NEWS | R Documentation |
Bugfix release correction numeric/odeint/stepper/... renaming
Applied the standard minimal patch with required changes, as well as the newer changeset for diagnostics pragma suppression.
No longer install filesystem _explicitly_ though some files are carried in (#55)
Upgraded to Boost 1.69.0 (plus the few local tweaks)
Applied the standard minimal patch with required changes, as well as the newer changeset for diagnostics pragma suppression.
Following a pre-release in December, maintainers of three packages affected by the 1.66 to 1.69 were contacted, and changes were prepared.
Upgraded to Boost 1.64 and then 1.65 installed directly from upstream source with several minor tweaks (as before)
Fourth tweak corrects a misplaced curly brace (see the Boost ublas GitHub repo and its issue #40)
Added Boost multiprecision by fixing a script typo (as requested in #42)
Updated Travis CI support via newer
Upgraded to Boost 1.62 installed directly from upstream source
Added Boost property_tree as requested in #29 by Aydin Demircioglu
Added Boost scope_exit as requested in #30 by Kirill Mueller
Added Boost atomic which we had informally added since 1.58.0
Upgraded to Boost 1.60 installed directly from upstream source
Upgraded to Boost 1.58 installed directly from upstream source
Added Boost multiprecision as requested in GH ticket #12 based on rcpp-devel request by Jordi Molins Coronado
Added Boost graph requested in GH ticket #9 by Dirk for RcppStreams
Added Boost fusion requested in GH ticket #7 by Dirk for RcppStreams
Upgraded to Boost 1.55 once again from the Debian tarball
Added Boost geometry requested in GH ticket #5 by 'teramonagi'
Added Boost circular_buffer requested by Ben Goodrich for rstan
Added Boost heap library which will be needed by the next version of RcppMLPACK
Bug fix to lexical_cast.hpp
which now uses the test for
INT128 which the rest of Boost uses, consistent with Boost 1.55 too.
Upgraded to Boost 1.54.0
Adjust build script local/script/
Renamed generation_runge_kutta_cash_karp54_classic.hpp
to generation_runge_kutta_cash_karp54_cl.hpp
to remain within
100-character limit for tar
; also adjust corresponding
in numeric/odeint/stepper/generation.hpp
Rewritten main package creation script to no longer scan for what bigmemory and synchronicity use, but rather explicitly copy over an (equivalent) list of explicitly-enumerated Boost libraries
Repository moved from R-Forge to GitHub, scripts and layout adjusted accordingly
Besides the implicitly expanded coverage by including the complete libraries, we also expanded from math/doc/html/dist.html to all of math.
Expanded Boost coverage by adding Boost packages foreach, statistical distributions, and iostreams. This addresses, respectively, R-Forge issue tickets 2527, 2533 and 2768.
The package can now also be used to compile CRAN package ExactNumCI and rcppbugs.
First CRAN upload
The package can be used to build bigmemory and RcppBDT as it already contains significant portions of Boost libraries algorithm, bind, concept, config, container, date_time, detail, exceptions, filesystem, functional, interprocess, intrusive, iterator, math, mpl, numeric, preprocessor, random, range, smart_ptr, type_traits, unordered.