To cite package 'BENMMI' in publications use:
Dennis Walvoort [aut, cre], Willem van Loon [aut, cph] (2019). Benthic Multi-Metric Index. R package version 4.3-6.
Willem van Loon, Dennis Walvoort, Gert van Hoey, Christina Vina-Herbon, Abigayil Blandon, Roland Pesch, Petra Schmidt, Jorg Scholle, Karin Heyer, Marc Lavaleye, Graham Philips, Gerard Duineveld, Mats Blomqvist, 2018. A regional benthic fauna assessment method for the Southern North Sea using Margalef diversity and reference value modelling Ecological Indicators 89:667-679.
The first citation refers to the BENMMI-package, the second citation to the methodology implemented in the BENMMI-package.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Manual{, title = {Benthic Multi-Metric Index}, author = {Dennis Walvoort and Willem {van Loon}}, year = {2019}, note = {R package version 4.3-6}, url = {}, }
@Article{, title = {A regional benthic fauna assessment method for the Southern North Sea using Margalef diversity and reference value modelling}, author = {Willem {van Loon} and Dennis Walvoort and Gert {van Hoey} and Christina Herbon and Abigayil Blandon and Roland Pesch and Petra Schmidt and Jorg Scholle and Karin Heyer and Marc Lavaleye and Graham Philips and Gerard Duineveld and Mats Blomqvist}, journal = {Ecological Indicators}, year = {2018}, volume = {89}, pages = {667-679}, }