Last updated on 2020-08-07 01:49:41 CEST.
Flavor | Version | Tinstall | Tcheck | Ttotal | Status | Flags |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang | 0.9.0 | 3.03 | 93.03 | 96.06 | ERROR | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc | 0.9.0 | 2.30 | 75.26 | 77.56 | OK | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang | 0.9.0 | 124.72 | OK | |||
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc | 0.9.0 | 207.00 | OK | |||
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 | 0.9.0 | 11.00 | 153.00 | 164.00 | OK | |
r-patched-linux-x86_64 | 0.9.0 | 2.90 | 95.86 | 98.76 | OK | |
r-patched-solaris-x86 | 0.9.0 | 54.90 | OK | --no-tests | ||
r-release-linux-x86_64 | 0.9.0 | 3.09 | 96.20 | 99.29 | OK | |
r-release-macos-x86_64 | 0.9.0 | OK | ||||
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 | 0.9.0 | 10.00 | 286.00 | 296.00 | OK | |
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 | 0.9.0 | OK | ||||
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 | 0.9.0 | 4.00 | 237.00 | 241.00 | OK |
Version: 0.9.0
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running 'DEPRECATED.R' [1s/1s]
Running 'cluster-missing-doFuture-pkg.R' [1s/3s]
Running 'doRNG,dopar.R' [3s/7s]
Running 'doRNG,dorng.R' [6s/12s]
Running 'foreach,errors.R' [8s/24s]
Running 'foreach,globals.R' [7s/18s]
Running 'foreach,nested.R' [9s/31s]
Running 'foreach,nested_dopar.R' [18s/57s]
Running 'foreach.R' [3s/8s]
Running 'future.BatchJobs.R' [1s/1s]
Running 'future.batchtools.R' [1s/1s]
Running 'options.R' [3s/7s]
Running 'registerDoFuture.R' [2s/7s]
Running 'times.R' [3s/8s]
Running 'zzz_opt-in,NMF.R' [0s/1s]
Running 'zzz_opt-in,TSP.R' [0s/1s]
Running 'zzz_opt-in,caret.R' [0s/1s]
Running 'zzz_opt-in,foreach.R' [0s/1s]
Running 'zzz_opt-in,glmnet.R' [0s/0s]
Running 'zzz_opt-in,plyr.R' [0s/1s]
Running the tests in 'tests/foreach,globals.R' failed.
Complete output:
> source("incl/start.R")
Loading required package: globals
Loading required package: future
Loading required package: foreach
Loading required package: iterators
Loading required package: parallel
[23:16:05.404] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:05.405] List of future strategies:
[23:16:05.405] 1. sequential:
[23:16:05.405] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.405] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:05.405] - call: future::plan(future::sequential)
[23:16:05.407] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
> strategies <- future:::supportedStrategies()
> strategies <- setdiff(strategies, "multiprocess")
> message("*** doFuture - explicitly exported globals ...")
*** doFuture - explicitly exported globals ...
> message("- Globals manually specified as named list - also with '...' ...")
- Globals manually specified as named list - also with '...' ...
> x <- 1:3
> y_truth <- lapply(1:2, FUN = function(i) x[c(i, 2:3)])
> str(y_truth)
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
> for (strategy in strategies) {
+ message(sprintf("- plan('%s') ...", strategy))
+ plan(strategy)
+ ## (a) automatic
+ sub <- function(x, ...) {
+ foreach(i = 1:2) %dopar% { x[c(i, ...)] }
+ }
+ y <- sub(x, 2:3)
+ str(y)
+ stopifnot(identical(y, y_truth))
+ ## (b) explicit and with '...'
+ sub <- function(x, ...) {
+ foreach(i = 1:2, .export = c("x", "...")) %dopar% { x[c(i, ...)] }
+ }
+ y <- sub(x, 2:3)
+ str(y)
+ stopifnot(identical(y, y_truth))
+ ## (c) with '...', but not last
+ sub <- function(x, ...) {
+ foreach(i = 1:2, .export = c("...", "x")) %dopar% { x[c(i, ...)] }
+ }
+ y <- sub(x, 2:3)
+ str(y)
+ stopifnot(identical(y, y_truth))
+ ## (d) explicit, but forgotten '...'
+ sub <- function(x, ...) {
+ foreach(i = 1:2, .export = c("x")) %dopar% { x[c(i, ...)] }
+ }
+ y <- tryCatch(sub(x, 2:3), error = identity)
+ str(y)
+ stopifnot((strategy %in% c(c("cluster", "multisession")) && inherits(y, "simpleError")) || identical(y, y_truth))
+ message(sprintf("- plan('%s') ... DONE", strategy))
+ } ## for (strategy ...)
- plan('sequential') ...
[23:16:05.507] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:05.508] List of future strategies:
[23:16:05.508] 1. sequential:
[23:16:05.508] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.508] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:05.508] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:05.545] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:05.546] doFuture() ...
[23:16:05.548] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:05.550] - R expression:
[23:16:05.550] {
[23:16:05.550] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:05.550] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:05.550] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:05.550] i <- NULL
[23:16:05.550] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:05.550] local({
[23:16:05.550] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:05.550] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:05.550] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:05.550] }
[23:16:05.550] })
[23:16:05.550] tryCatch({
[23:16:05.550] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:05.550] }, error = identity)
[23:16:05.550] })
[23:16:05.550] }
[23:16:05.551] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:05.554] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.554] Searching for globals...
[23:16:05.589] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:05.590] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:05.590] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:05.591] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:05.591] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:05.596] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:05.596] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:05.597] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.597] List of 3
[23:16:05.597] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:05.597] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:05.597] $ of 1
[23:16:05.597] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:05.597] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:05.597] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:05.597] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x3551728>
[23:16:05.597] ..$ x :<environment: 0x247c250>
[23:16:05.597] ..$<environment: 0x247c250>
[23:16:05.597] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:05.597] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:05.597] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:05.612] - R expression:
[23:16:05.612] {
[23:16:05.612] {
[23:16:05.612] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:05.612] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:05.612] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:05.612] i <- NULL
[23:16:05.612] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:05.612] local({
[23:16:05.612] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:05.612] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:05.612] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:05.612] }
[23:16:05.612] })
[23:16:05.612] tryCatch({
[23:16:05.612] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:05.612] }, error = identity)
[23:16:05.612] })
[23:16:05.612] }, args =
[23:16:05.612] }
[23:16:05.613] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:05.613] List of 3
[23:16:05.613] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:05.613] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:05.613] $ of 1
[23:16:05.613] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:05.613] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:05.613] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:05.613] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x3551728>
[23:16:05.613] ..$ x :<environment: 0x247c250>
[23:16:05.613] ..$<environment: 0x247c250>
[23:16:05.613] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:05.613] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:05.613] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:05.633] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:05.634] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:05.635] Number of chunks: 1
[23:16:05.636] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 1
[23:16:05.637] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:05.637] Chunk #1 of 1 ...
[23:16:05.638] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:05.638] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.638] Searching for globals...
[23:16:05.640] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:05.640] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:05.641] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.642] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:05.643] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.643] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:05.644] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:05.645] The total size of the 3 globals is 232 bytes (232 bytes)
[23:16:05.646] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:05.647] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.650] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:05.651] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:05.659] {
[23:16:05.659] {
[23:16:05.659] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:05.659] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:05.659] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:05.659] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:05.659] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:05.659] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:05.659] {
[23:16:05.659] {
[23:16:05.659] {
[23:16:05.659] base::local({
[23:16:05.659] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:05.659] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:05.659] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:05.659] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:05.659] else NULL
[23:16:05.659] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:05.659] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:05.659] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:05.659] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:05.659] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:05.659] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:05.659] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:05.659] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:05.659] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:05.659] info)
[23:16:05.659] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:05.659] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:05.659] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:05.659] info)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] else {
[23:16:05.659] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:05.659] info, version)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] })
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] base::local({
[23:16:05.659] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:05.659] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:05.659] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] })
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] if ( {
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] else {
[23:16:05.659] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:05.659] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:05.659] open = "w")
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] else {
[23:16:05.659] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:05.659] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:05.659] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:05.659] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:05.659] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:05.659] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:05.659] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:05.659] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:05.659] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:05.659] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:05.659] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:05.659] {
[23:16:05.659] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:05.659] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:05.659] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:05.659] i <- NULL
[23:16:05.659] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:05.659] local({
[23:16:05.659] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:05.659] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:05.659] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] })
[23:16:05.659] tryCatch({
[23:16:05.659] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:05.659] }, error = identity)
[23:16:05.659] })
[23:16:05.659] }, args =
[23:16:05.659] }))
[23:16:05.659] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:05.659] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:05.659] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:05.659] version = "1.8")
[23:16:05.659] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:05.659] c <- base::c
[23:16:05.659] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:05.659] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:05.659] length <- base::length
[23:16:05.659] list <- base::list
[23:16:05.659] <-
[23:16:05.659] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:05.659] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:05.659] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:05.659] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:05.659] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:05.659] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:05.659] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:05.659] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:05.659] 3L)]
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] function(cond) {
[23:16:05.659] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:05.659] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:05.659] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:05.659] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:05.659] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:05.659] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:05.659] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:05.659] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:05.659] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:05.659] ))) {
[23:16:05.659] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:05.659] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:05.659] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:05.659] if (!signal) {
[23:16:05.659] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:05.659] {
[23:16:05.659] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:05.659] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:05.659] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:05.659] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:05.659] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:05.659] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:05.659] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:05.659] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:05.659] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:05.659] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:05.659] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:05.659] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:05.659] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:05.659] name <- restart$name
[23:16:05.659] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:05.659] next
[23:16:05.659] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:05.659] next
[23:16:05.659] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:05.659] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:05.659] break
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] }))
[23:16:05.659] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:05.659] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:05.659] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:05.659] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:05.659] }, finally = {
[23:16:05.659] {
[23:16:05.659] NULL
[23:16:05.659] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:05.659] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:05.659] globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE,
[23:16:05.659] label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.659] {
[23:16:05.659] if (substitute)
[23:16:05.659] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:05.659] local <- as.logical(local)
[23:16:05.659] future <- SequentialFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:05.659] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:05.659] globals = globals, local = local, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:05.659] label = label, ...)
[23:16:05.659] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:05.659] future <- run(future)
[23:16:05.659] invisible(future)
[23:16:05.659] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:05.659] })
[23:16:05.659] Sys.time
[23:16:05.659] if ( {
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] else {
[23:16:05.659] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:05.659] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:05.659] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] else {
[23:16:05.659] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:05.659] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.659] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:05.659] ...future.result
[23:16:05.659] }
[23:16:05.664] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:05.665] List of future strategies:
[23:16:05.665] 1. sequential:
[23:16:05.665] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.665] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:05.665] - call: NULL
[23:16:05.666] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:05.703] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:05.704] List of future strategies:
[23:16:05.704] 1. sequential:
[23:16:05.704] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.704] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:05.704] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:05.705] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:05.706] SequentialFuture started (and completed)
[23:16:05.707] Chunk #1 of 1 ... DONE
[23:16:05.707] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:05.708] - resolving futures
[23:16:05.708] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:05.709] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:05.709] recursive: 0
[23:16:05.710] length: 1
[23:16:05.711] Future #1
[23:16:05.712] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:05.712] - nx: 1
[23:16:05.713] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:05.713] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:05.713] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:05.714] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:05.714] - force: FALSE
[23:16:05.714] - relayed: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:05.715] - queued futures: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:05.715] - until=1
[23:16:05.715] - relaying element #1
[23:16:05.716] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.716] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.717] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:05.717] length: 0 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:05.718] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:05.718] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:05.735] - nx: 1
[23:16:05.735] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:05.735] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:05.736] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:05.736] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:05.736] - force: FALSE
[23:16:05.737] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.737] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:05.737] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.738] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.738] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:05.738] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:05.739] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:05.739] - accumulating results
[23:16:05.742] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:05.743] - extracting results
[23:16:05.743] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:05.747] doFuture() ...
[23:16:05.748] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:05.749] - R expression:
[23:16:05.750] {
[23:16:05.750] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:05.750] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:05.750] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:05.750] i <- NULL
[23:16:05.750] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:05.750] local({
[23:16:05.750] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:05.750] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:05.750] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:05.750] }
[23:16:05.750] })
[23:16:05.750] tryCatch({
[23:16:05.750] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:05.750] }, error = identity)
[23:16:05.750] })
[23:16:05.750] }
[23:16:05.766] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:05.767] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.767] Searching for globals...
[23:16:05.791] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:05.791] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:05.792] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:05.792] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:05.792] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:05.795] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:05.796] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:05.796] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.797] List of 3
[23:16:05.797] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:05.797] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:05.797] $ of 1
[23:16:05.797] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:05.797] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:05.797] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:05.797] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x4bf6688>
[23:16:05.797] ..$ x :<environment: 0x48f5168>
[23:16:05.797] ..$<environment: 0x48f5168>
[23:16:05.797] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:05.797] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:05.797] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:05.811] - appending 1 '.export' globals (not already found through automatic lookup): '...'
[23:16:05.811] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.812] Retrieving globals ...
[23:16:05.812] - globals retrieved: [1] '...'
[23:16:05.812] Retrieving globals ... DONE
[23:16:05.813] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:05.813] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:05.814] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:05.815] The total size of the 1 globals is 56 bytes (56 bytes)
[23:16:05.815] - globals: [1] ''
[23:16:05.816] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.817] - R expression:
[23:16:05.818] {
[23:16:05.818] {
[23:16:05.818] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:05.818] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:05.818] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:05.818] i <- NULL
[23:16:05.818] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:05.818] local({
[23:16:05.818] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:05.818] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:05.818] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:05.818] }
[23:16:05.818] })
[23:16:05.818] tryCatch({
[23:16:05.818] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:05.818] }, error = identity)
[23:16:05.818] })
[23:16:05.818] }, args =
[23:16:05.818] }
[23:16:05.819] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:05.819] List of 3
[23:16:05.819] $ of 1
[23:16:05.819] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:05.819] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:05.819] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:05.819] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:05.819] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:05.819] ..$<environment: 0x48f5168>
[23:16:05.819] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x4bf6688>
[23:16:05.819] ..$ x :<environment: 0x48f5168>
[23:16:05.819] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:05.819] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:05.819] - attr(*, "total_size")= num NA
[23:16:05.831] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:05.832] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:05.832] Number of chunks: 1
[23:16:05.832] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 1
[23:16:05.833] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:05.834] Chunk #1 of 1 ...
[23:16:05.834] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:05.834] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.835] Searching for globals...
[23:16:05.836] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:05.836] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:05.837] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.838] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:05.838] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.838] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:05.839] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:05.841] The total size of the 3 globals is 232 bytes (232 bytes)
[23:16:05.841] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:05.842] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.846] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:05.847] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:05.858] {
[23:16:05.858] {
[23:16:05.858] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:05.858] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:05.858] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:05.858] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:05.858] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:05.858] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:05.858] {
[23:16:05.858] {
[23:16:05.858] {
[23:16:05.858] base::local({
[23:16:05.858] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:05.858] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:05.858] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:05.858] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:05.858] else NULL
[23:16:05.858] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:05.858] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:05.858] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:05.858] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:05.858] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:05.858] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:05.858] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:05.858] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:05.858] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:05.858] info)
[23:16:05.858] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:05.858] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:05.858] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:05.858] info)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] else {
[23:16:05.858] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:05.858] info, version)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] })
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] base::local({
[23:16:05.858] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:05.858] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:05.858] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] })
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] if ( {
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] else {
[23:16:05.858] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:05.858] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:05.858] open = "w")
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] else {
[23:16:05.858] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:05.858] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:05.858] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:05.858] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:05.858] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:05.858] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:05.858] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:05.858] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:05.858] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:05.858] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:05.858] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:05.858] {
[23:16:05.858] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:05.858] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:05.858] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:05.858] i <- NULL
[23:16:05.858] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:05.858] local({
[23:16:05.858] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:05.858] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:05.858] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] })
[23:16:05.858] tryCatch({
[23:16:05.858] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:05.858] }, error = identity)
[23:16:05.858] })
[23:16:05.858] }, args =
[23:16:05.858] }))
[23:16:05.858] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:05.858] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:05.858] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:05.858] version = "1.8")
[23:16:05.858] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:05.858] c <- base::c
[23:16:05.858] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:05.858] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:05.858] length <- base::length
[23:16:05.858] list <- base::list
[23:16:05.858] <-
[23:16:05.858] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:05.858] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:05.858] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:05.858] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:05.858] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:05.858] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:05.858] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:05.858] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:05.858] 3L)]
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] function(cond) {
[23:16:05.858] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:05.858] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:05.858] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:05.858] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:05.858] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:05.858] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:05.858] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:05.858] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:05.858] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:05.858] ))) {
[23:16:05.858] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:05.858] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:05.858] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:05.858] if (!signal) {
[23:16:05.858] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:05.858] {
[23:16:05.858] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:05.858] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:05.858] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:05.858] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:05.858] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:05.858] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:05.858] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:05.858] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:05.858] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:05.858] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:05.858] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:05.858] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:05.858] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:05.858] name <- restart$name
[23:16:05.858] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:05.858] next
[23:16:05.858] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:05.858] next
[23:16:05.858] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:05.858] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:05.858] break
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] }))
[23:16:05.858] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:05.858] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:05.858] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:05.858] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:05.858] }, finally = {
[23:16:05.858] {
[23:16:05.858] NULL
[23:16:05.858] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:05.858] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:05.858] globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE,
[23:16:05.858] label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.858] {
[23:16:05.858] if (substitute)
[23:16:05.858] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:05.858] local <- as.logical(local)
[23:16:05.858] future <- SequentialFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:05.858] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:05.858] globals = globals, local = local, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:05.858] label = label, ...)
