CRAN Package Check Results for Package iMRMC

Last updated on 2020-08-07 01:49:49 CEST.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 1.2.2 4.45 29.45 33.90 OK
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 1.2.2 3.41 22.70 26.11 OK
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 1.2.2 47.81 OK
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 1.2.2 39.18 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.2.2 12.00 53.00 65.00 ERROR
r-patched-linux-x86_64 1.2.2 3.18 29.14 32.32 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 1.2.2 58.70 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 1.2.2 3.73 28.96 32.69 OK
r-release-macos-x86_64 1.2.2 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.2.2 13.00 76.00 89.00 ERROR
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 1.2.2 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.2.2 7.00 66.00 73.00 OK

Check Details

Version: 1.2.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [12s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > testthat::test_check("iMRMC")
     Loading required package: iMRMC
     -- 1. Failure: createIMRMCdf and undoIMRMCdf work as expected (@test_createANDun
     `saveResult` not equal to `result`.
     Component "perReader": Component "readerID": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     NR N0 N1 modalityA modalityB UstatOrMLE AUCA varAUCA AUCB
     1 5 40 40 testA NO_MOD Ustat 0.704375 0.006313930 NA
     2 5 40 40 testB NO_MOD Ustat 0.758500 0.002372053 NA
     3 5 40 40 testA testB Ustat 0.704375 0.006313930 0.7585
     1 NA
     2 NA
     3 0.002372053
     NR N0 N1 modalityA modalityB UstatOrMLE AUCAminusAUCB varAUCAminusAUCB
     1 5 40 40 testA NO_MOD Ustat NA NA
     2 5 40 40 testB NO_MOD Ustat NA NA
     3 5 40 40 testA testB Ustat -0.054125 0.004989509
     NR N0 N1 modalityA modalityB UstatOrMLE dfBDG pValueBDG botCIBDG
     1 5 40 40 testA NO_MOD Ustat 6.805222 4.221892e-02 0.5099428
     2 5 40 40 testB NO_MOD Ustat 27.408388 1.334002e-05 0.6585682
     3 5 40 40 testA testB Ustat 7.350070 4.685760e-01 -0.2211537
     topCIBDG rejectBDG
     1 0.8988072 1
     2 0.8584318 1
     3 0.1129037 0
     Elapsed time: 0.37 0.01 2.51
     -- 2. Failure: doIMRMC does not change (@test_doIMRMC.R#74) -------------------
     `saveResult` not equal to `result`.
     Component "perReader": Component "readerID": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     -- 3. Failure: doIMRMC given fileName does not change (@test_doIMRMCfromFile.R#4
     `saveResult` not equal to `result`.
     Component "perReader": Component "readerID": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     [1] ""
     modality A mean shift, neg = 0.07790319
     modality A mean shift, pos = 0.9135697
     modality B mean shift, neg = -0.1750383
     modality B mean shift, pos = 0.8659156
     'data.frame': 880 obs. of 4 variables:
     $ readerID : Factor w/ 6 levels "-1","reader1",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
     $ caseID : Ord.factor w/ 80 levels "negCase1"<"negCase2"<..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
     $ modalityID: Factor w/ 3 levels "truth","testA",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
     $ score : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
     A B AminusB
     0.91356967 0.86591565 0.04765402
     A B AminusB
     0.04841548 0.02890617 0.03198493
     A B AminusB
     0.91356967 0.86591565 0.04765402
     A B AminusB
     0.04841548 0.02890617 0.03198493
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.04765402 -0.04765402 0.09530804
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.03198493 0.03198493 0.12793972
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.04765402 -0.04765402 0.09530804
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.03198493 0.03198493 0.12793972
     A B AminusB
     1.19898868 1.14801549 0.05097319
     A B AminusB
     0.016959055 0.028111288 -0.001846576
     A B AminusB
     1.19898868 1.14801549 0.05097319
     A B AminusB
     -0.004502460 0.006985771 -0.006778559
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.0005571069 -0.0005571069 0.0011142137
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.02589141 0.02589141 0.10356564
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.0005571069 -0.0005571069 0.0011142137
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.01610192 0.01610192 0.06440770
     == testthat results ===========================================================
     [ OK: 12 | SKIPPED: 0 | WARNINGS: 0 | FAILED: 3 ]
