AdhereR 0.6.1

Moves the dependency on the rsvg package from being required to suggested, as apparently it is not available on all platforms; now, if rsvg is not available, exporting the plot falls back on the base R plotting system.

AdhereR 0.6

New features

AdhereR 0.5

New features

Bug fixes


AdhereR 0.4.1

Bug fixes

AdhereR 0.4

New features

Bug fixes

AdhereR 0.3.1

Bug fixes

AdhereR 0.3

Small features and bug fixes

Allow AdhereR to use databases

AdhereR can access data (read and write) stored in various types of databases, ranging from “classic” relational databases (such as MySQL and SQLite) to new approaches (such as Apache’s Hadoop). This allows the seamless processing of very large datasets across many types of architectures, ranging from a consumer-grade laptop to large heterogeneous computer clusers, without loading the dataset in memory. Even interactive plotting is now capable of accessing data stored using various engines in real-time by allowing the user to define accessor functions that implement the details of this access (e.g., use SQL queries for accessing data stored in a classic relational database).

A new vignette (Using AdhereR with various database technologies for processing very large datasets) gives all the needed details, including actual code, for running AdhereR on relational databases (using either explicit SQL or implicitely through dbplyr) and on Apache Hadoop (using RHadoop for access to HDFS and MapReduce). (Please note that this vignette is pre-compiled due to its requirements in terms of thrid-party software such as MySQL and Apache Hadoop.)

New function to compute event durations from prescription, dispensing, and hospitalization data

Computation of CMAs requires a supply duration for medications dispensed to patients. If medications are not supplied for fixed durations but as a quantity that may last for various durations based on the prescribed dose, the supply duration has to be calculated based on dispensed and prescribed doses. Treatments may be interrupted and resumed at later times, for which existing supplies may or may not be taken into account. Patients may be hospitalized or incarcerated, and may not use their own supplies during these periods. The new function compute_event_durations calculates the supply durations, taking into account the aforementioned situations and offering parameters for flexible adjustments.

New function to compute time to initiation

The period between the first prescription event and the first dose administration may impact health outcomes differently than omitting doses once on treatment or interrupting medication for longer periods of time. Primary non-adherence (not acquiring the first prescription) or delayed initiation may have a negative impact on health outcomes. The new function time_to_initiation calculates the time between the first prescription and the first dispensing event, taking into account multiple variables to differentiate between treatments.

AdhereR 0.2.1

Optimisations, small features, and bug fixes

Shiny interactive plotting

While the original interactive plotting using RStudio’s manipulate() function was useful, it had several limitations (dependence on RStudio, interface design, etc.), prompting a massive rewritting of the interactive plotting system using Shiny. The old manipulate() method is still available, but the new one based on Shiny offers multiple advantages, such as running in any modern web browser and even on a remote machine.

Using AdhereR from outside R (e.g., from Python 3)

AdhereR is now tansparently callable from other programs/platforms than R using a very simple, transparent and portable mechanism. To illustrate the full process, we implemented a fully functional reference implementation allowing AdhereR to be transparently used from Python 3, implementation consisting of a Python module adherer included with the AhdereR package (thus it does not need separate installation through pip or similar mechanisms) that automatically detects where R is installed and exposes a class hierarchy that can be used in Python scripts or programs. Full details are available in the new calling-AdhereR-from-python3 vignette.

AdhereR 0.1.0

This is the initial release. Please see and the accompanying paper for details:

Dima AL, Dediu D (2017). Computation of adherence to medication and visualization of medication histories in R with AdhereR: Towards transparent and reproducible use of electronic healthcare data. PLoS ONE, 12(4): e0174426. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0174426