[23:16:05.858] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:05.858] future <- run(future)
[23:16:05.858] invisible(future)
[23:16:05.858] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:05.858] })
[23:16:05.858] Sys.time
[23:16:05.858] if ( {
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] else {
[23:16:05.858] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:05.858] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:05.858] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] else {
[23:16:05.858] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:05.858] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.858] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:05.858] ...future.result
[23:16:05.858] }
[23:16:05.862] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:05.863] List of future strategies:
[23:16:05.863] 1. sequential:
[23:16:05.863] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.863] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:05.863] - call: NULL
[23:16:05.864] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:05.866] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:05.866] List of future strategies:
[23:16:05.866] 1. sequential:
[23:16:05.866] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.866] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:05.866] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:05.867] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:05.868] SequentialFuture started (and completed)
[23:16:05.868] Chunk #1 of 1 ... DONE
[23:16:05.869] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:05.869] - resolving futures
[23:16:05.869] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:05.869] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:05.870] recursive: 0
[23:16:05.870] length: 1
[23:16:05.871] Future #1
[23:16:05.871] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:05.872] - nx: 1
[23:16:05.872] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:05.872] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:05.872] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:05.873] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:05.873] - force: FALSE
[23:16:05.873] - relayed: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:05.874] - queued futures: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:05.874] - until=1
[23:16:05.874] - relaying element #1
[23:16:05.875] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.875] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.876] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:05.876] length: 0 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:05.876] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:05.877] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:05.877] - nx: 1
[23:16:05.877] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:05.878] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:05.878] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:05.878] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:05.879] - force: FALSE
[23:16:05.879] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.879] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:05.880] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.880] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.880] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:05.881] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:05.881] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:05.882] - accumulating results
[23:16:05.883] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:05.883] - extracting results
[23:16:05.884] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:05.887] doFuture() ...
[23:16:05.889] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:05.890] - R expression:
[23:16:05.890] {
[23:16:05.890] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:05.890] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:05.890] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:05.890] i <- NULL
[23:16:05.890] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:05.890] local({
[23:16:05.890] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:05.890] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:05.890] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:05.890] }
[23:16:05.890] })
[23:16:05.890] tryCatch({
[23:16:05.890] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:05.890] }, error = identity)
[23:16:05.890] })
[23:16:05.890] }
[23:16:05.891] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:05.892] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.892] Searching for globals...
[23:16:05.910] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:05.911] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:05.911] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:05.911] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:05.912] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:05.914] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:05.915] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:05.916] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.916] List of 3
[23:16:05.916] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:05.916] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:05.916] $ of 1
[23:16:05.916] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:05.916] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:05.916] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:05.916] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x2d7c948>
[23:16:05.916] ..$ x :<environment: 0x23a50f0>
[23:16:05.916] ..$<environment: 0x23a50f0>
[23:16:05.916] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:05.916] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:05.916] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:05.930] - appending 1 '.export' globals (not already found through automatic lookup): '...'
[23:16:05.930] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.930] Retrieving globals ...
[23:16:05.931] - globals retrieved: [1] '...'
[23:16:05.931] Retrieving globals ... DONE
[23:16:05.932] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:05.932] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:05.933] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:05.934] The total size of the 1 globals is 56 bytes (56 bytes)
[23:16:05.934] - globals: [1] ''
[23:16:05.935] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.936] - R expression:
[23:16:05.936] {
[23:16:05.936] {
[23:16:05.936] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:05.936] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:05.936] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:05.936] i <- NULL
[23:16:05.936] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:05.936] local({
[23:16:05.936] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:05.936] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:05.936] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:05.936] }
[23:16:05.936] })
[23:16:05.936] tryCatch({
[23:16:05.936] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:05.936] }, error = identity)
[23:16:05.936] })
[23:16:05.936] }, args =
[23:16:05.936] }
[23:16:05.941] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:05.941] List of 3
[23:16:05.941] $ of 1
[23:16:05.941] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:05.941] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:05.941] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:05.941] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:05.941] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:05.941] ..$<environment: 0x23a50f0>
[23:16:05.941] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x2d7c948>
[23:16:05.941] ..$ x :<environment: 0x23a50f0>
[23:16:05.941] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:05.941] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:05.941] - attr(*, "total_size")= num NA
[23:16:05.955] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:05.955] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:05.956] Number of chunks: 1
[23:16:05.956] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 1
[23:16:05.957] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:05.957] Chunk #1 of 1 ...
[23:16:05.958] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:05.958] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.958] Searching for globals...
[23:16:05.961] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:05.961] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:05.962] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.963] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:05.963] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:05.963] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:05.964] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:05.965] The total size of the 3 globals is 232 bytes (232 bytes)
[23:16:05.966] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:05.967] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:05.969] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:05.970] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:05.976] {
[23:16:05.976] {
[23:16:05.976] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:05.976] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:05.976] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:05.976] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:05.976] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:05.976] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:05.976] {
[23:16:05.976] {
[23:16:05.976] {
[23:16:05.976] base::local({
[23:16:05.976] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:05.976] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:05.976] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:05.976] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:05.976] else NULL
[23:16:05.976] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:05.976] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:05.976] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:05.976] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:05.976] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:05.976] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:05.976] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:05.976] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:05.976] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:05.976] info)
[23:16:05.976] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:05.976] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:05.976] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:05.976] info)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] else {
[23:16:05.976] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:05.976] info, version)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] })
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] base::local({
[23:16:05.976] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:05.976] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:05.976] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] })
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] if ( {
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] else {
[23:16:05.976] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:05.976] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:05.976] open = "w")
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] else {
[23:16:05.976] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:05.976] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:05.976] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:05.976] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:05.976] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:05.976] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:05.976] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:05.976] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:05.976] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:05.976] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:05.976] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:05.976] {
[23:16:05.976] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:05.976] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:05.976] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:05.976] i <- NULL
[23:16:05.976] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:05.976] local({
[23:16:05.976] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:05.976] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:05.976] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] })
[23:16:05.976] tryCatch({
[23:16:05.976] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:05.976] }, error = identity)
[23:16:05.976] })
[23:16:05.976] }, args =
[23:16:05.976] }))
[23:16:05.976] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:05.976] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:05.976] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:05.976] version = "1.8")
[23:16:05.976] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:05.976] c <- base::c
[23:16:05.976] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:05.976] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:05.976] length <- base::length
[23:16:05.976] list <- base::list
[23:16:05.976] <-
[23:16:05.976] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:05.976] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:05.976] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:05.976] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:05.976] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:05.976] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:05.976] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:05.976] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:05.976] 3L)]
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] function(cond) {
[23:16:05.976] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:05.976] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:05.976] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:05.976] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:05.976] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:05.976] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:05.976] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:05.976] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:05.976] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:05.976] ))) {
[23:16:05.976] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:05.976] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:05.976] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:05.976] if (!signal) {
[23:16:05.976] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:05.976] {
[23:16:05.976] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:05.976] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:05.976] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:05.976] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:05.976] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:05.976] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:05.976] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:05.976] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:05.976] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:05.976] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:05.976] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:05.976] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:05.976] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:05.976] name <- restart$name
[23:16:05.976] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:05.976] next
[23:16:05.976] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:05.976] next
[23:16:05.976] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:05.976] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:05.976] break
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] }))
[23:16:05.976] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:05.976] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:05.976] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:05.976] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:05.976] }, finally = {
[23:16:05.976] {
[23:16:05.976] NULL
[23:16:05.976] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:05.976] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:05.976] globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE,
[23:16:05.976] label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.976] {
[23:16:05.976] if (substitute)
[23:16:05.976] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:05.976] local <- as.logical(local)
[23:16:05.976] future <- SequentialFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:05.976] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:05.976] globals = globals, local = local, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:05.976] label = label, ...)
[23:16:05.976] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:05.976] future <- run(future)
[23:16:05.976] invisible(future)
[23:16:05.976] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:05.976] })
[23:16:05.976] Sys.time
[23:16:05.976] if ( {
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] else {
[23:16:05.976] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:05.976] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:05.976] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] else {
[23:16:05.976] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:05.976] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.976] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:05.976] ...future.result
[23:16:05.976] }
[23:16:05.981] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:05.981] List of future strategies:
[23:16:05.981] 1. sequential:
[23:16:05.981] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.981] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:05.981] - call: NULL
[23:16:05.983] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:05.984] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:05.985] List of future strategies:
[23:16:05.985] 1. sequential:
[23:16:05.985] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:05.985] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:05.985] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:05.986] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:05.986] SequentialFuture started (and completed)
[23:16:05.987] Chunk #1 of 1 ... DONE
[23:16:05.988] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:05.988] - resolving futures
[23:16:05.988] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:05.989] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:05.989] recursive: 0
[23:16:05.989] length: 1
[23:16:05.990] Future #1
[23:16:05.991] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:05.991] - nx: 1
[23:16:05.991] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:05.992] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:05.992] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:05.992] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:05.992] - force: FALSE
[23:16:05.993] - relayed: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:05.993] - queued futures: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:05.993] - until=1
[23:16:05.994] - relaying element #1
[23:16:05.994] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.995] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.995] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:05.996] length: 0 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:05.996] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:05.996] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:05.996] - nx: 1
[23:16:05.997] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:05.997] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:05.997] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:05.998] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:05.998] - force: FALSE
[23:16:05.998] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:05.999] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:06.000] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:06.000] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:06.000] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:06.001] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:06.001] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:06.002] - accumulating results
[23:16:06.003] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:06.003] - extracting results
[23:16:06.004] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:06.007] doFuture() ...
[23:16:06.009] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:06.010] - R expression:
[23:16:06.010] {
[23:16:06.010] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.010] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.010] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.010] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.010] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.010] local({
[23:16:06.010] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.010] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:06.010] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.010] }
[23:16:06.010] })
[23:16:06.010] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.010] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.010] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.010] })
[23:16:06.010] }
[23:16:06.011] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:06.012] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.012] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.034] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:06.035] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.035] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.035] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:06.036] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:06.038] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:06.039] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.040] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.040] List of 3
[23:16:06.040] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:06.040] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:06.040] $ of 1
[23:16:06.040] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:06.040] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:06.040] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:06.040] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x47849a8>
[23:16:06.040] ..$ x :<environment: 0x465c330>
[23:16:06.040] ..$<environment: 0x465c330>
[23:16:06.040] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:06.040] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:06.040] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:06.057] - R expression:
[23:16:06.057] {
[23:16:06.057] {
[23:16:06.057] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.057] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.057] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.057] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.057] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.057] local({
[23:16:06.057] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.057] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:06.057] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.057] }
[23:16:06.057] })
[23:16:06.057] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.057] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.057] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.057] })
[23:16:06.057] }, args =
[23:16:06.057] }
[23:16:06.058] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.058] List of 3
[23:16:06.058] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:06.058] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:06.058] $ of 1
[23:16:06.058] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:06.058] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:06.058] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:06.058] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x47849a8>
[23:16:06.058] ..$ x :<environment: 0x465c330>
[23:16:06.058] ..$<environment: 0x465c330>
[23:16:06.058] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:06.058] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:06.058] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:06.072] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.073] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:06.073] Number of chunks: 1
[23:16:06.073] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 1
[23:16:06.074] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:06.075] Chunk #1 of 1 ...
[23:16:06.075] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:06.075] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.076] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.077] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.077] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:06.078] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.079] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:06.079] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.080] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.080] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.082] The total size of the 3 globals is 232 bytes (232 bytes)
[23:16:06.082] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.083] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.086] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.086] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:06.093] {
[23:16:06.093] {
[23:16:06.093] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:06.093] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:06.093] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:06.093] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:06.093] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:06.093] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:06.093] {
[23:16:06.093] {
[23:16:06.093] {
[23:16:06.093] base::local({
[23:16:06.093] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:06.093] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:06.093] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:06.093] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:06.093] else NULL
[23:16:06.093] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:06.093] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:06.093] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:06.093] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:06.093] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:06.093] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:06.093] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:06.093] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:06.093] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:06.093] info)
[23:16:06.093] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:06.093] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:06.093] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:06.093] info)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] else {
[23:16:06.093] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:06.093] info, version)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] })
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] base::local({
[23:16:06.093] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:06.093] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:06.093] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] })
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] if ( {
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] else {
[23:16:06.093] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.093] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:06.093] open = "w")
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] else {
[23:16:06.093] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:06.093] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.093] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:06.093] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.093] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.093] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:06.093] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:06.093] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:06.093] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:06.093] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:06.093] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:06.093] {
[23:16:06.093] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.093] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.093] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.093] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.093] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.093] local({
[23:16:06.093] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.093] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:06.093] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] })
[23:16:06.093] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.093] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.093] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.093] })
[23:16:06.093] }, args =
[23:16:06.093] }))
[23:16:06.093] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:06.093] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.093] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:06.093] version = "1.8")
[23:16:06.093] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:06.093] c <- base::c
[23:16:06.093] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.093] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.093] length <- base::length
[23:16:06.093] list <- base::list
[23:16:06.093] <-
[23:16:06.093] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:06.093] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:06.093] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:06.093] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:06.093] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:06.093] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:06.093] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:06.093] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:06.093] 3L)]
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] function(cond) {
[23:16:06.093] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:06.093] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:06.093] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:06.093] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:06.093] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.093] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:06.093] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:06.093] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:06.093] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:06.093] ))) {
[23:16:06.093] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:06.093] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.093] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:06.093] if (!signal) {
[23:16:06.093] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:06.093] {
[23:16:06.093] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.093] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.093] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:06.093] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:06.093] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:06.093] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:06.093] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:06.093] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.093] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:06.093] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:06.093] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:06.093] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:06.093] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:06.093] name <- restart$name
[23:16:06.093] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:06.093] next
[23:16:06.093] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:06.093] next
[23:16:06.093] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:06.093] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.093] break
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] }))
[23:16:06.093] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:06.093] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:06.093] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.093] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:06.093] }, finally = {
[23:16:06.093] {
[23:16:06.093] NULL
[23:16:06.093] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:06.093] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:06.093] globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE,
[23:16:06.093] label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.093] {
[23:16:06.093] if (substitute)
[23:16:06.093] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:06.093] local <- as.logical(local)
[23:16:06.093] future <- SequentialFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:06.093] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:06.093] globals = globals, local = local, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:06.093] label = label, ...)
[23:16:06.093] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:06.093] future <- run(future)
[23:16:06.093] invisible(future)
[23:16:06.093] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:06.093] })
[23:16:06.093] Sys.time
[23:16:06.093] if ( {
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] else {
[23:16:06.093] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.093] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.093] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] else {
[23:16:06.093] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.093] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.093] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:06.093] ...future.result
[23:16:06.093] }
[23:16:06.098] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.098] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.098] 1. sequential:
[23:16:06.098] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.098] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.098] - call: NULL
[23:16:06.099] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:06.101] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.101] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.101] 1. sequential:
[23:16:06.101] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.101] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.101] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:06.103] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:06.103] SequentialFuture started (and completed)
[23:16:06.104] Chunk #1 of 1 ... DONE
[23:16:06.104] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:06.105] - resolving futures
[23:16:06.105] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:06.105] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:06.105] recursive: 0
[23:16:06.106] length: 1
[23:16:06.110] Future #1
[23:16:06.110] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:06.111] - nx: 1
[23:16:06.111] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:06.111] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:06.111] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:06.112] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:06.112] - force: FALSE
[23:16:06.112] - relayed: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:06.113] - queued futures: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:06.113] - until=1
[23:16:06.113] - relaying element #1
[23:16:06.114] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:06.114] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:06.115] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:06.115] length: 0 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:06.115] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:06.116] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:06.116] - nx: 1
[23:16:06.116] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:06.117] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:06.117] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:06.117] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:06.117] - force: FALSE
[23:16:06.118] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:06.118] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:06.119] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:06.119] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:06.119] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:06.119] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:06.120] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:06.120] - accumulating results
[23:16:06.121] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:06.122] - extracting results
[23:16:06.122] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
- plan('sequential') ... DONE
- plan('multicore') ...
[23:16:06.126] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.127] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.127] 1. multicore:
[23:16:06.127] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.127] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.127] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:06.184] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:06.185] doFuture() ...
[23:16:06.186] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:06.187] - R expression:
[23:16:06.187] {
[23:16:06.187] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.187] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.187] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.187] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.187] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.187] local({
[23:16:06.187] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.187] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:06.187] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.187] }
[23:16:06.187] })
[23:16:06.187] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.187] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.187] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.187] })
[23:16:06.187] }
[23:16:06.188] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:06.189] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.189] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.222] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:06.223] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.223] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.223] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:06.224] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:06.228] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:06.228] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.229] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.229] List of 3
[23:16:06.229] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:06.229] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:06.229] $ of 1
[23:16:06.229] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:06.229] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:06.229] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:06.229] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x3419cd8>
[23:16:06.229] ..$ x :<environment: 0x23dcda0>
[23:16:06.229] ..$<environment: 0x23dcda0>
[23:16:06.229] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:06.229] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:06.229] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:06.259] - R expression:
[23:16:06.259] {
[23:16:06.259] {
[23:16:06.259] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.259] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.259] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.259] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.259] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.259] local({
[23:16:06.259] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.259] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:06.259] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.259] }
[23:16:06.259] })
[23:16:06.259] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.259] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.259] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.259] })
[23:16:06.259] }, args =
[23:16:06.259] }
[23:16:06.260] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.260] List of 3
[23:16:06.260] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:06.260] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:06.260] $ of 1
[23:16:06.260] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:06.260] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:06.260] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:06.260] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x3419cd8>
[23:16:06.260] ..$ x :<environment: 0x23dcda0>
[23:16:06.260] ..$<environment: 0x23dcda0>
[23:16:06.260] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:06.260] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:06.260] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:06.297] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.298] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:06.302] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:06.302] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:06.303] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:06.304] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:06.304] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:06.304] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.304] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.306] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.306] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:06.306] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.307] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:06.309] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.309] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.309] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.327] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:06.328] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.328] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.332] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.333] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:06.339] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:06.339] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:06.339] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:06.339] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:06.339] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] base::local({
[23:16:06.339] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:06.339] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:06.339] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:06.339] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:06.339] else NULL
[23:16:06.339] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:06.339] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:06.339] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:06.339] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:06.339] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:06.339] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:06.339] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:06.339] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:06.339] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:06.339] info)
[23:16:06.339] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:06.339] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:06.339] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:06.339] info)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] else {
[23:16:06.339] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:06.339] info, version)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] })
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:06.339] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] base::local({
[23:16:06.339] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:06.339] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:06.339] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] })
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] if ( {
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] else {
[23:16:06.339] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.339] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:06.339] open = "w")
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] else {
[23:16:06.339] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:06.339] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.339] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:06.339] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.339] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.339] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:06.339] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:06.339] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:06.339] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:06.339] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:06.339] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.339] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.339] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.339] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.339] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.339] local({
[23:16:06.339] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.339] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:06.339] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] })
[23:16:06.339] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.339] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.339] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.339] })
[23:16:06.339] }, args =
[23:16:06.339] }))
[23:16:06.339] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:06.339] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.339] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:06.339] version = "1.8")
[23:16:06.339] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:06.339] c <- base::c
[23:16:06.339] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.339] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.339] length <- base::length
[23:16:06.339] list <- base::list
[23:16:06.339] <-
[23:16:06.339] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:06.339] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:06.339] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:06.339] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:06.339] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:06.339] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:06.339] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:06.339] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:06.339] 3L)]
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] function(cond) {
[23:16:06.339] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:06.339] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:06.339] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:06.339] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:06.339] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.339] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:06.339] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:06.339] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:06.339] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.339] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:06.339] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.339] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:06.339] if (!signal) {
[23:16:06.339] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.339] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.339] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:06.339] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:06.339] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:06.339] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:06.339] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:06.339] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.339] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:06.339] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:06.339] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:06.339] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:06.339] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:06.339] name <- restart$name
[23:16:06.339] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:06.339] next
[23:16:06.339] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:06.339] next
[23:16:06.339] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:06.339] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.339] break
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] }))
[23:16:06.339] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:06.339] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:06.339] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.339] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:06.339] }, finally = {
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:06.339] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:06.339] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:06.339] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.339] {
[23:16:06.339] if (substitute)
[23:16:06.339] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:06.339] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:06.339] workers <- workers()
[23:16:06.339] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:06.339] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:06.339] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:06.339] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:06.339] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:06.339] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:06.339] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:06.339] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:06.339] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:06.339] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:06.339] label = label, ...)