     1. Failure: createIMRMCdf and undoIMRMCdf work as expected (@test_createANDundoIMRMCdf.R#60)
     2. Failure: doIMRMC does not change (@test_doIMRMC.R#74)
     3. Failure: doIMRMC given fileName does not change (@test_doIMRMCfromFile.R#45)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 1.2.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [17s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > testthat::test_check("iMRMC")
     Loading required package: iMRMC
     -- 1. Failure: createIMRMCdf and undoIMRMCdf work as expected (@test_createANDun
     `saveResult` not equal to `result`.
     Component "perReader": Component "readerID": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     NR N0 N1 modalityA modalityB UstatOrMLE AUCA varAUCA AUCB
     1 5 40 40 testA NO_MOD Ustat 0.704375 0.006313930 NA
     2 5 40 40 testB NO_MOD Ustat 0.758500 0.002372053 NA
     3 5 40 40 testA testB Ustat 0.704375 0.006313930 0.7585
     1 NA
     2 NA
     3 0.002372053
     NR N0 N1 modalityA modalityB UstatOrMLE AUCAminusAUCB varAUCAminusAUCB
     1 5 40 40 testA NO_MOD Ustat NA NA
     2 5 40 40 testB NO_MOD Ustat NA NA
     3 5 40 40 testA testB Ustat -0.054125 0.004989509
     NR N0 N1 modalityA modalityB UstatOrMLE dfBDG pValueBDG botCIBDG
     1 5 40 40 testA NO_MOD Ustat 6.805222 4.221892e-02 0.5099428
     2 5 40 40 testB NO_MOD Ustat 27.408388 1.334002e-05 0.6585682
     3 5 40 40 testA testB Ustat 7.350070 4.685760e-01 -0.2211537
     topCIBDG rejectBDG
     1 0.8988072 1
     2 0.8584318 1
     3 0.1129037 0
     Elapsed time: 0.38 0 3.26
     -- 2. Failure: doIMRMC does not change (@test_doIMRMC.R#74) -------------------
     `saveResult` not equal to `result`.
     Component "perReader": Component "readerID": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     -- 3. Failure: doIMRMC given fileName does not change (@test_doIMRMCfromFile.R#4
     `saveResult` not equal to `result`.
     Component "perReader": Component "readerID": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "perReader": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "Ustat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityA": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "modalityB": 'current' is not a factor
     Component "MLEstat": Component "UstatOrMLE": 'current' is not a factor
     [1] ""
     modality A mean shift, neg = 0.07790319
     modality A mean shift, pos = 0.9135697
     modality B mean shift, neg = -0.1750383
     modality B mean shift, pos = 0.8659156
     'data.frame': 880 obs. of 4 variables:
     $ readerID : Factor w/ 6 levels "-1","reader1",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
     $ caseID : Ord.factor w/ 80 levels "negCase1"<"negCase2"<..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
     $ modalityID: Factor w/ 3 levels "truth","testA",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
     $ score : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
     A B AminusB
     0.91356967 0.86591565 0.04765402
     A B AminusB
     0.04841548 0.02890617 0.03198493
     A B AminusB
     0.91356967 0.86591565 0.04765402
     A B AminusB
     0.04841548 0.02890617 0.03198493
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.04765402 -0.04765402 0.09530804
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.03198493 0.03198493 0.12793972
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.04765402 -0.04765402 0.09530804
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.03198493 0.03198493 0.12793972
     A B AminusB
     1.19898868 1.14801549 0.05097319
     A B AminusB
     0.016959055 0.028111288 -0.001846576
     A B AminusB
     1.19898868 1.14801549 0.05097319
     A B AminusB
     -0.004502460 0.006985771 -0.006778559
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.0005571069 -0.0005571069 0.0011142137
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.02589141 0.02589141 0.10356564
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.0005571069 -0.0005571069 0.0011142137
     AminusB CminusD AminusB.minus.CminusD
     0.01610192 0.01610192 0.06440770
     == testthat results ===========================================================
     [ OK: 12 | SKIPPED: 0 | WARNINGS: 0 | FAILED: 3 ]
     1. Failure: createIMRMCdf and undoIMRMCdf work as expected (@test_createANDundoIMRMCdf.R#60)
     2. Failure: doIMRMC does not change (@test_doIMRMC.R#74)
     3. Failure: doIMRMC given fileName does not change (@test_doIMRMCfromFile.R#45)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64