To cite BGVAR in publications please use:
Böck M, Feldkircher M, Huber F (2020). BGVAR: Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressions with Shrinkage Priors in R.
To cite the current version of BGVAR please use:
Böck M, Feldkircher M, Huber F (2020). BGVAR: Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressions with Shrinkage Priors in R. R package version 2.0.1,
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Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Manual{, title = {{BGVAR}: {B}ayesian Global Vector Autoregressions with Shrinkage Priors in {R}}, author = {Maximilian Böck and Martin Feldkircher and Florian Huber}, year = {2020}, }
@Manual{, title = {{BGVAR}: {B}ayesian Global Vector Autoregressions with Shrinkage Priors in {R}}, author = {Maximilian Böck and Martin Feldkircher and Florian Huber}, year = {2020}, note = {{R} package version 2.0.1}, url = {}, }