[23:16:06.339] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:06.339] future <- run(future)
[23:16:06.339] invisible(future)
[23:16:06.339] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:06.339] })
[23:16:06.339] Sys.time
[23:16:06.339] if ( {
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] else {
[23:16:06.339] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.339] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.339] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] else {
[23:16:06.339] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.339] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.339] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:06.339] ...future.result
[23:16:06.339] }
[23:16:06.359] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:06.380] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:06.381] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:06.381] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:06.382] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:06.382] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.383] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.385] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.385] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:06.386] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.387] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:06.389] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.389] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.390] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.392] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.392] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:06.393] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.394] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.393] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.393] 1. sequential:
[23:16:06.393] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.393] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.393] - call: NULL
[23:16:06.395] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:06.397] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.397] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.397] 1. multicore:
[23:16:06.397] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.397] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.397] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:06.399] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:06.405] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.406] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:06.415] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:06.415] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:06.415] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:06.415] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:06.415] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] base::local({
[23:16:06.415] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:06.415] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:06.415] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:06.415] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:06.415] else NULL
[23:16:06.415] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:06.415] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:06.415] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:06.415] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:06.415] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:06.415] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:06.415] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:06.415] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:06.415] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:06.415] info)
[23:16:06.415] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:06.415] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:06.415] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:06.415] info)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] else {
[23:16:06.415] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:06.415] info, version)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] })
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:06.415] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] base::local({
[23:16:06.415] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:06.415] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:06.415] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] })
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] if ( {
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] else {
[23:16:06.415] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.415] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:06.415] open = "w")
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] else {
[23:16:06.415] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:06.415] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.415] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:06.415] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.415] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.415] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:06.415] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:06.415] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:06.415] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:06.415] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:06.415] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.415] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.415] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.415] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.415] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.415] local({
[23:16:06.415] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.415] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:06.415] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] })
[23:16:06.415] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.415] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.415] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.415] })
[23:16:06.415] }, args =
[23:16:06.415] }))
[23:16:06.415] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:06.415] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.415] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:06.415] version = "1.8")
[23:16:06.415] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:06.415] c <- base::c
[23:16:06.415] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.415] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.415] length <- base::length
[23:16:06.415] list <- base::list
[23:16:06.415] <-
[23:16:06.415] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:06.415] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:06.415] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:06.415] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:06.415] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:06.415] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:06.415] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:06.415] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:06.415] 3L)]
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] function(cond) {
[23:16:06.415] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:06.415] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:06.415] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:06.415] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:06.415] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.415] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:06.415] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:06.415] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:06.415] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.415] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:06.415] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.415] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:06.415] if (!signal) {
[23:16:06.415] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.415] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.415] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:06.415] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:06.415] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:06.415] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:06.415] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:06.415] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.415] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:06.415] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:06.415] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:06.415] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:06.415] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:06.415] name <- restart$name
[23:16:06.415] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:06.415] next
[23:16:06.415] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:06.415] next
[23:16:06.415] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:06.415] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.415] break
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] }))
[23:16:06.415] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:06.415] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:06.415] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.415] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:06.415] }, finally = {
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:06.415] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:06.415] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:06.415] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.415] {
[23:16:06.415] if (substitute)
[23:16:06.415] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:06.415] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:06.415] workers <- workers()
[23:16:06.415] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:06.415] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:06.415] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:06.415] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:06.415] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:06.415] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:06.415] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:06.415] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:06.415] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:06.415] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:06.415] label = label, ...)
[23:16:06.415] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:06.415] future <- run(future)
[23:16:06.415] invisible(future)
[23:16:06.415] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:06.415] })
[23:16:06.415] Sys.time
[23:16:06.415] if ( {
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] else {
[23:16:06.415] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.415] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.415] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] else {
[23:16:06.415] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.415] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.415] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:06.415] ...future.result
[23:16:06.415] }
[23:16:06.419] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:06.433] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:06.434] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:06.435] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:06.435] - resolving futures
[23:16:06.435] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:06.446] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:06.446] recursive: 0
[23:16:06.447] length: 2
[23:16:06.451] Future #1
[23:16:06.451] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.452] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.452] 1. sequential:
[23:16:06.452] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.452] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.452] - call: NULL
[23:16:06.454] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:06.456] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.457] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:06.457] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.457] 1. multicore:
[23:16:06.457] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.457] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.457] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:06.458] - nx: 2
[23:16:06.458] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:06.459] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:06.459] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:06.459] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:06.460] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:06.460] - force: FALSE
[23:16:06.460] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:06.461] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:06.461] - until=1
[23:16:06.462] - relaying element #1
[23:16:06.462] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:06.463] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:06.463] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:06.464] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:06.464] Future #2
[23:16:06.466] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:06.467] - nx: 2
[23:16:06.467] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:06.468] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:06.468] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:06.468] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:06.469] - force: FALSE
[23:16:06.477] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:06.478] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:06.479] - until=2
[23:16:06.479] - relaying element #2
[23:16:06.480] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.481] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.481] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:06.482] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:06.482] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:06.482] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:06.483] - nx: 2
[23:16:06.483] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:06.483] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:06.484] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:06.484] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:06.484] - force: FALSE
[23:16:06.485] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.485] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:06.486] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.486] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.486] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:06.487] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:06.487] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:06.488] - accumulating results
[23:16:06.489] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:06.490] - extracting results
[23:16:06.490] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:06.495] doFuture() ...
[23:16:06.497] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:06.498] - R expression:
[23:16:06.499] {
[23:16:06.499] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.499] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.499] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.499] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.499] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.499] local({
[23:16:06.499] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.499] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:06.499] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.499] }
[23:16:06.499] })
[23:16:06.499] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.499] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.499] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.499] })
[23:16:06.499] }
[23:16:06.499] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:06.500] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.500] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.520] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:06.521] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.521] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.521] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:06.522] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:06.525] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:06.525] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.526] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.527] List of 3
[23:16:06.527] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:06.527] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:06.527] $ of 1
[23:16:06.527] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:06.527] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:06.527] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:06.527] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x237e870>
[23:16:06.527] ..$ x :<environment: 0x28af988>
[23:16:06.527] ..$<environment: 0x28af988>
[23:16:06.527] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:06.527] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:06.527] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:06.544] - appending 1 '.export' globals (not already found through automatic lookup): '...'
[23:16:06.544] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.544] Retrieving globals ...
[23:16:06.545] - globals retrieved: [1] '...'
[23:16:06.545] Retrieving globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.545] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.546] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:06.546] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:06.548] The total size of the 1 globals is 56 bytes (56 bytes)
[23:16:06.548] - globals: [1] ''
[23:16:06.549] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.550] - R expression:
[23:16:06.550] {
[23:16:06.550] {
[23:16:06.550] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.550] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.550] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.550] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.550] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.550] local({
[23:16:06.550] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.550] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:06.550] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.550] }
[23:16:06.550] })
[23:16:06.550] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.550] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.550] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.550] })
[23:16:06.550] }, args =
[23:16:06.550] }
[23:16:06.551] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.551] List of 3
[23:16:06.551] $ of 1
[23:16:06.551] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:06.551] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:06.551] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:06.551] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:06.551] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:06.551] ..$<environment: 0x28af988>
[23:16:06.551] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x237e870>
[23:16:06.551] ..$ x :<environment: 0x28af988>
[23:16:06.551] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:06.551] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:06.551] - attr(*, "total_size")= num NA
[23:16:06.570] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.571] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:06.572] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:06.573] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:06.574] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:06.574] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:06.574] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:06.575] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.575] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.576] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.577] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:06.577] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.578] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:06.579] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.579] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.580] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.581] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:06.582] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.583] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.586] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.586] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:06.594] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:06.594] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:06.594] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:06.594] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:06.594] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] base::local({
[23:16:06.594] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:06.594] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:06.594] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:06.594] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:06.594] else NULL
[23:16:06.594] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:06.594] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:06.594] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:06.594] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:06.594] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:06.594] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:06.594] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:06.594] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:06.594] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:06.594] info)
[23:16:06.594] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:06.594] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:06.594] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:06.594] info)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] else {
[23:16:06.594] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:06.594] info, version)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] })
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:06.594] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] base::local({
[23:16:06.594] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:06.594] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:06.594] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] })
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] if ( {
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] else {
[23:16:06.594] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.594] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:06.594] open = "w")
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] else {
[23:16:06.594] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:06.594] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.594] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:06.594] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.594] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.594] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:06.594] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:06.594] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:06.594] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:06.594] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:06.594] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.594] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.594] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.594] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.594] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.594] local({
[23:16:06.594] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.594] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:06.594] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] })
[23:16:06.594] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.594] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.594] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.594] })
[23:16:06.594] }, args =
[23:16:06.594] }))
[23:16:06.594] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:06.594] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.594] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:06.594] version = "1.8")
[23:16:06.594] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:06.594] c <- base::c
[23:16:06.594] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.594] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.594] length <- base::length
[23:16:06.594] list <- base::list
[23:16:06.594] <-
[23:16:06.594] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:06.594] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:06.594] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:06.594] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:06.594] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:06.594] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:06.594] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:06.594] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:06.594] 3L)]
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] function(cond) {
[23:16:06.594] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:06.594] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:06.594] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:06.594] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:06.594] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.594] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:06.594] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:06.594] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:06.594] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.594] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:06.594] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.594] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:06.594] if (!signal) {
[23:16:06.594] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.594] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.594] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:06.594] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:06.594] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:06.594] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:06.594] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:06.594] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.594] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:06.594] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:06.594] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:06.594] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:06.594] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:06.594] name <- restart$name
[23:16:06.594] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:06.594] next
[23:16:06.594] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:06.594] next
[23:16:06.594] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:06.594] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.594] break
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] }))
[23:16:06.594] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:06.594] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:06.594] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.594] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:06.594] }, finally = {
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:06.594] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:06.594] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:06.594] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.594] {
[23:16:06.594] if (substitute)
[23:16:06.594] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:06.594] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:06.594] workers <- workers()
[23:16:06.594] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:06.594] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:06.594] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:06.594] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:06.594] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:06.594] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:06.594] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:06.594] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:06.594] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:06.594] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:06.594] label = label, ...)
[23:16:06.594] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:06.594] future <- run(future)
[23:16:06.594] invisible(future)
[23:16:06.594] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:06.594] })
[23:16:06.594] Sys.time
[23:16:06.594] if ( {
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] else {
[23:16:06.594] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.594] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.594] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] else {
[23:16:06.594] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.594] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.594] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:06.594] ...future.result
[23:16:06.594] }
[23:16:06.597] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:06.600] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:06.602] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:06.602] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:06.602] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:06.603] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.603] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.606] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.606] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:06.606] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.608] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:06.610] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.611] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.611] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.614] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:06.615] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.616] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.619] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.620] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.620] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:06.620] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.620] 1. sequential:
[23:16:06.620] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.620] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.620] - call: NULL
[23:16:06.622] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:06.624] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.624] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.624] 1. multicore:
[23:16:06.624] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.624] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.624] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:06.626] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:06.630] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:06.630] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:06.630] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:06.630] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:06.630] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] base::local({
[23:16:06.630] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:06.630] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:06.630] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:06.630] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:06.630] else NULL
[23:16:06.630] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:06.630] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:06.630] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:06.630] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:06.630] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:06.630] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:06.630] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:06.630] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:06.630] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:06.630] info)
[23:16:06.630] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:06.630] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:06.630] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:06.630] info)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] else {
[23:16:06.630] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:06.630] info, version)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] })
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:06.630] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] base::local({
[23:16:06.630] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:06.630] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:06.630] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] })
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] if ( {
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] else {
[23:16:06.630] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.630] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:06.630] open = "w")
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] else {
[23:16:06.630] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:06.630] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.630] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:06.630] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.630] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.630] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:06.630] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:06.630] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:06.630] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:06.630] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:06.630] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.630] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.630] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.630] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.630] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.630] local({
[23:16:06.630] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.630] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:06.630] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] })
[23:16:06.630] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.630] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.630] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.630] })
[23:16:06.630] }, args =
[23:16:06.630] }))
[23:16:06.630] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:06.630] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.630] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:06.630] version = "1.8")
[23:16:06.630] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:06.630] c <- base::c
[23:16:06.630] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.630] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.630] length <- base::length
[23:16:06.630] list <- base::list
[23:16:06.630] <-
[23:16:06.630] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:06.630] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:06.630] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:06.630] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:06.630] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:06.630] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:06.630] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:06.630] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:06.630] 3L)]
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] function(cond) {
[23:16:06.630] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:06.630] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:06.630] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:06.630] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:06.630] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.630] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:06.630] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:06.630] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:06.630] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.630] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:06.630] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.630] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:06.630] if (!signal) {
[23:16:06.630] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.630] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.630] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:06.630] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:06.630] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:06.630] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:06.630] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:06.630] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.630] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:06.630] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:06.630] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:06.630] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:06.630] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:06.630] name <- restart$name
[23:16:06.630] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:06.630] next
[23:16:06.630] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:06.630] next
[23:16:06.630] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:06.630] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.630] break
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] }))
[23:16:06.630] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:06.630] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:06.630] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.630] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:06.630] }, finally = {
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:06.630] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:06.630] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:06.630] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.630] {
[23:16:06.630] if (substitute)
[23:16:06.630] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:06.630] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:06.630] workers <- workers()
[23:16:06.630] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:06.630] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:06.630] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:06.630] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:06.630] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:06.630] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:06.630] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:06.630] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:06.630] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:06.630] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:06.630] label = label, ...)
[23:16:06.630] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:06.630] future <- run(future)
[23:16:06.630] invisible(future)
[23:16:06.630] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:06.630] })
[23:16:06.630] Sys.time
[23:16:06.630] if ( {
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] else {
[23:16:06.630] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.630] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.630] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] else {
[23:16:06.630] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.630] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.630] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:06.630] ...future.result
[23:16:06.630] }
[23:16:06.635] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:06.639] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:06.640] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:06.641] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:06.641] - resolving futures
[23:16:06.641] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:06.642] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:06.642] recursive: 0
[23:16:06.643] length: 2
[23:16:06.644] Future #1
[23:16:06.648] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:06.649] - nx: 2
[23:16:06.649] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:06.650] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:06.650] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:06.650] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:06.651] - force: FALSE
[23:16:06.651] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:06.652] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:06.652] - until=1
[23:16:06.653] - relaying element #1
[23:16:06.653] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:06.654] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:06.654] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:06.655] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:06.655] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.655] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.655] 1. sequential:
[23:16:06.655] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.655] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.655] - call: NULL
[23:16:06.657] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:06.659] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.660] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.660] 1. multicore:
[23:16:06.660] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.660] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.660] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:06.662] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:06.663] Future #2
[23:16:06.666] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:06.666] - nx: 2
[23:16:06.667] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:06.667] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:06.667] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:06.668] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:06.668] - force: FALSE
[23:16:06.669] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:06.669] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:06.669] - until=2
[23:16:06.670] - relaying element #2
[23:16:06.671] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.671] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.672] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:06.672] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:06.672] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:06.673] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:06.673] - nx: 2
[23:16:06.674] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:06.674] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:06.674] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:06.675] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:06.675] - force: FALSE
[23:16:06.675] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.676] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:06.677] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.690] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:06.690] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:06.691] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:06.691] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:06.692] - accumulating results
[23:16:06.694] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:06.694] - extracting results
[23:16:06.695] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:06.713] doFuture() ...
[23:16:06.715] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:06.716] - R expression:
[23:16:06.717] {
[23:16:06.717] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.717] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.717] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.717] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.717] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.717] local({
[23:16:06.717] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.717] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:06.717] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.717] }
[23:16:06.717] })
[23:16:06.717] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.717] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.717] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.717] })
[23:16:06.717] }
[23:16:06.718] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:06.718] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.719] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.764] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:06.765] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.765] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.766] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:06.766] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:06.769] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:06.770] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:06.770] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.771] List of 3
[23:16:06.771] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:06.771] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:06.771] $ of 1
[23:16:06.771] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:06.771] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:06.771] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:06.771] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x29272c8>
[23:16:06.771] ..$ x :<environment: 0x2c9f0d8>
[23:16:06.771] ..$<environment: 0x2c9f0d8>
[23:16:06.771] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:06.771] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:06.771] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:06.801] - appending 1 '.export' globals (not already found through automatic lookup): '...'
[23:16:06.802] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.802] Retrieving globals ...
[23:16:06.813] - globals retrieved: [1] '...'
