model <- mk_model(, model.params)
## [1] "** Initialization complete **"
is an R6
object containing A mean matrices (ex. model$mode1.A.mean
), A covariance arrays (ex. model$mode1.A.cov
), H mean and variance matrices (ex. model$mode1.H.mean
and model$mode1.H.var
), arrays for the core mean and variance (model$core.mean
and model$core.var
), an array of predicted responses (model$resp
) and parameters for the prior distributions. Initially these are random values sampled from Gaussian distributions.
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,2,2), mgp=c(1,0,5))
im_mat(model$mode1.A.mean, main='Mode 1 A mean', xlab='Latent factors', ylab='Predictors')
im_mat(model$mode2.A.mean, main='Mode 2 A mean', xlab='Latent factors', ylab='Predictors')
im_mat(model$mode3.H.mean, main='Mode 3 H mean', xlab='Latent factors', ylab='Samples')
im_mat(model$core.mean[,,1], main='Core mean', xlab='mode 2 latent', ylab='Mode 1 latent')
We're now ready to train the BaTFLED model. If params$plot=TRUE
the predictions and some of the learned matrices will be displayed during training. You can adjust which A and H matrices are displayed by changing params$show.mode
. The observed response values for the 'warm' data are set to zero, so they appear along a vertical line in the first plot. You may want to adjust the number of cores
depending on how many processors you have on your machine and the number of iterations run reps
. With 50 iterations a Tucker decomposition can take about 10-15 minutes.
reps <- 5
# Data frame to store RMSEs & explained variances for test data while training
test.results <- numeric(0)
trained <- model$clone()
for(i in 1:reps) {
train(, m=trained, params=model.params)
# Get cold results
test.results <- test_results(m=trained,, test.results=test.results,
# Stop cluster (if using parallel package)
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") parallel::stopCluster(clust)
Now that the model has been trained, let's compare the learned matrices to the generating toy
model. Since the latent factors (columns of the A & H matrices) can be permuted or scaled without changing predictions, the function im_2_mat
scales and reorders columns of the two matrices and tries to match the latent factors. The new ordering for the second matrix is returned (with negatives indicating negative scaling) so that it can be used to order the core.
par(mfrow=c(3,4), mar=c(2,2,2,2))
im_2_mat(toy$mode1.A, trained$mode1.A.mean, main1='Mode 1 A true', main2='Mode 1 A learned')
m1.H.order <- im_2_mat(toy$mode1.H[-(1:2),], trained$mode1.H.mean,
main1='Mode 1 H true', main2='Mode 1 H learned')
im_2_mat(toy$mode2.A, trained$mode2.A.mean, main1='Mode 2 A true', main2='Mode 2 A learned')
m2.H.order <- im_2_mat(toy$mode2.H[-(1:2),], trained$mode2.H.mean,
main1='Mode 2 H true', main2='Mode 2 H learned')
m3.H.order <- im_2_mat(toy$mode3.H, trained$mode3.H.mean,
main1='Mode 3 H true', main2='Mode 3 H learned')
if(model.params$decomp=='Tucker') {
core.reorder <- trained$core.mean[abs(m1.H.order), abs(m2.H.order), abs(m3.H.order)]
core.reorder <- core.reorder * outer(sign(m1.H.order), outer(sign(m2.H.order), sign(m3.H.order)))
im_2_mat(toy$core[,,1], core.reorder[,,1], sort=F, center=T, scale='all',
main1='Core slice true', main2='Core slice learned')
To quantify how well BaTFLED has chosen predictors we can generate receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for each of the modes with predictors. Predictors are 'chosen' if the sum of squared values in the corresponding row of the scaled A matrix is large.
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(3,3,2,2), mgp=c(2,1,0))
plot_roc(toy$mode1.A, trained$mode1.A.mean, main='Mode 1')
plot_roc(toy$mode2.A, trained$mode2.A.mean, main='Mode 2')
BaTFLED optionally stores values of the lower bound (lower.bnd
), root mean squared error (RMSE
), explained variation (exp.var
), Pearson correlation (p.cor
) and Spearman correlation (s.cor
) for training data.
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(3,3,2,2), mgp=c(2,1,0))
if(model.params$lower.bnd) plot(trained$lower.bnd, main='Lower bound')
if(model.params$RMSE) plot(trained$RMSE, main='Training RMSE')
if(model.params$exp.var) plot(trained$exp.var, main='Training explained variation')
if(model.params$cor) plot(trained$s.cor, main='Spearman correlation')
Also the test.results
object in the training loop has stored results for the test data which can be plotted with the functions below.
plot_test_RMSE(test.results, main="Test RMSEs")
plot_test_exp_var(test.results, main="Test explained variances")
plot_test_cor(test.results, main="Pearson correlation")
plot_test_cor(test.results, main="Spearman correlation", method='spearman')