Andromeda is part of HADES.
AsynchroNous Disk-based Representation of MassivE DAta (ANDROMEDA): An R package for storing large data objects. Andromeda allow storing data objects on a local drive, while still making it possible to manipulate the data in an efficient manner.
bigData <- andromeda()
# Add some 'big' data:
bigData$cars <- cars
# Manipulate using dplyr:
bigData$cars %>% filter(speed > 10) %>% count() %>% collect()
# # A tibble: 1 x 1
# n
# <int>
# 1 41
saveAndromeda(bigData, "")
The Andromeda package is an R package wrapped around RSQlite.
Running the package requires R.
To install the latest development version, install from GitHub:
Documentation can be found on the package website.
PDF versions of the documentation are also available: * Vignette: Using Andromeda * Package manual: Andromeda manual
Read here how you can contribute to this package.
Andromeda is licensed under Apache License 2.0
Andromeda is being developed in R Studio.
Beta. Use at your own risk.