[23:16:06.813] Retrieving globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.814] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.814] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:06.815] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:06.816] The total size of the 1 globals is 56 bytes (56 bytes)
[23:16:06.816] - globals: [1] ''
[23:16:06.817] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.818] - R expression:
[23:16:06.819] {
[23:16:06.819] {
[23:16:06.819] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.819] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.819] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.819] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.819] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.819] local({
[23:16:06.819] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.819] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:06.819] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.819] }
[23:16:06.819] })
[23:16:06.819] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.819] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.819] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.819] })
[23:16:06.819] }, args =
[23:16:06.819] }
[23:16:06.819] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.820] List of 3
[23:16:06.820] $ of 1
[23:16:06.820] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:06.820] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:06.820] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:06.820] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:06.820] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:06.820] ..$<environment: 0x2c9f0d8>
[23:16:06.820] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x29272c8>
[23:16:06.820] ..$ x :<environment: 0x2c9f0d8>
[23:16:06.820] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:06.820] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:06.820] - attr(*, "total_size")= num NA
[23:16:06.859] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.859] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:06.861] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:06.861] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:06.862] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:06.867] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:06.878] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:06.878] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.878] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.880] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.880] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:06.881] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.882] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:06.883] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.883] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.884] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.885] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:06.886] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.886] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.889] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.890] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:06.907] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:06.907] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:06.907] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:06.907] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:06.907] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] base::local({
[23:16:06.907] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:06.907] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:06.907] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:06.907] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:06.907] else NULL
[23:16:06.907] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:06.907] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:06.907] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:06.907] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:06.907] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:06.907] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:06.907] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:06.907] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:06.907] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:06.907] info)
[23:16:06.907] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:06.907] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:06.907] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:06.907] info)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] else {
[23:16:06.907] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:06.907] info, version)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] })
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:06.907] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] base::local({
[23:16:06.907] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:06.907] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:06.907] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] })
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] if ( {
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] else {
[23:16:06.907] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.907] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:06.907] open = "w")
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] else {
[23:16:06.907] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:06.907] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.907] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:06.907] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.907] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.907] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:06.907] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:06.907] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:06.907] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:06.907] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:06.907] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.907] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.907] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.907] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.907] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.907] local({
[23:16:06.907] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.907] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:06.907] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] })
[23:16:06.907] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.907] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.907] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.907] })
[23:16:06.907] }, args =
[23:16:06.907] }))
[23:16:06.907] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:06.907] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.907] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:06.907] version = "1.8")
[23:16:06.907] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:06.907] c <- base::c
[23:16:06.907] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.907] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.907] length <- base::length
[23:16:06.907] list <- base::list
[23:16:06.907] <-
[23:16:06.907] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:06.907] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:06.907] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:06.907] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:06.907] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:06.907] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:06.907] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:06.907] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:06.907] 3L)]
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] function(cond) {
[23:16:06.907] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:06.907] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:06.907] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:06.907] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:06.907] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.907] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:06.907] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:06.907] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:06.907] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.907] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:06.907] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.907] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:06.907] if (!signal) {
[23:16:06.907] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.907] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.907] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:06.907] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:06.907] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:06.907] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:06.907] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:06.907] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.907] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:06.907] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:06.907] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:06.907] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:06.907] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:06.907] name <- restart$name
[23:16:06.907] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:06.907] next
[23:16:06.907] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:06.907] next
[23:16:06.907] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:06.907] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.907] break
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] }))
[23:16:06.907] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:06.907] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:06.907] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.907] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:06.907] }, finally = {
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:06.907] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:06.907] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:06.907] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.907] {
[23:16:06.907] if (substitute)
[23:16:06.907] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:06.907] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:06.907] workers <- workers()
[23:16:06.907] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:06.907] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:06.907] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:06.907] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:06.907] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:06.907] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:06.907] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:06.907] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:06.907] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:06.907] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:06.907] label = label, ...)
[23:16:06.907] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:06.907] future <- run(future)
[23:16:06.907] invisible(future)
[23:16:06.907] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:06.907] })
[23:16:06.907] Sys.time
[23:16:06.907] if ( {
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] else {
[23:16:06.907] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.907] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.907] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] else {
[23:16:06.907] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.907] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.907] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:06.907] ...future.result
[23:16:06.907] }
[23:16:06.910] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:06.927] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:06.928] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:06.929] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:06.929] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:06.930] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.930] Searching for globals...
[23:16:06.932] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:06.933] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:06.933] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.934] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:06.937] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:06.937] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.938] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:06.960] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:06.961] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:06.945] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.962] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:06.962] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.962] 1. sequential:
[23:16:06.962] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.962] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.962] - call: NULL
[23:16:06.964] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:06.966] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:06.966] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:06.966] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:06.967] List of future strategies:
[23:16:06.967] 1. multicore:
[23:16:06.967] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.967] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:06.967] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:06.969] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:06.984] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:06.984] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:06.984] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:06.984] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:06.984] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] base::local({
[23:16:06.984] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:06.984] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:06.984] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:06.984] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:06.984] else NULL
[23:16:06.984] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:06.984] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:06.984] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:06.984] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:06.984] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:06.984] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:06.984] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:06.984] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:06.984] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:06.984] info)
[23:16:06.984] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:06.984] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:06.984] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:06.984] info)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] else {
[23:16:06.984] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:06.984] info, version)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] })
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:06.984] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] base::local({
[23:16:06.984] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:06.984] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:06.984] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] })
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] if ( {
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] else {
[23:16:06.984] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.984] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:06.984] open = "w")
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] else {
[23:16:06.984] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:06.984] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.984] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:06.984] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.984] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.984] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:06.984] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:06.984] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:06.984] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:06.984] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:06.984] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:06.984] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:06.984] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:06.984] i <- NULL
[23:16:06.984] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:06.984] local({
[23:16:06.984] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:06.984] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:06.984] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] })
[23:16:06.984] tryCatch({
[23:16:06.984] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:06.984] }, error = identity)
[23:16:06.984] })
[23:16:06.984] }, args =
[23:16:06.984] }))
[23:16:06.984] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:06.984] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.984] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:06.984] version = "1.8")
[23:16:06.984] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:06.984] c <- base::c
[23:16:06.984] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.984] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.984] length <- base::length
[23:16:06.984] list <- base::list
[23:16:06.984] <-
[23:16:06.984] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:06.984] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:06.984] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:06.984] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:06.984] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:06.984] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:06.984] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:06.984] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:06.984] 3L)]
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] function(cond) {
[23:16:06.984] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:06.984] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:06.984] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:06.984] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:06.984] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.984] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:06.984] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:06.984] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:06.984] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.984] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:06.984] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:06.984] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:06.984] if (!signal) {
[23:16:06.984] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:06.984] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:06.984] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:06.984] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:06.984] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:06.984] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:06.984] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:06.984] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:06.984] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:06.984] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:06.984] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:06.984] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:06.984] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:06.984] name <- restart$name
[23:16:06.984] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:06.984] next
[23:16:06.984] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:06.984] next
[23:16:06.984] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:06.984] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:06.984] break
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] }))
[23:16:06.984] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:06.984] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:06.984] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:06.984] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:06.984] }, finally = {
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:06.984] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:06.984] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:06.984] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:06.984] {
[23:16:06.984] if (substitute)
[23:16:06.984] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:06.984] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:06.984] workers <- workers()
[23:16:06.984] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:06.984] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:06.984] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:06.984] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:06.984] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:06.984] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:06.984] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:06.984] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:06.984] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:06.984] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:06.984] label = label, ...)
[23:16:06.984] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:06.984] future <- run(future)
[23:16:06.984] invisible(future)
[23:16:06.984] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:06.984] })
[23:16:06.984] Sys.time
[23:16:06.984] if ( {
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] else {
[23:16:06.984] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:06.984] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:06.984] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] else {
[23:16:06.984] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:06.984] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.984] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:06.984] ...future.result
[23:16:06.984] }
[23:16:06.989] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:06.993] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:06.994] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:07.014] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:07.014] - resolving futures
[23:16:07.015] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:07.015] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:07.016] recursive: 0
[23:16:07.016] length: 2
[23:16:07.017] Future #1
[23:16:07.020] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:07.021] - nx: 2
[23:16:07.021] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:07.022] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:07.022] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:07.022] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:07.023] - force: FALSE
[23:16:07.023] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:07.024] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:07.024] - until=1
[23:16:07.024] - relaying element #1
[23:16:07.025] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:07.026] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:07.026] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:07.027] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:07.034] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:07.035] List of future strategies:
[23:16:07.035] 1. sequential:
[23:16:07.035] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.035] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:07.035] - call: NULL
[23:16:07.037] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:07.039] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:07.039] List of future strategies:
[23:16:07.039] 1. multicore:
[23:16:07.039] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.039] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:07.039] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:07.054] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:07.055] Future #2
[23:16:07.057] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:07.057] - nx: 2
[23:16:07.058] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:07.058] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:07.058] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:07.059] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:07.059] - force: FALSE
[23:16:07.059] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:07.060] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:07.060] - until=2
[23:16:07.061] - relaying element #2
[23:16:07.061] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.062] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.062] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:07.062] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:07.063] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:07.063] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:07.064] - nx: 2
[23:16:07.064] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:07.064] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:07.065] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:07.065] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:07.065] - force: FALSE
[23:16:07.065] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.066] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:07.066] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.067] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.067] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:07.067] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:07.068] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:07.069] - accumulating results
[23:16:07.070] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:07.070] - extracting results
[23:16:07.087] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:07.096] doFuture() ...
[23:16:07.097] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:07.099] - R expression:
[23:16:07.099] {
[23:16:07.099] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:07.099] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:07.099] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:07.099] i <- NULL
[23:16:07.099] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:07.099] local({
[23:16:07.099] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:07.099] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:07.099] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:07.099] }
[23:16:07.099] })
[23:16:07.099] tryCatch({
[23:16:07.099] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:07.099] }, error = identity)
[23:16:07.099] })
[23:16:07.099] }
[23:16:07.100] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:07.101] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:07.101] Searching for globals...
[23:16:07.146] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:07.147] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:07.147] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:07.148] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:07.148] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:07.166] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:07.166] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:07.167] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:07.167] List of 3
[23:16:07.167] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:07.167] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:07.167] $ of 1
[23:16:07.167] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:07.167] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:07.167] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:07.167] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x2cb92e8>
[23:16:07.167] ..$ x :<environment: 0x31c3eb0>
[23:16:07.167] ..$<environment: 0x31c3eb0>
[23:16:07.167] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:07.167] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:07.167] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:07.197] - R expression:
[23:16:07.198] {
[23:16:07.198] {
[23:16:07.198] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:07.198] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:07.198] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:07.198] i <- NULL
[23:16:07.198] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:07.198] local({
[23:16:07.198] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:07.198] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:07.198] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:07.198] }
[23:16:07.198] })
[23:16:07.198] tryCatch({
[23:16:07.198] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:07.198] }, error = identity)
[23:16:07.198] })
[23:16:07.198] }, args =
[23:16:07.198] }
[23:16:07.198] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:07.199] List of 3
[23:16:07.199] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:07.199] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:07.199] $ of 1
[23:16:07.199] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:07.199] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:07.199] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:07.199] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x2cb92e8>
[23:16:07.199] ..$ x :<environment: 0x31c3eb0>
[23:16:07.199] ..$<environment: 0x31c3eb0>
[23:16:07.199] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:07.199] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:07.199] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:07.228] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:07.228] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:07.230] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:07.230] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:07.231] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:07.232] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:07.232] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:07.232] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:07.233] Searching for globals...
[23:16:07.234] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:07.249] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:07.253] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:07.254] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:07.255] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:07.256] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:07.256] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:07.258] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:07.258] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:07.259] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:07.262] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:07.267] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:07.284] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:07.284] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:07.284] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:07.284] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:07.284] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] base::local({
[23:16:07.284] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:07.284] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:07.284] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:07.284] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:07.284] else NULL
[23:16:07.284] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:07.284] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:07.284] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:07.284] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:07.284] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:07.284] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:07.284] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:07.284] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:07.284] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:07.284] info)
[23:16:07.284] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:07.284] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:07.284] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:07.284] info)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] else {
[23:16:07.284] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:07.284] info, version)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] })
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:07.284] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] base::local({
[23:16:07.284] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:07.284] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:07.284] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] })
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] if ( {
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] else {
[23:16:07.284] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:07.284] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:07.284] open = "w")
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] else {
[23:16:07.284] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:07.284] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:07.284] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:07.284] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:07.284] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:07.284] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:07.284] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:07.284] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:07.284] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:07.284] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:07.284] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:07.284] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:07.284] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:07.284] i <- NULL
[23:16:07.284] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:07.284] local({
[23:16:07.284] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:07.284] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:07.284] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] })
[23:16:07.284] tryCatch({
[23:16:07.284] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:07.284] }, error = identity)
[23:16:07.284] })
[23:16:07.284] }, args =
[23:16:07.284] }))
[23:16:07.284] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:07.284] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:07.284] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:07.284] version = "1.8")
[23:16:07.284] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:07.284] c <- base::c
[23:16:07.284] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:07.284] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:07.284] length <- base::length
[23:16:07.284] list <- base::list
[23:16:07.284] <-
[23:16:07.284] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:07.284] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:07.284] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:07.284] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:07.284] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:07.284] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:07.284] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:07.284] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:07.284] 3L)]
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] function(cond) {
[23:16:07.284] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:07.284] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:07.284] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:07.284] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:07.284] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:07.284] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:07.284] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:07.284] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:07.284] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:07.284] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:07.284] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:07.284] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:07.284] if (!signal) {
[23:16:07.284] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:07.284] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:07.284] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:07.284] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:07.284] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:07.284] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:07.284] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:07.284] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:07.284] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:07.284] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:07.284] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:07.284] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:07.284] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:07.284] name <- restart$name
[23:16:07.284] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:07.284] next
[23:16:07.284] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:07.284] next
[23:16:07.284] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:07.284] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:07.284] break
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] }))
[23:16:07.284] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:07.284] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:07.284] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:07.284] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:07.284] }, finally = {
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:07.284] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:07.284] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:07.284] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.284] {
[23:16:07.284] if (substitute)
[23:16:07.284] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:07.284] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:07.284] workers <- workers()
[23:16:07.284] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:07.284] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:07.284] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:07.284] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:07.284] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:07.284] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:07.284] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:07.284] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:07.284] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:07.284] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:07.284] label = label, ...)
[23:16:07.284] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:07.284] future <- run(future)
[23:16:07.284] invisible(future)
[23:16:07.284] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:07.284] })
[23:16:07.284] Sys.time
[23:16:07.284] if ( {
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] else {
[23:16:07.284] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:07.284] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:07.284] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] else {
[23:16:07.284] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:07.284] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.284] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:07.284] ...future.result
[23:16:07.284] }
[23:16:07.287] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:07.291] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:07.292] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:07.292] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:07.293] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:07.293] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:07.294] Searching for globals...
[23:16:07.296] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:07.297] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:07.297] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:07.299] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:07.301] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:07.302] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:07.302] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:07.305] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:07.305] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:07.306] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:07.307] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:07.308] List of future strategies:
[23:16:07.308] 1. sequential:
[23:16:07.308] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.308] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:07.308] - call: NULL
[23:16:07.310] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:07.311] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:07.311] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:07.312] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:07.313] List of future strategies:
[23:16:07.313] 1. multicore:
[23:16:07.313] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.313] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:07.313] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:07.315] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:07.320] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:07.320] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:07.320] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:07.320] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:07.320] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] base::local({
[23:16:07.320] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:07.320] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:07.320] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:07.320] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:07.320] else NULL
[23:16:07.320] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:07.320] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:07.320] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:07.320] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:07.320] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:07.320] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:07.320] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:07.320] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:07.320] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:07.320] info)
[23:16:07.320] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:07.320] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:07.320] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:07.320] info)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] else {
[23:16:07.320] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:07.320] info, version)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] })
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:07.320] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] base::local({
[23:16:07.320] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:07.320] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:07.320] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] })
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] if ( {
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] else {
[23:16:07.320] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:07.320] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:07.320] open = "w")
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] else {
[23:16:07.320] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:07.320] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:07.320] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:07.320] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:07.320] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:07.320] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:07.320] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:07.320] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:07.320] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:07.320] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:07.320] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:07.320] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:07.320] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:07.320] i <- NULL
[23:16:07.320] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:07.320] local({
[23:16:07.320] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:07.320] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:07.320] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] })
[23:16:07.320] tryCatch({
[23:16:07.320] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:07.320] }, error = identity)
[23:16:07.320] })
[23:16:07.320] }, args =
[23:16:07.320] }))
[23:16:07.320] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:07.320] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:07.320] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:07.320] version = "1.8")
[23:16:07.320] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:07.320] c <- base::c
[23:16:07.320] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:07.320] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:07.320] length <- base::length
[23:16:07.320] list <- base::list
[23:16:07.320] <-
[23:16:07.320] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:07.320] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:07.320] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:07.320] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:07.320] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:07.320] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:07.320] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:07.320] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:07.320] 3L)]
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] function(cond) {
[23:16:07.320] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:07.320] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:07.320] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:07.320] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:07.320] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:07.320] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:07.320] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:07.320] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:07.320] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:07.320] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:07.320] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:07.320] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:07.320] if (!signal) {
[23:16:07.320] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:07.320] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:07.320] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:07.320] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:07.320] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:07.320] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:07.320] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:07.320] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:07.320] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:07.320] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:07.320] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:07.320] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:07.320] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:07.320] name <- restart$name
[23:16:07.320] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:07.320] next
[23:16:07.320] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:07.320] next
[23:16:07.320] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:07.320] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:07.320] break
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] }))
[23:16:07.320] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:07.320] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:07.320] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:07.320] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:07.320] }, finally = {
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:07.320] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:07.320] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:07.320] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.320] {
[23:16:07.320] if (substitute)
[23:16:07.320] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:07.320] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:07.320] workers <- workers()
[23:16:07.320] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:07.320] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:07.320] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:07.320] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:07.320] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:07.320] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:07.320] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:07.320] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:07.320] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:07.320] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:07.320] label = label, ...)
[23:16:07.320] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:07.320] future <- run(future)
[23:16:07.320] invisible(future)
[23:16:07.320] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:07.320] })
[23:16:07.320] Sys.time
[23:16:07.320] if ( {
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] else {
[23:16:07.320] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:07.320] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:07.320] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] else {
[23:16:07.320] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:07.320] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.320] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:07.320] ...future.result
[23:16:07.320] }
[23:16:07.325] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:07.329] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:07.330] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:07.331] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:07.331] - resolving futures
[23:16:07.332] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:07.332] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:07.333] recursive: 0
[23:16:07.333] length: 2
[23:16:07.334] Future #1
[23:16:07.338] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:07.338] - nx: 2
[23:16:07.339] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:07.339] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:07.339] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:07.340] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:07.340] - force: FALSE
[23:16:07.341] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:07.341] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:07.342] - until=1
[23:16:07.342] - relaying element #1
[23:16:07.343] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:07.343] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:07.344] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:07.344] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:07.347] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:07.348] List of future strategies:
[23:16:07.348] 1. sequential:
[23:16:07.348] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.348] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:07.348] - call: NULL
[23:16:07.349] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:07.352] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:07.352] List of future strategies:
[23:16:07.352] 1. multicore:
[23:16:07.352] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.352] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:07.352] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:07.355] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:07.356] Future #2
[23:16:07.358] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:07.358] - nx: 2
[23:16:07.359] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:07.359] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:07.360] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:07.360] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:07.360] - force: FALSE
[23:16:07.361] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:07.361] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:07.362] - until=2
[23:16:07.362] - relaying element #2
[23:16:07.363] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.363] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.364] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:07.364] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:07.364] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:07.365] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:07.365] - nx: 2
[23:16:07.366] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:07.366] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:07.366] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:07.367] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:07.367] - force: FALSE
[23:16:07.367] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.368] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:07.369] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.369] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:07.369] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:07.370] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:07.370] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:07.387] - accumulating results
[23:16:07.389] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:07.389] - extracting results
[23:16:07.390] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
- plan('multicore') ... DONE
- plan('multisession') ...
[23:16:07.394] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:07.395] List of future strategies:
[23:16:07.395] 1. multisession:
[23:16:07.395] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(), gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.395] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:07.395] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:07.396] plan(): plan_init() of 'multisession', 'cluster', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ...
[23:16:07.397] multisession:
[23:16:07.397] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(), gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:07.397] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:07.397] - call: plan(strategy)
[local output] Workers: [n = 2] 'localhost', 'localhost'
[local output] Base port: 26319
[local output] Creating node 1 of 2 ...
[local output] - setting up node
Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: ''/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e "file.exists('/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/')"'
- Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE
[local output] Starting worker #1 on 'localhost': '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=foreach,globals.R:4409:gimli:hornik' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.slaveRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.workRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=localhost PORT=26319 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=TRUE
[local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0
[local output] Waiting for worker #1 on 'localhost' to connect back
[local output] Connection with worker #1 on 'localhost' established
[local output] - collecting session information
[local output] Creating node 1 of 2 ... done
[local output] Creating node 2 of 2 ...
[local output] - setting up node
Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: ''/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e "file.exists('/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/')"'
- Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE
[local output] Starting worker #2 on 'localhost': '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=foreach,globals.R:4409:gimli:hornik' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.slaveRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.workRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=localhost PORT=26319 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=TRUE
[local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0
[local output] Waiting for worker #2 on 'localhost' to connect back
[local output] Connection with worker #2 on 'localhost' established
[local output] - collecting session information
[local output] Creating node 2 of 2 ... done
[23:16:10.136] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:10.136] Not searching for globals
[23:16:10.137] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:10.138] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:10.144] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:10.145] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:10.152] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:10.152] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:10.152] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:10.152] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:10.152] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] base::local({
[23:16:10.152] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:10.152] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:10.152] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:10.152] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:10.152] else NULL
[23:16:10.152] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:10.152] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:10.152] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:10.152] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:10.152] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:10.152] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:10.152] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:10.152] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:10.152] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:10.152] info)
[23:16:10.152] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:10.152] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:10.152] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:10.152] info)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else {
[23:16:10.152] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:10.152] info, version)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] })
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:10.152] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] if ( {
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else {
[23:16:10.152] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:10.152] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:10.152] open = "w")
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else {
[23:16:10.152] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:10.152] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:10.152] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:10.152] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:10.152] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:10.152] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:10.152] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:10.152] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:10.152] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:10.152] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:10.152] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:10.152] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:10.152] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:10.152] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:10.152] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:10.152] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:10.152] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:10.152] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:10.152] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:10.152] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:10.152] envir = ns)
[23:16:10.152] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:10.152] master <- NULL
[23:16:10.152] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:10.152] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:10.152] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:10.152] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:10.152] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:10.152] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:10.152] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:10.152] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:10.152] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:10.152] success = TRUE)
[23:16:10.152] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:10.152] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] })
[23:16:10.152] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:10.152] NA
[23:16:10.152] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:10.152] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:10.152] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.152] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:10.152] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:10.152] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:10.152] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:10.152] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:10.152] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:10.152] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:10.152] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:10.152] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:10.152] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:10.152] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:10.152] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:10.152] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:10.152] name <- restart$name
[23:16:10.152] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:10.152] next
[23:16:10.152] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:10.152] next
[23:16:10.152] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:10.152] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.152] break
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.152] })
[23:16:10.152] }))
[23:16:10.152] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:10.152] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:10.152] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:10.152] version = "1.8")
[23:16:10.152] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:10.152] c <- base::c
[23:16:10.152] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:10.152] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:10.152] length <- base::length
[23:16:10.152] list <- base::list
[23:16:10.152] <-
[23:16:10.152] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:10.152] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:10.152] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:10.152] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:10.152] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:10.152] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:10.152] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:10.152] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:10.152] 3L)]
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] function(cond) {
[23:16:10.152] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:10.152] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:10.152] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:10.152] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:10.152] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:10.152] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:10.152] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:10.152] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:10.152] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:10.152] ))) {
[23:16:10.152] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:10.152] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:10.152] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:10.152] if (!signal) {
[23:16:10.152] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:10.152] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:10.152] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:10.152] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:10.152] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:10.152] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:10.152] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:10.152] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:10.152] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:10.152] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:10.152] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:10.152] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:10.152] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:10.152] name <- restart$name
[23:16:10.152] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:10.152] next
[23:16:10.152] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:10.152] next
[23:16:10.152] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:10.152] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.152] break
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] }))
[23:16:10.152] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:10.152] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:10.152] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:10.152] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:10.152] }, finally = {
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:10.152] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:10.152] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:10.152] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:10.152] ...)
[23:16:10.152] {
[23:16:10.152] if (substitute)
[23:16:10.152] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:10.152] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:10.152] workers <- workers()
[23:16:10.152] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:10.152] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:10.152] workers >= 1)
[23:16:10.152] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:10.152] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:10.152] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:10.152] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:10.152] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:10.152] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:10.152] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:10.152] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:10.152] label = label, ...)
[23:16:10.152] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:10.152] future <- run(future)
[23:16:10.152] invisible(future)
[23:16:10.152] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:10.152] })
[23:16:10.152] Sys.time
[23:16:10.152] if ( {
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else {
[23:16:10.152] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:10.152] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:10.152] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] else {
[23:16:10.152] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:10.152] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.152] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:10.152] ...future.result
[23:16:10.152] }
[23:16:10.159] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:10.160] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.161] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.162] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:10.357] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:10.357] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:10.358] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:10.358] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.359] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:10.359] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.359] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.360] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.360] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.360] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:10.361] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.361] plan(): plan_init() of 'multisession', 'cluster', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ... DONE
[23:16:10.362] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:10.363] doFuture() ...
[23:16:10.365] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:10.366] - R expression:
[23:16:10.366] {
[23:16:10.366] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:10.366] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:10.366] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:10.366] i <- NULL
[23:16:10.366] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:10.366] local({
[23:16:10.366] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:10.366] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:10.366] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:10.366] }
[23:16:10.366] })
[23:16:10.366] tryCatch({
[23:16:10.366] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:10.366] }, error = identity)
[23:16:10.366] })
[23:16:10.366] }
[23:16:10.367] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:10.367] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:10.368] Searching for globals...
[23:16:10.406] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:10.406] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:10.406] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:10.407] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:10.407] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:10.409] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:10.410] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:10.411] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:10.411] List of 3
[23:16:10.411] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:10.411] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:10.411] $ of 1
[23:16:10.411] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:10.411] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:10.411] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:10.411] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x4237d20>
[23:16:10.411] ..$ x :<environment: 0x4183ed0>
[23:16:10.411] ..$<environment: 0x4183ed0>
[23:16:10.411] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:10.411] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:10.411] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:10.457] - R expression:
[23:16:10.458] {
[23:16:10.458] {
[23:16:10.458] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:10.458] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:10.458] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:10.458] i <- NULL
[23:16:10.458] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:10.458] local({
[23:16:10.458] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:10.458] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:10.458] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:10.458] }
[23:16:10.458] })
[23:16:10.458] tryCatch({
[23:16:10.458] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:10.458] }, error = identity)
[23:16:10.458] })
[23:16:10.458] }, args =
[23:16:10.458] }
[23:16:10.459] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:10.459] List of 3
[23:16:10.459] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:10.459] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:10.459] $ of 1
[23:16:10.459] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:10.459] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:10.459] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:10.459] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x4237d20>
[23:16:10.459] ..$ x :<environment: 0x4183ed0>
[23:16:10.459] ..$<environment: 0x4183ed0>
[23:16:10.459] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:10.459] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:10.459] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:10.488] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:10.488] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:10.489] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:10.490] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:10.491] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:10.491] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:10.491] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:10.492] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:10.492] Searching for globals...
[23:16:10.493] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:10.493] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:10.494] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:10.509] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:10.510] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:10.510] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:10.511] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:10.512] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:10.513] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:10.513] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:10.518] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:10.519] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:10.544] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:10.544] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:10.544] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:10.544] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:10.544] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] base::local({
[23:16:10.544] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:10.544] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:10.544] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:10.544] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:10.544] else NULL
[23:16:10.544] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:10.544] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:10.544] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:10.544] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:10.544] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:10.544] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:10.544] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:10.544] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:10.544] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:10.544] info)
[23:16:10.544] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:10.544] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:10.544] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:10.544] info)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else {
[23:16:10.544] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:10.544] info, version)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] })
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:10.544] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] base::local({
[23:16:10.544] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:10.544] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:10.544] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] })
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] if ( {
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else {
[23:16:10.544] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:10.544] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:10.544] open = "w")
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else {
[23:16:10.544] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:10.544] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:10.544] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:10.544] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:10.544] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:10.544] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:10.544] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:10.544] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:10.544] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:10.544] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:10.544] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:10.544] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:10.544] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:10.544] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:10.544] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:10.544] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:10.544] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:10.544] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:10.544] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:10.544] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:10.544] envir = ns)
[23:16:10.544] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:10.544] master <- NULL
[23:16:10.544] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:10.544] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:10.544] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:10.544] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:10.544] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:10.544] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:10.544] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:10.544] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:10.544] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:10.544] success = TRUE)
[23:16:10.544] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:10.544] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] })
[23:16:10.544] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:10.544] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:10.544] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:10.544] i <- NULL
[23:16:10.544] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:10.544] local({
[23:16:10.544] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:10.544] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:10.544] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] })
[23:16:10.544] tryCatch({
[23:16:10.544] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:10.544] }, error = identity)
[23:16:10.544] })
[23:16:10.544] }, args =
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:10.544] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:10.544] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.544] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:10.544] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:10.544] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:10.544] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:10.544] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:10.544] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:10.544] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:10.544] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:10.544] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:10.544] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:10.544] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:10.544] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:10.544] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:10.544] name <- restart$name
[23:16:10.544] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:10.544] next
[23:16:10.544] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:10.544] next
[23:16:10.544] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:10.544] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.544] break
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.544] })
[23:16:10.544] }))
[23:16:10.544] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:10.544] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:10.544] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:10.544] version = "1.8")
[23:16:10.544] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:10.544] c <- base::c
[23:16:10.544] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:10.544] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:10.544] length <- base::length
[23:16:10.544] list <- base::list
[23:16:10.544] <-
[23:16:10.544] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:10.544] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:10.544] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:10.544] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:10.544] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:10.544] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:10.544] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:10.544] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:10.544] 3L)]
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] function(cond) {
[23:16:10.544] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:10.544] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:10.544] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:10.544] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:10.544] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:10.544] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:10.544] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:10.544] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:10.544] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:10.544] ))) {
[23:16:10.544] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:10.544] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:10.544] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:10.544] if (!signal) {
[23:16:10.544] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:10.544] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:10.544] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:10.544] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:10.544] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:10.544] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:10.544] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:10.544] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:10.544] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:10.544] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:10.544] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:10.544] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:10.544] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:10.544] name <- restart$name
[23:16:10.544] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:10.544] next
[23:16:10.544] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:10.544] next
[23:16:10.544] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:10.544] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.544] break
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] }))
[23:16:10.544] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:10.544] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:10.544] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:10.544] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:10.544] }, finally = {
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:10.544] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:10.544] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:10.544] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:10.544] ...)
[23:16:10.544] {
[23:16:10.544] if (substitute)
[23:16:10.544] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:10.544] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:10.544] workers <- workers()
[23:16:10.544] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:10.544] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:10.544] workers >= 1)
[23:16:10.544] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:10.544] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:10.544] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:10.544] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:10.544] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:10.544] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:10.544] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:10.544] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:10.544] label = label, ...)
[23:16:10.544] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:10.544] future <- run(future)
[23:16:10.544] invisible(future)
[23:16:10.544] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:10.544] })
[23:16:10.544] Sys.time
[23:16:10.544] if ( {
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else {
[23:16:10.544] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:10.544] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:10.544] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] else {
[23:16:10.544] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:10.544] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.544] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:10.544] ...future.result
[23:16:10.544] }
[23:16:10.553] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:10.554] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:10.560] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:10.561] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:10.562] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:10.563] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:10.564] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:10.565] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:10.566] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:10.567] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:10.567] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:10.567] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:10.568] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:10.568] Searching for globals...
[23:16:10.569] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:10.570] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:10.574] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:10.575] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:10.576] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:10.577] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:10.577] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:10.579] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:10.579] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:10.580] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:10.585] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:10.585] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:10.594] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:10.594] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:10.594] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:10.594] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:10.594] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] base::local({
[23:16:10.594] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:10.594] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:10.594] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:10.594] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:10.594] else NULL
[23:16:10.594] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:10.594] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:10.594] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:10.594] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:10.594] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:10.594] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:10.594] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:10.594] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:10.594] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:10.594] info)
[23:16:10.594] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:10.594] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:10.594] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:10.594] info)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else {
[23:16:10.594] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:10.594] info, version)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] })
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:10.594] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] base::local({
[23:16:10.594] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:10.594] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:10.594] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] })
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] if ( {
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else {
[23:16:10.594] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:10.594] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:10.594] open = "w")
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else {
[23:16:10.594] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:10.594] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:10.594] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:10.594] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:10.594] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:10.594] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:10.594] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:10.594] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:10.594] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:10.594] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:10.594] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:10.594] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:10.594] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:10.594] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:10.594] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:10.594] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:10.594] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:10.594] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:10.594] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:10.594] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:10.594] envir = ns)
[23:16:10.594] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:10.594] master <- NULL
[23:16:10.594] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:10.594] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:10.594] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:10.594] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:10.594] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:10.594] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:10.594] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:10.594] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:10.594] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:10.594] success = TRUE)
[23:16:10.594] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:10.594] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] })
[23:16:10.594] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:10.594] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:10.594] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:10.594] i <- NULL
[23:16:10.594] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:10.594] local({
[23:16:10.594] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:10.594] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:10.594] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] })
[23:16:10.594] tryCatch({
[23:16:10.594] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:10.594] }, error = identity)
[23:16:10.594] })
[23:16:10.594] }, args =
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:10.594] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:10.594] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.594] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:10.594] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:10.594] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:10.594] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:10.594] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:10.594] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:10.594] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:10.594] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:10.594] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:10.594] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:10.594] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:10.594] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:10.594] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:10.594] name <- restart$name
[23:16:10.594] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:10.594] next
[23:16:10.594] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:10.594] next
[23:16:10.594] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:10.594] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.594] break
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.594] })
[23:16:10.594] }))
[23:16:10.594] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:10.594] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:10.594] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:10.594] version = "1.8")
[23:16:10.594] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:10.594] c <- base::c
[23:16:10.594] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:10.594] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:10.594] length <- base::length
[23:16:10.594] list <- base::list
[23:16:10.594] <-
[23:16:10.594] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:10.594] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:10.594] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:10.594] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:10.594] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:10.594] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:10.594] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:10.594] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:10.594] 3L)]
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] function(cond) {
[23:16:10.594] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:10.594] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:10.594] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:10.594] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:10.594] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:10.594] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:10.594] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:10.594] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:10.594] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:10.594] ))) {
[23:16:10.594] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:10.594] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:10.594] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:10.594] if (!signal) {
[23:16:10.594] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:10.594] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:10.594] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:10.594] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:10.594] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:10.594] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:10.594] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:10.594] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:10.594] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:10.594] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:10.594] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:10.594] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:10.594] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:10.594] name <- restart$name
[23:16:10.594] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:10.594] next
[23:16:10.594] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:10.594] next
[23:16:10.594] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:10.594] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:10.594] break
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] }))
[23:16:10.594] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:10.594] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:10.594] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:10.594] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:10.594] }, finally = {
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:10.594] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:10.594] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:10.594] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:10.594] ...)
[23:16:10.594] {
[23:16:10.594] if (substitute)
[23:16:10.594] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:10.594] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:10.594] workers <- workers()
[23:16:10.594] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:10.594] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:10.594] workers >= 1)
[23:16:10.594] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:10.594] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:10.594] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:10.594] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:10.594] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:10.594] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:10.594] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:10.594] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:10.594] label = label, ...)
[23:16:10.594] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:10.594] future <- run(future)
[23:16:10.594] invisible(future)
[23:16:10.594] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:10.594] })
[23:16:10.594] Sys.time
[23:16:10.594] if ( {
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else {
[23:16:10.594] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:10.594] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:10.594] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] else {
[23:16:10.594] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:10.594] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.594] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:10.594] ...future.result
[23:16:10.594] }
[23:16:10.600] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:10.600] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:10.601] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:10.602] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:10.603] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:10.603] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:10.604] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:10.605] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:10.606] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:10.623] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:10.623] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:10.624] - resolving futures
[23:16:10.624] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:10.624] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:10.625] recursive: 0
[23:16:10.625] length: 2
[23:16:10.742] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.742] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:10.743] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:10.743] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:10.744] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:10.744] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.744] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:10.745] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.745] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.745] Future #1
[23:16:10.746] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.746] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:10.746] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.747] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.747] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:10.748] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.748] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:10.748] - nx: 2
[23:16:10.749] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:10.749] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:10.749] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:10.750] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:10.750] - force: FALSE
[23:16:10.750] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:10.751] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:10.751] - until=1
[23:16:10.751] - relaying element #1
[23:16:10.752] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.752] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:10.752] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.753] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.753] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:10.753] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.754] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.754] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:10.755] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.755] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:10.755] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:10.756] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:10.756] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:10.756] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:10.757] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:10.757] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:11.061] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.062] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:11.062] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:11.063] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:11.063] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:11.063] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.064] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.064] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.064] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.065] Future #2
[23:16:11.065] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.065] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.065] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.066] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.066] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.066] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.067] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:11.067] - nx: 2
[23:16:11.067] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:11.067] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:11.068] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:11.068] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:11.068] - force: FALSE
[23:16:11.069] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.069] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.069] - until=2
[23:16:11.070] - relaying element #2
[23:16:11.070] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.070] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.071] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.071] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.071] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.071] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.072] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.072] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.072] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.073] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.073] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.073] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.074] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.074] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.090] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:11.091] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:11.091] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:11.092] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:11.092] - nx: 2
[23:16:11.092] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:11.093] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:11.093] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:11.093] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:11.094] - force: FALSE
[23:16:11.094] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.094] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:11.095] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.095] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.095] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:11.096] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:11.096] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:11.097] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.097] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.097] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.098] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.098] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.098] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.099] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.099] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.103] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.104] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.104] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.104] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.105] - accumulating results
[23:16:11.106] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:11.123] - extracting results
[23:16:11.123] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:11.126] doFuture() ...
[23:16:11.128] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:11.129] - R expression:
[23:16:11.129] {
[23:16:11.129] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.129] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.129] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.129] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.129] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.129] local({
[23:16:11.129] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.129] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:11.129] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.129] }
[23:16:11.129] })
[23:16:11.129] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.129] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.129] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.129] })
[23:16:11.129] }
[23:16:11.130] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:11.131] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.131] Searching for globals...
[23:16:11.156] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:11.157] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.157] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.158] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:11.158] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:11.161] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:11.161] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:11.162] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.162] List of 3
[23:16:11.162] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:11.162] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:11.162] $ of 1
[23:16:11.162] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:11.162] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:11.162] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:11.162] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x249e160>
[23:16:11.162] ..$ x :<environment: 0x2a014a0>
[23:16:11.162] ..$<environment: 0x2a014a0>
[23:16:11.162] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:11.162] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:11.162] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:11.177] - appending 1 '.export' globals (not already found through automatic lookup): '...'
[23:16:11.177] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.178] Retrieving globals ...
[23:16:11.178] - globals retrieved: [1] '...'
[23:16:11.178] Retrieving globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.179] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.179] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:11.180] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:11.181] The total size of the 1 globals is 56 bytes (56 bytes)
[23:16:11.181] - globals: [1] ''
[23:16:11.182] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.183] - R expression:
[23:16:11.183] {
[23:16:11.183] {
[23:16:11.183] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.183] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.183] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.183] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.183] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.183] local({
[23:16:11.183] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.183] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:11.183] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.183] }
[23:16:11.183] })
[23:16:11.183] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.183] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.183] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.183] })
[23:16:11.183] }, args =
[23:16:11.183] }
[23:16:11.184] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.184] List of 3
[23:16:11.184] $ of 1
[23:16:11.184] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:11.184] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:11.184] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:11.184] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:11.184] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:11.184] ..$<environment: 0x2a014a0>
[23:16:11.184] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x249e160>
[23:16:11.184] ..$ x :<environment: 0x2a014a0>
[23:16:11.184] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:11.184] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:11.184] - attr(*, "total_size")= num NA
[23:16:11.256] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:11.257] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:11.258] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:11.258] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:11.259] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:11.260] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:11.260] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:11.260] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.261] Searching for globals...
[23:16:11.262] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.262] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:11.263] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.264] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.265] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.265] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.265] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.267] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:11.267] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.268] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.273] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:11.273] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:11.280] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:11.280] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:11.280] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:11.280] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:11.280] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] base::local({
[23:16:11.280] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:11.280] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:11.280] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:11.280] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:11.280] else NULL
[23:16:11.280] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:11.280] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:11.280] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:11.280] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:11.280] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:11.280] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:11.280] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:11.280] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:11.280] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:11.280] info)
[23:16:11.280] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:11.280] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:11.280] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:11.280] info)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else {
[23:16:11.280] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:11.280] info, version)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] })
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:11.280] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] base::local({
[23:16:11.280] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:11.280] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:11.280] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] })
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] if ( {
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else {
[23:16:11.280] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.280] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:11.280] open = "w")
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else {
[23:16:11.280] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:11.280] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.280] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:11.280] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.280] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.280] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:11.280] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:11.280] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:11.280] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:11.280] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.280] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:11.280] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:11.280] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:11.280] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:11.280] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:11.280] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.280] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:11.280] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.280] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:11.280] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.280] envir = ns)
[23:16:11.280] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.280] master <- NULL
[23:16:11.280] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:11.280] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:11.280] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:11.280] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:11.280] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:11.280] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.280] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:11.280] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:11.280] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:11.280] success = TRUE)
[23:16:11.280] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:11.280] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] })
[23:16:11.280] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.280] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.280] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.280] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.280] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.280] local({
[23:16:11.280] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.280] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:11.280] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] })
[23:16:11.280] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.280] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.280] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.280] })
[23:16:11.280] }, args =
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:11.280] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:11.280] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.280] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.280] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.280] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.280] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.280] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.280] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.280] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.280] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.280] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.280] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.280] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.280] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.280] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.280] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.280] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.280] next
[23:16:11.280] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.280] next
[23:16:11.280] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.280] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.280] break
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.280] })
[23:16:11.280] }))
[23:16:11.280] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:11.280] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.280] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:11.280] version = "1.8")
[23:16:11.280] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:11.280] c <- base::c
[23:16:11.280] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.280] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.280] length <- base::length
[23:16:11.280] list <- base::list
[23:16:11.280] <-
[23:16:11.280] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:11.280] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:11.280] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:11.280] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:11.280] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:11.280] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:11.280] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:11.280] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:11.280] 3L)]
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] function(cond) {
[23:16:11.280] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:11.280] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:11.280] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:11.280] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:11.280] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.280] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:11.280] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:11.280] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:11.280] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:11.280] ))) {
[23:16:11.280] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:11.280] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.280] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:11.280] if (!signal) {
[23:16:11.280] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.280] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.280] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.280] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.280] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.280] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.280] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.280] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.280] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.280] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.280] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.280] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.280] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.280] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.280] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.280] next
[23:16:11.280] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.280] next
[23:16:11.280] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.280] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.280] break
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] }))
[23:16:11.280] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:11.280] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:11.280] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.280] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:11.280] }, finally = {
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:11.280] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:11.280] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:11.280] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:11.280] ...)
[23:16:11.280] {
[23:16:11.280] if (substitute)
[23:16:11.280] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:11.280] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:11.280] workers <- workers()
[23:16:11.280] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:11.280] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:11.280] workers >= 1)
[23:16:11.280] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:11.280] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:11.280] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:11.280] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:11.280] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:11.280] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:11.280] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:11.280] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:11.280] label = label, ...)
[23:16:11.280] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:11.280] future <- run(future)
[23:16:11.280] invisible(future)
[23:16:11.280] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:11.280] })
[23:16:11.280] Sys.time
[23:16:11.280] if ( {
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else {
[23:16:11.280] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.280] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.280] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] else {
[23:16:11.280] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.280] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.280] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:11.280] ...future.result
[23:16:11.280] }
[23:16:11.285] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.286] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.287] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.287] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.288] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.289] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.290] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.290] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.292] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:11.292] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.292] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:11.293] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:11.293] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.293] Searching for globals...
[23:16:11.295] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.295] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:11.295] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.296] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.297] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.298] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.298] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.300] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:11.300] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.301] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.306] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:11.308] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:11.314] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:11.314] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:11.314] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:11.314] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:11.314] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] base::local({
[23:16:11.314] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:11.314] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:11.314] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:11.314] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:11.314] else NULL
[23:16:11.314] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:11.314] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:11.314] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:11.314] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:11.314] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:11.314] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:11.314] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:11.314] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:11.314] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:11.314] info)
[23:16:11.314] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:11.314] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:11.314] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:11.314] info)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else {
[23:16:11.314] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:11.314] info, version)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] })
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:11.314] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] base::local({
[23:16:11.314] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:11.314] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:11.314] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] })
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] if ( {
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else {
[23:16:11.314] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.314] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:11.314] open = "w")
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else {
[23:16:11.314] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:11.314] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.314] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:11.314] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.314] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.314] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:11.314] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:11.314] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:11.314] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:11.314] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.314] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:11.314] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:11.314] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:11.314] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:11.314] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:11.314] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.314] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:11.314] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.314] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:11.314] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.314] envir = ns)
[23:16:11.314] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.314] master <- NULL
[23:16:11.314] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:11.314] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:11.314] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:11.314] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:11.314] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:11.314] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.314] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:11.314] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:11.314] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:11.314] success = TRUE)
[23:16:11.314] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:11.314] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] })
[23:16:11.314] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.314] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.314] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.314] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.314] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.314] local({
[23:16:11.314] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.314] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:11.314] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] })
[23:16:11.314] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.314] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.314] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.314] })
[23:16:11.314] }, args =
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:11.314] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:11.314] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.314] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.314] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.314] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.314] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.314] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.314] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.314] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.314] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.314] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.314] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.314] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.314] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.314] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.314] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.314] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.314] next
[23:16:11.314] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.314] next
[23:16:11.314] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.314] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.314] break
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.314] })
[23:16:11.314] }))
[23:16:11.314] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:11.314] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.314] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:11.314] version = "1.8")
[23:16:11.314] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:11.314] c <- base::c
[23:16:11.314] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.314] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.314] length <- base::length
[23:16:11.314] list <- base::list
[23:16:11.314] <-
[23:16:11.314] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:11.314] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:11.314] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:11.314] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:11.314] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:11.314] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:11.314] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:11.314] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:11.314] 3L)]
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] function(cond) {
[23:16:11.314] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:11.314] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:11.314] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:11.314] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:11.314] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.314] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:11.314] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:11.314] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:11.314] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:11.314] ))) {
[23:16:11.314] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:11.314] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.314] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:11.314] if (!signal) {
[23:16:11.314] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.314] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.314] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.314] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.314] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.314] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.314] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.314] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.314] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.314] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.314] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.314] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.314] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.314] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.314] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.314] next
[23:16:11.314] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.314] next
[23:16:11.314] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.314] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.314] break
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] }))
[23:16:11.314] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:11.314] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:11.314] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.314] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:11.314] }, finally = {
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:11.314] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:11.314] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:11.314] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:11.314] ...)
[23:16:11.314] {
[23:16:11.314] if (substitute)
[23:16:11.314] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:11.314] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:11.314] workers <- workers()
[23:16:11.314] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:11.314] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:11.314] workers >= 1)
[23:16:11.314] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:11.314] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:11.314] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:11.314] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:11.314] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:11.314] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:11.314] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:11.314] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:11.314] label = label, ...)
[23:16:11.314] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:11.314] future <- run(future)
[23:16:11.314] invisible(future)
[23:16:11.314] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:11.314] })
[23:16:11.314] Sys.time
[23:16:11.314] if ( {
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else {
[23:16:11.314] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.314] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.314] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] else {
[23:16:11.314] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.314] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.314] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:11.314] ...future.result
[23:16:11.314] }
[23:16:11.334] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.335] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.336] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.336] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.337] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.337] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.343] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.343] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.345] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:11.348] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.349] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:11.349] - resolving futures
[23:16:11.349] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:11.350] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:11.350] recursive: 0
[23:16:11.350] length: 2
[23:16:11.352] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.353] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:11.353] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:11.354] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:11.354] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:11.355] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.355] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.355] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.355] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.356] Future #1
[23:16:11.356] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.356] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.357] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.357] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.357] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.358] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.358] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:11.358] - nx: 2
[23:16:11.368] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:11.368] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:11.368] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:11.369] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:11.369] - force: FALSE
[23:16:11.369] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:11.369] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:11.370] - until=1
[23:16:11.370] - relaying element #1
[23:16:11.371] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.371] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.371] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.371] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.372] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.372] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.373] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.373] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.373] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.373] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.374] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.374] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.374] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.375] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.375] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:11.375] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:11.404] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.405] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:11.405] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:11.405] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:11.406] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:11.406] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.406] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.407] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.407] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.407] Future #2
[23:16:11.408] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.408] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.408] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.409] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.409] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.410] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.410] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:11.410] - nx: 2
[23:16:11.411] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:11.411] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:11.411] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:11.411] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:11.412] - force: FALSE
[23:16:11.412] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.412] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.413] - until=2
[23:16:11.413] - relaying element #2
[23:16:11.413] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.414] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.414] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.414] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.415] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.415] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.415] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.416] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.416] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.416] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.417] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.417] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.417] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.418] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.418] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:11.432] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:11.433] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:11.433] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:11.434] - nx: 2
[23:16:11.434] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:11.434] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:11.434] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:11.435] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:11.435] - force: FALSE
[23:16:11.435] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.436] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:11.436] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.436] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.437] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:11.437] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:11.437] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:11.438] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.438] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.438] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.439] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.439] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.439] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.440] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.440] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.440] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.440] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.441] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.441] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.442] - accumulating results
[23:16:11.443] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:11.443] - extracting results
[23:16:11.443] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:11.460] doFuture() ...
[23:16:11.461] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:11.462] - R expression:
[23:16:11.463] {
[23:16:11.463] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.463] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.463] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.463] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.463] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.463] local({
[23:16:11.463] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.463] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:11.463] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.463] }
[23:16:11.463] })
[23:16:11.463] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.463] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.463] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.463] })
[23:16:11.463] }
[23:16:11.463] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:11.464] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.464] Searching for globals...
[23:16:11.496] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:11.496] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.496] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.517] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:11.517] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:11.520] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:11.520] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:11.521] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.522] List of 3
[23:16:11.522] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:11.522] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:11.522] $ of 1
[23:16:11.522] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:11.522] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:11.522] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:11.522] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x43b5cb0>
[23:16:11.522] ..$ x :<environment: 0x4307ec8>
[23:16:11.522] ..$<environment: 0x4307ec8>
[23:16:11.522] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:11.522] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:11.522] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:11.545] - appending 1 '.export' globals (not already found through automatic lookup): '...'
[23:16:11.545] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.546] Retrieving globals ...
[23:16:11.546] - globals retrieved: [1] '...'
[23:16:11.547] Retrieving globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.547] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.547] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:11.548] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:11.549] The total size of the 1 globals is 56 bytes (56 bytes)
[23:16:11.549] - globals: [1] ''
[23:16:11.550] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.561] - R expression:
[23:16:11.561] {
[23:16:11.561] {
[23:16:11.561] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.561] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.561] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.561] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.561] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.561] local({
[23:16:11.561] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.561] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:11.561] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.561] }
[23:16:11.561] })
[23:16:11.561] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.561] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.561] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.561] })
[23:16:11.561] }, args =
[23:16:11.561] }
[23:16:11.562] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.562] List of 3
[23:16:11.562] $ of 1
[23:16:11.562] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:11.562] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:11.562] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:11.562] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:11.562] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:11.562] ..$<environment: 0x4307ec8>
[23:16:11.562] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x43b5cb0>
[23:16:11.562] ..$ x :<environment: 0x4307ec8>
[23:16:11.562] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:11.562] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:11.562] - attr(*, "total_size")= num NA
[23:16:11.586] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:11.587] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:11.588] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:11.589] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:11.589] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:11.590] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:11.590] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:11.590] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.591] Searching for globals...
[23:16:11.592] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.592] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:11.593] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.594] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.595] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.611] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.611] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.613] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:11.613] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.614] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.619] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:11.620] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:11.629] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:11.629] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:11.629] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:11.629] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:11.629] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] base::local({
[23:16:11.629] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:11.629] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:11.629] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:11.629] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:11.629] else NULL
[23:16:11.629] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:11.629] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:11.629] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:11.629] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:11.629] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:11.629] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:11.629] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:11.629] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:11.629] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:11.629] info)
[23:16:11.629] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:11.629] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:11.629] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:11.629] info)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else {
[23:16:11.629] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:11.629] info, version)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] })
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:11.629] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] base::local({
[23:16:11.629] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:11.629] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:11.629] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] })
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] if ( {
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else {
[23:16:11.629] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.629] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:11.629] open = "w")
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else {
[23:16:11.629] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:11.629] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.629] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:11.629] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.629] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.629] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:11.629] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:11.629] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:11.629] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:11.629] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.629] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:11.629] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:11.629] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:11.629] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:11.629] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:11.629] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.629] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:11.629] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.629] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:11.629] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.629] envir = ns)
[23:16:11.629] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.629] master <- NULL
[23:16:11.629] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:11.629] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:11.629] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:11.629] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:11.629] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:11.629] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.629] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:11.629] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:11.629] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:11.629] success = TRUE)
[23:16:11.629] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:11.629] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] })
[23:16:11.629] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.629] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.629] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.629] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.629] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.629] local({
[23:16:11.629] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.629] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:11.629] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] })
[23:16:11.629] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.629] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.629] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.629] })
[23:16:11.629] }, args =
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:11.629] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:11.629] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.629] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.629] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.629] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.629] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.629] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.629] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.629] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.629] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.629] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.629] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.629] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.629] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.629] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.629] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.629] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.629] next
[23:16:11.629] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.629] next
[23:16:11.629] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.629] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.629] break
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.629] })
[23:16:11.629] }))
[23:16:11.629] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:11.629] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.629] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:11.629] version = "1.8")
[23:16:11.629] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:11.629] c <- base::c
[23:16:11.629] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.629] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.629] length <- base::length
[23:16:11.629] list <- base::list
[23:16:11.629] <-
[23:16:11.629] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:11.629] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:11.629] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:11.629] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:11.629] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:11.629] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:11.629] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:11.629] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:11.629] 3L)]
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] function(cond) {
[23:16:11.629] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:11.629] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:11.629] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:11.629] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:11.629] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.629] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:11.629] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:11.629] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:11.629] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:11.629] ))) {
[23:16:11.629] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:11.629] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.629] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:11.629] if (!signal) {
[23:16:11.629] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.629] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.629] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.629] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.629] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.629] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.629] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.629] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.629] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.629] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.629] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.629] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.629] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.629] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.629] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.629] next
[23:16:11.629] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.629] next
[23:16:11.629] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.629] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.629] break
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] }))
[23:16:11.629] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:11.629] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:11.629] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.629] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:11.629] }, finally = {
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:11.629] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:11.629] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:11.629] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:11.629] ...)
[23:16:11.629] {
[23:16:11.629] if (substitute)
[23:16:11.629] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:11.629] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:11.629] workers <- workers()
[23:16:11.629] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:11.629] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:11.629] workers >= 1)
[23:16:11.629] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:11.629] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:11.629] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:11.629] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:11.629] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:11.629] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:11.629] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:11.629] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:11.629] label = label, ...)
[23:16:11.629] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:11.629] future <- run(future)
[23:16:11.629] invisible(future)
[23:16:11.629] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:11.629] })
[23:16:11.629] Sys.time
[23:16:11.629] if ( {
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else {
[23:16:11.629] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.629] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.629] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] else {
[23:16:11.629] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.629] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.629] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:11.629] ...future.result
[23:16:11.629] }
[23:16:11.634] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.635] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.636] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.637] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.638] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.641] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.642] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.643] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.644] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:11.645] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.645] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:11.645] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:11.646] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.646] Searching for globals...
[23:16:11.648] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.648] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:11.648] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.649] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.650] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.651] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.651] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.653] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:11.653] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:11.654] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.659] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:11.660] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:11.682] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:11.682] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:11.682] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:11.682] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:11.682] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] base::local({
[23:16:11.682] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:11.682] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:11.682] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:11.682] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:11.682] else NULL
[23:16:11.682] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:11.682] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:11.682] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:11.682] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:11.682] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:11.682] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:11.682] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:11.682] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:11.682] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:11.682] info)
[23:16:11.682] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:11.682] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:11.682] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:11.682] info)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else {
[23:16:11.682] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:11.682] info, version)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] })
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:11.682] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] base::local({
[23:16:11.682] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:11.682] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:11.682] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] })
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] if ( {
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else {
[23:16:11.682] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.682] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:11.682] open = "w")
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else {
[23:16:11.682] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:11.682] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.682] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:11.682] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.682] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.682] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:11.682] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:11.682] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:11.682] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:11.682] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.682] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:11.682] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:11.682] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:11.682] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:11.682] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:11.682] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.682] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:11.682] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.682] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:11.682] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.682] envir = ns)
[23:16:11.682] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.682] master <- NULL
[23:16:11.682] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:11.682] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:11.682] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:11.682] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:11.682] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:11.682] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.682] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:11.682] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:11.682] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:11.682] success = TRUE)
[23:16:11.682] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:11.682] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] })
[23:16:11.682] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.682] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.682] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.682] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.682] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.682] local({
[23:16:11.682] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.682] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:11.682] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] })
[23:16:11.682] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.682] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.682] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.682] })
[23:16:11.682] }, args =
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:11.682] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:11.682] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.682] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.682] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.682] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.682] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.682] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.682] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.682] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.682] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.682] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.682] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.682] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.682] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.682] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.682] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.682] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.682] next
[23:16:11.682] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.682] next
[23:16:11.682] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.682] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.682] break
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.682] })
[23:16:11.682] }))
[23:16:11.682] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:11.682] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.682] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:11.682] version = "1.8")
[23:16:11.682] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:11.682] c <- base::c
[23:16:11.682] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.682] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.682] length <- base::length
[23:16:11.682] list <- base::list
[23:16:11.682] <-
[23:16:11.682] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:11.682] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:11.682] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:11.682] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:11.682] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:11.682] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:11.682] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:11.682] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:11.682] 3L)]
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] function(cond) {
[23:16:11.682] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:11.682] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:11.682] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:11.682] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:11.682] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.682] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:11.682] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:11.682] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:11.682] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:11.682] ))) {
[23:16:11.682] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:11.682] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.682] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:11.682] if (!signal) {
[23:16:11.682] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.682] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.682] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.682] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.682] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.682] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.682] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.682] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.682] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.682] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.682] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.682] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.682] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.682] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.682] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.682] next
[23:16:11.682] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.682] next
[23:16:11.682] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.682] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.682] break
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] }))
[23:16:11.682] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:11.682] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:11.682] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.682] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:11.682] }, finally = {
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:11.682] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:11.682] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:11.682] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:11.682] ...)
[23:16:11.682] {
[23:16:11.682] if (substitute)
[23:16:11.682] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:11.682] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:11.682] workers <- workers()
[23:16:11.682] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:11.682] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:11.682] workers >= 1)
[23:16:11.682] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:11.682] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:11.682] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:11.682] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:11.682] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:11.682] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:11.682] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:11.682] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:11.682] label = label, ...)
[23:16:11.682] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:11.682] future <- run(future)
[23:16:11.682] invisible(future)
[23:16:11.682] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:11.682] })
[23:16:11.682] Sys.time
[23:16:11.682] if ( {
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else {
[23:16:11.682] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.682] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.682] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] else {
[23:16:11.682] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.682] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.682] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:11.682] ...future.result
[23:16:11.682] }
[23:16:11.706] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.707] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.708] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.708] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.709] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.710] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.711] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.711] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.713] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:11.713] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.714] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:11.714] - resolving futures
[23:16:11.714] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:11.715] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:11.715] recursive: 0
[23:16:11.715] length: 2
[23:16:11.717] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.718] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:11.718] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:11.719] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:11.719] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:11.719] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.720] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.720] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.720] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.721] Future #1
[23:16:11.721] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.721] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.722] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.722] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.722] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.723] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.723] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:11.724] - nx: 2
[23:16:11.724] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:11.724] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:11.724] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:11.725] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:11.725] - force: FALSE
[23:16:11.725] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:11.726] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:11.726] - until=1
[23:16:11.736] - relaying element #1
[23:16:11.736] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.737] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.737] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.737] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.738] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.738] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.739] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.739] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.739] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.740] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.740] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.740] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.741] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.741] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.741] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:11.742] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:11.760] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.760] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:11.761] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:11.761] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:11.762] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:11.762] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.762] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.763] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.763] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.763] Future #2
[23:16:11.764] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.764] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.764] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.765] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.765] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.766] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.766] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:11.766] - nx: 2
[23:16:11.767] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:11.767] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:11.767] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:11.767] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:11.768] - force: FALSE
[23:16:11.768] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.768] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.768] - until=2
[23:16:11.769] - relaying element #2
[23:16:11.769] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.769] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.770] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.770] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.771] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.771] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.771] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.772] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.772] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.772] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.773] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.773] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.773] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.774] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.774] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:11.775] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:11.775] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:11.775] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:11.776] - nx: 2
[23:16:11.776] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:11.776] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:11.777] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:11.777] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:11.777] - force: FALSE
[23:16:11.777] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.778] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:11.778] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.779] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:11.779] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:11.779] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:11.780] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:11.780] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.780] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.781] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.781] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.781] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.782] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.782] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.782] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.783] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.783] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.783] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.784] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.784] - accumulating results
[23:16:11.805] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:11.806] - extracting results
[23:16:11.806] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:11.810] doFuture() ...
[23:16:11.812] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:11.813] - R expression:
[23:16:11.814] {
[23:16:11.814] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.814] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.814] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.814] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.814] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.814] local({
[23:16:11.814] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.814] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:11.814] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.814] }
[23:16:11.814] })
[23:16:11.814] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.814] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.814] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.814] })
[23:16:11.814] }
[23:16:11.815] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:11.815] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.815] Searching for globals...
[23:16:11.834] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:11.834] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.835] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.835] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:11.836] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:11.838] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:11.839] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:11.840] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.840] List of 3
[23:16:11.840] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:11.840] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:11.840] $ of 1
[23:16:11.840] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:11.840] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:11.840] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:11.840] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x30094a0>
[23:16:11.840] ..$ x :<environment: 0x35504b8>
[23:16:11.840] ..$<environment: 0x35504b8>
[23:16:11.840] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:11.840] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:11.840] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:11.854] - R expression:
[23:16:11.855] {
[23:16:11.855] {
[23:16:11.855] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.855] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.855] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.855] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.855] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.855] local({
[23:16:11.855] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.855] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:11.855] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.855] }
[23:16:11.855] })
[23:16:11.855] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.855] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.855] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.855] })
[23:16:11.855] }, args =
[23:16:11.855] }
[23:16:11.855] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:11.856] List of 3
[23:16:11.856] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:11.856] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:11.856] $ of 1
[23:16:11.856] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:11.856] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:11.856] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:11.856] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x30094a0>
[23:16:11.856] ..$ x :<environment: 0x35504b8>
[23:16:11.856] ..$<environment: 0x35504b8>
[23:16:11.856] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:11.856] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:11.856] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:11.870] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:11.870] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:11.875] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:11.875] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:11.876] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:11.877] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:11.877] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:11.877] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.878] Searching for globals...
[23:16:11.879] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.880] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:11.880] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.881] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.882] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.883] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:11.883] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.885] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:11.885] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:11.886] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.891] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:11.892] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:11.899] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:11.899] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:11.899] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:11.899] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:11.899] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] base::local({
[23:16:11.899] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:11.899] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:11.899] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:11.899] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:11.899] else NULL
[23:16:11.899] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:11.899] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:11.899] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:11.899] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:11.899] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:11.899] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:11.899] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:11.899] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:11.899] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:11.899] info)
[23:16:11.899] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:11.899] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:11.899] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:11.899] info)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else {
[23:16:11.899] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:11.899] info, version)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] })
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:11.899] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] base::local({
[23:16:11.899] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:11.899] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:11.899] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] })
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] if ( {
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else {
[23:16:11.899] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.899] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:11.899] open = "w")
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else {
[23:16:11.899] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:11.899] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.899] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:11.899] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.899] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.899] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:11.899] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:11.899] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:11.899] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:11.899] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.899] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:11.899] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:11.899] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:11.899] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:11.899] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:11.899] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.899] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:11.899] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.899] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:11.899] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.899] envir = ns)
[23:16:11.899] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.899] master <- NULL
[23:16:11.899] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:11.899] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:11.899] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:11.899] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:11.899] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:11.899] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.899] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:11.899] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:11.899] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:11.899] success = TRUE)
[23:16:11.899] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:11.899] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] })
[23:16:11.899] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.899] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.899] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.899] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.899] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.899] local({
[23:16:11.899] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.899] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:11.899] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] })
[23:16:11.899] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.899] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.899] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.899] })
[23:16:11.899] }, args =
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:11.899] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:11.899] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.899] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.899] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.899] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.899] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.899] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.899] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.899] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.899] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.899] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.899] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.899] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.899] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.899] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.899] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.899] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.899] next
[23:16:11.899] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.899] next
[23:16:11.899] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.899] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.899] break
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.899] })
[23:16:11.899] }))
[23:16:11.899] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:11.899] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.899] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:11.899] version = "1.8")
[23:16:11.899] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:11.899] c <- base::c
[23:16:11.899] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.899] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.899] length <- base::length
[23:16:11.899] list <- base::list
[23:16:11.899] <-
[23:16:11.899] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:11.899] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:11.899] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:11.899] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:11.899] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:11.899] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:11.899] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:11.899] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:11.899] 3L)]
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] function(cond) {
[23:16:11.899] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:11.899] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:11.899] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:11.899] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:11.899] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.899] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:11.899] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:11.899] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:11.899] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:11.899] ))) {
[23:16:11.899] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:11.899] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.899] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:11.899] if (!signal) {
[23:16:11.899] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.899] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.899] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.899] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.899] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.899] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.899] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.899] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.899] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.899] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.899] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.899] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.899] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.899] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.899] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.899] next
[23:16:11.899] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.899] next
[23:16:11.899] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.899] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.899] break
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] }))
[23:16:11.899] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:11.899] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:11.899] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.899] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:11.899] }, finally = {
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:11.899] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:11.899] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:11.899] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:11.899] ...)
[23:16:11.899] {
[23:16:11.899] if (substitute)
[23:16:11.899] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:11.899] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:11.899] workers <- workers()
[23:16:11.899] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:11.899] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:11.899] workers >= 1)
[23:16:11.899] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:11.899] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:11.899] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:11.899] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:11.899] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:11.899] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:11.899] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:11.899] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:11.899] label = label, ...)
[23:16:11.899] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:11.899] future <- run(future)
[23:16:11.899] invisible(future)
[23:16:11.899] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:11.899] })
[23:16:11.899] Sys.time
[23:16:11.899] if ( {
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else {
[23:16:11.899] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.899] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.899] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] else {
[23:16:11.899] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.899] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.899] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:11.899] ...future.result
[23:16:11.899] }
[23:16:11.905] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.905] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.907] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.907] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.908] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.909] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:11.910] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.910] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:11.912] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:11.912] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.913] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:11.913] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:11.914] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.914] Searching for globals...
[23:16:11.915] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:11.916] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:11.916] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.917] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.918] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:11.919] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:11.919] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:11.921] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:11.921] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:11.922] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:11.928] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:11.928] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:11.936] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:11.936] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:11.936] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:11.936] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:11.936] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] base::local({
[23:16:11.936] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:11.936] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:11.936] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:11.936] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:11.936] else NULL
[23:16:11.936] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:11.936] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:11.936] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:11.936] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:11.936] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:11.936] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:11.936] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:11.936] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:11.936] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:11.936] info)
[23:16:11.936] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:11.936] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:11.936] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:11.936] info)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else {
[23:16:11.936] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:11.936] info, version)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] })
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:11.936] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] base::local({
[23:16:11.936] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:11.936] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:11.936] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] })
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] if ( {
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else {
[23:16:11.936] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.936] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:11.936] open = "w")
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else {
[23:16:11.936] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:11.936] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.936] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:11.936] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.936] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.936] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:11.936] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:11.936] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:11.936] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:11.936] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.936] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:11.936] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:11.936] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:11.936] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:11.936] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:11.936] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.936] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:11.936] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.936] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:11.936] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:11.936] envir = ns)
[23:16:11.936] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.936] master <- NULL
[23:16:11.936] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:11.936] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:11.936] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:11.936] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:11.936] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:11.936] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.936] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:11.936] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:11.936] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:11.936] success = TRUE)
[23:16:11.936] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:11.936] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] })
[23:16:11.936] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:11.936] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:11.936] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:11.936] i <- NULL
[23:16:11.936] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:11.936] local({
[23:16:11.936] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:11.936] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:11.936] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] })
[23:16:11.936] tryCatch({
[23:16:11.936] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:11.936] }, error = identity)
[23:16:11.936] })
[23:16:11.936] }, args =
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:11.936] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:11.936] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.936] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.936] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.936] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.936] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.936] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.936] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.936] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.936] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.936] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.936] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.936] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.936] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.936] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.936] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.936] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.936] next
[23:16:11.936] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.936] next
[23:16:11.936] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.936] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.936] break
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.936] })
[23:16:11.936] }))
[23:16:11.936] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:11.936] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.936] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:11.936] version = "1.8")
[23:16:11.936] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:11.936] c <- base::c
[23:16:11.936] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.936] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.936] length <- base::length
[23:16:11.936] list <- base::list
[23:16:11.936] <-
[23:16:11.936] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:11.936] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:11.936] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:11.936] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:11.936] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:11.936] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:11.936] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:11.936] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:11.936] 3L)]
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] function(cond) {
[23:16:11.936] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:11.936] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:11.936] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:11.936] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:11.936] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.936] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:11.936] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:11.936] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:11.936] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:11.936] ))) {
[23:16:11.936] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:11.936] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:11.936] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:11.936] if (!signal) {
[23:16:11.936] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:11.936] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:11.936] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:11.936] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:11.936] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:11.936] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:11.936] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:11.936] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:11.936] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:11.936] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:11.936] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:11.936] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:11.936] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:11.936] name <- restart$name
[23:16:11.936] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:11.936] next
[23:16:11.936] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:11.936] next
[23:16:11.936] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:11.936] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:11.936] break
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] }))
[23:16:11.936] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:11.936] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:11.936] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:11.936] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:11.936] }, finally = {
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:11.936] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:11.936] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:11.936] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:11.936] ...)
[23:16:11.936] {
[23:16:11.936] if (substitute)
[23:16:11.936] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:11.936] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:11.936] workers <- workers()
[23:16:11.936] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:11.936] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:11.936] workers >= 1)
[23:16:11.936] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:11.936] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:11.936] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:11.936] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:11.936] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:11.936] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:11.936] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:11.936] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:11.936] label = label, ...)
[23:16:11.936] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:11.936] future <- run(future)
[23:16:11.936] invisible(future)
[23:16:11.936] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:11.936] })
[23:16:11.936] Sys.time
[23:16:11.936] if ( {
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else {
[23:16:11.936] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:11.936] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:11.936] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] else {
[23:16:11.936] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:11.936] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.936] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:11.936] ...future.result
[23:16:11.936] }
[23:16:11.941] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.942] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.943] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.944] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.946] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.947] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:11.948] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.949] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.951] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:11.951] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:11.952] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:11.952] - resolving futures
[23:16:11.952] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:11.953] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:11.953] recursive: 0
[23:16:11.953] length: 2
[23:16:11.961] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.962] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:11.962] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:11.963] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:11.963] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:11.963] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.964] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.964] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.964] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.965] Future #1
[23:16:11.965] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.966] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.966] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.966] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.967] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.967] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.967] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:11.968] - nx: 2
[23:16:11.968] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:11.968] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:11.969] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:11.969] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:11.973] - force: FALSE
[23:16:11.974] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:11.974] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:11.974] - until=1
[23:16:11.975] - relaying element #1
[23:16:11.975] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.975] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.976] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.976] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.977] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.977] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.978] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.978] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.978] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.979] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.979] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.979] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.980] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.980] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:11.981] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:11.981] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:11.996] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.996] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:11.997] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:11.997] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:11.998] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:11.998] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:11.998] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:11.999] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:11.999] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.000] Future #2
[23:16:12.000] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.000] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.001] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.001] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.001] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.002] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.002] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:12.003] - nx: 2
[23:16:12.003] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:12.003] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:12.004] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:12.004] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:12.004] - force: FALSE
[23:16:12.004] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:12.005] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:12.005] - until=2
[23:16:12.006] - relaying element #2
[23:16:12.006] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.006] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.007] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.007] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.007] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.008] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.008] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.008] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.009] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.009] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.010] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.010] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.010] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:12.011] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:12.011] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:12.011] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:12.012] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:12.012] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:12.012] - nx: 2
[23:16:12.013] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:12.013] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:12.013] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:12.014] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:12.014] - force: FALSE
[23:16:12.014] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:12.039] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:12.039] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:12.040] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:12.040] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:12.040] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:12.041] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:12.041] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.041] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.042] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.042] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.043] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.043] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.043] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.044] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.044] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.044] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:12.045] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:12.045] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:12.046] - accumulating results
[23:16:12.047] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:12.047] - extracting results
[23:16:12.048] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
- plan('multisession') ... DONE
- plan('cluster') ...
[23:16:12.076] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:12.076] List of future strategies:
[23:16:12.076] 1. cluster:
[23:16:12.076] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(), user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE, gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:12.076] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:12.076] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:12.079] plan(): plan_init() of 'cluster', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ...
[23:16:12.079] cluster:
[23:16:12.079] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(), user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE, gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:12.079] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:12.079] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:12.080] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:12.081] Not searching for globals
[23:16:12.081] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:12.081] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[local output] Workers: [n = 2] 'localhost', 'localhost'
[local output] Base port: 25659
[local output] Creating node 1 of 2 ...
[local output] - setting up node
Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: ''/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e "file.exists('/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/')"'
- Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE
[local output] Starting worker #1 on 'localhost': '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=foreach,globals.R:4409:gimli:hornik' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.slaveRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.workRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=localhost PORT=25659 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=TRUE
[local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0
[local output] Waiting for worker #1 on 'localhost' to connect back
[local output] Connection with worker #1 on 'localhost' established
[local output] - collecting session information
[local output] Creating node 1 of 2 ... done
[local output] Creating node 2 of 2 ...
[local output] - setting up node
Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: ''/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e "file.exists('/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/')"'
- Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE
[local output] Starting worker #2 on 'localhost': '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=foreach,globals.R:4409:gimli:hornik' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.slaveRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.workRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=localhost PORT=25659 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=TRUE
[local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0
[local output] Waiting for worker #2 on 'localhost' to connect back
[local output] Connection with worker #2 on 'localhost' established
[local output] - collecting session information
[local output] Creating node 2 of 2 ... done
[23:16:14.670] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:14.670] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:14.677] {
[23:16:14.677] {
[23:16:14.677] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:14.677] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:14.677] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:14.677] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:14.677] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:14.677] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:14.677] {
[23:16:14.677] {
[23:16:14.677] base::local({
[23:16:14.677] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:14.677] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:14.677] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:14.677] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:14.677] else NULL
[23:16:14.677] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:14.677] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:14.677] "", base::R.version$version.string), platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:14.677] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:14.677] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:14.677] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:14.677] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:14.677] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:14.677] info)
[23:16:14.677] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:14.677] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:14.677] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:14.677] info)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else {
[23:16:14.677] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:14.677] info, version)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] })
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] if ( {
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else {
[23:16:14.677] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:14.677] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:14.677] open = "w")
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else {
[23:16:14.677] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:14.677] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:14.677] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:14.677] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:14.677] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:14.677] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:14.677] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:14.677] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:14.677] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:14.677] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:14.677] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:14.677] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:14.677] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:14.677] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:14.677] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:14.677] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:14.677] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:14.677] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:14.677] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:14.677] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:14.677] envir = ns)
[23:16:14.677] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:14.677] master <- NULL
[23:16:14.677] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:14.677] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:14.677] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:14.677] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:14.677] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:14.677] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:14.677] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:14.677] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:14.677] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:14.677] success = TRUE)
[23:16:14.677] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:14.677] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] })
[23:16:14.677] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:14.677] NA
[23:16:14.677] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:14.677] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:14.677] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.677] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:14.677] {
[23:16:14.677] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:14.677] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:14.677] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:14.677] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:14.677] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:14.677] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:14.677] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:14.677] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:14.677] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:14.677] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:14.677] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:14.677] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:14.677] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:14.677] name <- restart$name
[23:16:14.677] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:14.677] next
[23:16:14.677] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:14.677] next
[23:16:14.677] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:14.677] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.677] break
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.677] })
[23:16:14.677] }))
[23:16:14.677] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:14.677] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:14.677] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:14.677] version = "1.8")
[23:16:14.677] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:14.677] c <- base::c
[23:16:14.677] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:14.677] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:14.677] length <- base::length
[23:16:14.677] list <- base::list
[23:16:14.677] <-
[23:16:14.677] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:14.677] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:14.677] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:14.677] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:14.677] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:14.677] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:14.677] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:14.677] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:14.677] 3L)]
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] function(cond) {
[23:16:14.677] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:14.677] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:14.677] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:14.677] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:14.677] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:14.677] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:14.677] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:14.677] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:14.677] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:14.677] ))) {
[23:16:14.677] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:14.677] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:14.677] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:14.677] if (!signal) {
[23:16:14.677] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:14.677] {
[23:16:14.677] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:14.677] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:14.677] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:14.677] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:14.677] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:14.677] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:14.677] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:14.677] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:14.677] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:14.677] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:14.677] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:14.677] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:14.677] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:14.677] name <- restart$name
[23:16:14.677] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:14.677] next
[23:16:14.677] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:14.677] next
[23:16:14.677] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:14.677] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.677] break
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] }))
[23:16:14.677] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:14.677] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:14.677] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:14.677] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:14.677] }, finally = {
[23:16:14.677] {
[23:16:14.677] NULL
[23:16:14.677] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:14.677] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:14.677] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(),
[23:16:14.677] user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE,
[23:16:14.677] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:14.677] ...)
[23:16:14.677] {
[23:16:14.677] if (substitute)
[23:16:14.677] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:14.677] future <- ClusterFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:14.677] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:14.677] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:14.677] workers = workers, user = user, revtunnel = revtunnel,
[23:16:14.677] homogeneous = homogeneous, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:14.677] label = label, ...)
[23:16:14.677] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:14.677] future <- run(future)
[23:16:14.677] invisible(future)
[23:16:14.677] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:14.677] })
[23:16:14.677] Sys.time
[23:16:14.677] if ( {
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else {
[23:16:14.677] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:14.677] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:14.677] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] else {
[23:16:14.677] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:14.677] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.677] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:14.677] ...future.result
[23:16:14.677] }
[23:16:14.696] ClusterFuture started
[23:16:14.696] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:14.697] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:14.697] - Validating connection of ClusterFuture
[23:16:14.846] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:14.847] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:14.847] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:14.847] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:14.848] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:14.848] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:14.848] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:14.849] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:14.849] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:14.849] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:14.850] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:14.854] plan(): plan_init() of 'cluster', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ... DONE
[23:16:14.856] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:14.856] doFuture() ...
[23:16:14.858] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:14.863] - R expression:
[23:16:14.864] {
[23:16:14.864] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:14.864] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:14.864] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:14.864] i <- NULL
[23:16:14.864] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:14.864] local({
[23:16:14.864] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:14.864] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:14.864] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:14.864] }
[23:16:14.864] })
[23:16:14.864] tryCatch({
[23:16:14.864] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:14.864] }, error = identity)
[23:16:14.864] })
[23:16:14.864] }
[23:16:14.865] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:14.865] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:14.866] Searching for globals...
[23:16:14.885] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:14.885] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:14.885] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:14.886] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:14.886] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:14.889] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:14.890] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:14.891] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:14.891] List of 3
[23:16:14.891] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:14.891] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:14.891] $ of 1
[23:16:14.891] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:14.891] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:14.891] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:14.891] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x31c0ac8>
[23:16:14.891] ..$ x :<environment: 0x492f4f8>
[23:16:14.891] ..$<environment: 0x492f4f8>
[23:16:14.891] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:14.891] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:14.891] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:14.906] - R expression:
[23:16:14.906] {
[23:16:14.906] {
[23:16:14.906] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:14.906] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:14.906] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:14.906] i <- NULL
[23:16:14.906] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:14.906] local({
[23:16:14.906] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:14.906] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:14.906] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:14.906] }
[23:16:14.906] })
[23:16:14.906] tryCatch({
[23:16:14.906] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:14.906] }, error = identity)
[23:16:14.906] })
[23:16:14.906] }, args =
[23:16:14.906] }
[23:16:14.907] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:14.907] List of 3
[23:16:14.907] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:14.907] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:14.907] $ of 1
[23:16:14.907] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:14.907] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:14.907] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:14.907] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x31c0ac8>
[23:16:14.907] ..$ x :<environment: 0x492f4f8>
[23:16:14.907] ..$<environment: 0x492f4f8>
[23:16:14.907] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:14.907] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:14.907] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:14.920] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:14.921] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:14.926] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:14.927] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:14.928] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:14.928] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:14.928] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:14.929] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:14.929] Searching for globals...
[23:16:14.931] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:14.931] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:14.931] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:14.932] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:14.933] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:14.933] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:14.934] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:14.935] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:14.936] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:14.936] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:14.943] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:14.943] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:14.951] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:14.951] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:14.951] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:14.951] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:14.951] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] base::local({
[23:16:14.951] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:14.951] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:14.951] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:14.951] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:14.951] else NULL
[23:16:14.951] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:14.951] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:14.951] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:14.951] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:14.951] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:14.951] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:14.951] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:14.951] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:14.951] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:14.951] info)
[23:16:14.951] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:14.951] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:14.951] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:14.951] info)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else {
[23:16:14.951] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:14.951] info, version)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] })
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] base::local({
[23:16:14.951] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:14.951] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:14.951] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] })
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] if ( {
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else {
[23:16:14.951] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:14.951] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:14.951] open = "w")
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else {
[23:16:14.951] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:14.951] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:14.951] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:14.951] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:14.951] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:14.951] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:14.951] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:14.951] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:14.951] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:14.951] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:14.951] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:14.951] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:14.951] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:14.951] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:14.951] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:14.951] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:14.951] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:14.951] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:14.951] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:14.951] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:14.951] envir = ns)
[23:16:14.951] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:14.951] master <- NULL
[23:16:14.951] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:14.951] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:14.951] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:14.951] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:14.951] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:14.951] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:14.951] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:14.951] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:14.951] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:14.951] success = TRUE)
[23:16:14.951] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:14.951] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] })
[23:16:14.951] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:14.951] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:14.951] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:14.951] i <- NULL
[23:16:14.951] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:14.951] local({
[23:16:14.951] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:14.951] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:14.951] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] })
[23:16:14.951] tryCatch({
[23:16:14.951] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:14.951] }, error = identity)
[23:16:14.951] })
[23:16:14.951] }, args =
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:14.951] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:14.951] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.951] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:14.951] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:14.951] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:14.951] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:14.951] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:14.951] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:14.951] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:14.951] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:14.951] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:14.951] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:14.951] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:14.951] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:14.951] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:14.951] name <- restart$name
[23:16:14.951] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:14.951] next
[23:16:14.951] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:14.951] next
[23:16:14.951] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:14.951] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.951] break
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.951] })
[23:16:14.951] }))
[23:16:14.951] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:14.951] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:14.951] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:14.951] version = "1.8")
[23:16:14.951] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:14.951] c <- base::c
[23:16:14.951] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:14.951] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:14.951] length <- base::length
[23:16:14.951] list <- base::list
[23:16:14.951] <-
[23:16:14.951] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:14.951] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:14.951] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:14.951] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:14.951] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:14.951] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:14.951] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:14.951] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:14.951] 3L)]
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] function(cond) {
[23:16:14.951] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:14.951] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:14.951] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:14.951] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:14.951] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:14.951] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:14.951] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:14.951] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:14.951] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:14.951] ))) {
[23:16:14.951] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:14.951] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:14.951] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:14.951] if (!signal) {
[23:16:14.951] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:14.951] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:14.951] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:14.951] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:14.951] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:14.951] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:14.951] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:14.951] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:14.951] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:14.951] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:14.951] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:14.951] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:14.951] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:14.951] name <- restart$name
[23:16:14.951] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:14.951] next
[23:16:14.951] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:14.951] next
[23:16:14.951] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:14.951] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.951] break
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] }))
[23:16:14.951] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:14.951] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:14.951] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:14.951] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:14.951] }, finally = {
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] NULL
[23:16:14.951] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:14.951] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:14.951] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(),
[23:16:14.951] user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE,
[23:16:14.951] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:14.951] ...)
[23:16:14.951] {
[23:16:14.951] if (substitute)
[23:16:14.951] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:14.951] future <- ClusterFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:14.951] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:14.951] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:14.951] workers = workers, user = user, revtunnel = revtunnel,
[23:16:14.951] homogeneous = homogeneous, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:14.951] label = label, ...)
[23:16:14.951] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:14.951] future <- run(future)
[23:16:14.951] invisible(future)
[23:16:14.951] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:14.951] })
[23:16:14.951] Sys.time
[23:16:14.951] if ( {
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else {
[23:16:14.951] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:14.951] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:14.951] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] else {
[23:16:14.951] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:14.951] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.951] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:14.951] ...future.result
[23:16:14.951] }
[23:16:14.956] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:14.957] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:14.958] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:14.958] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:14.960] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:14.960] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:14.962] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:14.962] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:14.963] ClusterFuture started
[23:16:14.964] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:14.964] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:14.965] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:14.965] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:14.965] Searching for globals...
[23:16:14.967] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:14.967] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:14.967] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:14.968] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:14.969] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:14.969] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:14.970] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:14.971] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:14.972] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:14.973] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:14.979] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:14.980] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:14.987] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:14.987] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:14.987] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:14.987] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:14.987] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] base::local({
[23:16:14.987] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:14.987] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:14.987] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:14.987] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:14.987] else NULL
[23:16:14.987] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:14.987] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:14.987] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:14.987] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:14.987] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:14.987] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:14.987] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:14.987] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:14.987] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:14.987] info)
[23:16:14.987] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:14.987] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:14.987] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:14.987] info)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else {
[23:16:14.987] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:14.987] info, version)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] })
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] base::local({
[23:16:14.987] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:14.987] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:14.987] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] })
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] if ( {
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else {
[23:16:14.987] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:14.987] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:14.987] open = "w")
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else {
[23:16:14.987] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:14.987] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:14.987] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:14.987] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:14.987] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:14.987] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:14.987] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:14.987] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:14.987] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:14.987] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:14.987] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:14.987] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:14.987] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:14.987] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:14.987] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:14.987] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:14.987] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:14.987] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:14.987] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:14.987] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:14.987] envir = ns)
[23:16:14.987] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:14.987] master <- NULL
[23:16:14.987] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:14.987] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:14.987] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:14.987] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:14.987] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:14.987] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:14.987] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:14.987] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:14.987] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:14.987] success = TRUE)
[23:16:14.987] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:14.987] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] })
[23:16:14.987] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:14.987] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:14.987] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:14.987] i <- NULL
[23:16:14.987] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:14.987] local({
[23:16:14.987] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:14.987] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:14.987] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] })
[23:16:14.987] tryCatch({
[23:16:14.987] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:14.987] }, error = identity)
[23:16:14.987] })
[23:16:14.987] }, args =
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:14.987] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:14.987] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.987] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:14.987] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:14.987] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:14.987] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:14.987] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:14.987] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:14.987] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:14.987] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:14.987] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:14.987] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:14.987] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:14.987] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:14.987] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:14.987] name <- restart$name
[23:16:14.987] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:14.987] next
[23:16:14.987] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:14.987] next
[23:16:14.987] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:14.987] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.987] break
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.987] })
[23:16:14.987] }))
[23:16:14.987] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:14.987] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:14.987] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:14.987] version = "1.8")
[23:16:14.987] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:14.987] c <- base::c
[23:16:14.987] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:14.987] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:14.987] length <- base::length
[23:16:14.987] list <- base::list
[23:16:14.987] <-
[23:16:14.987] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:14.987] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:14.987] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:14.987] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:14.987] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:14.987] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:14.987] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:14.987] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:14.987] 3L)]
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] function(cond) {
[23:16:14.987] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:14.987] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:14.987] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:14.987] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:14.987] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:14.987] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:14.987] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:14.987] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:14.987] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:14.987] ))) {
[23:16:14.987] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:14.987] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:14.987] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:14.987] if (!signal) {
[23:16:14.987] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:14.987] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:14.987] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:14.987] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:14.987] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:14.987] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:14.987] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:14.987] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:14.987] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:14.987] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:14.987] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:14.987] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:14.987] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:14.987] name <- restart$name
[23:16:14.987] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:14.987] next
[23:16:14.987] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:14.987] next
[23:16:14.987] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:14.987] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:14.987] break
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] }))
[23:16:14.987] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:14.987] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:14.987] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:14.987] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:14.987] }, finally = {
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] NULL
[23:16:14.987] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:14.987] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:14.987] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(),
[23:16:14.987] user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE,
[23:16:14.987] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:14.987] ...)
[23:16:14.987] {
[23:16:14.987] if (substitute)
[23:16:14.987] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:14.987] future <- ClusterFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:14.987] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:14.987] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:14.987] workers = workers, user = user, revtunnel = revtunnel,
[23:16:14.987] homogeneous = homogeneous, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:14.987] label = label, ...)
[23:16:14.987] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:14.987] future <- run(future)
[23:16:14.987] invisible(future)
[23:16:14.987] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:14.987] })
[23:16:14.987] Sys.time
[23:16:14.987] if ( {
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else {
[23:16:14.987] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:14.987] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:14.987] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] else {
[23:16:14.987] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:14.987] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.987] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:14.987] ...future.result
[23:16:14.987] }
[23:16:14.992] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:14.992] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:14.993] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:14.994] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:14.995] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:14.996] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:14.997] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:14.997] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:14.998] ClusterFuture started
[23:16:14.999] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:14.999] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:15.000] - resolving futures
[23:16:15.000] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:15.000] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:15.000] recursive: 0
[23:16:15.001] length: 2
[23:16:15.178] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.179] - Validating connection of ClusterFuture
[23:16:15.179] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:15.180] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:15.180] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:15.181] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.181] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.181] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.182] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.182] Future #1
[23:16:15.182] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.183] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.183] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.183] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.184] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.184] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.188] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:15.189] - nx: 2
[23:16:15.189] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:15.189] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:15.190] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:15.190] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:15.190] - force: FALSE
[23:16:15.207] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:15.207] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:15.207] - until=1
[23:16:15.208] - relaying element #1
[23:16:15.208] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.208] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.209] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.209] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.210] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.210] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.210] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.211] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.211] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.211] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.212] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.212] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.212] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.213] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.213] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:15.213] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:15.303] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.304] - Validating connection of ClusterFuture
[23:16:15.305] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:15.305] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:15.305] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:15.306] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.306] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.308] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.308] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.309] Future #2
[23:16:15.309] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.309] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.310] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.310] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.310] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.311] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.311] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:15.311] - nx: 2
[23:16:15.312] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:15.312] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:15.312] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:15.313] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:15.313] - force: FALSE
[23:16:15.313] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.314] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.314] - until=2
[23:16:15.314] - relaying element #2
[23:16:15.315] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.315] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.315] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.316] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.321] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.322] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.322] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.323] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.323] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.323] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.324] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.324] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.324] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.325] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.325] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:15.325] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:15.326] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:15.326] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:15.326] - nx: 2
[23:16:15.327] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:15.327] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:15.327] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:15.328] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:15.328] - force: FALSE
[23:16:15.328] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.329] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:15.329] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.329] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.330] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:15.330] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:15.330] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:15.331] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.331] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.331] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.332] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.332] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.332] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.333] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.333] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.344] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.345] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.345] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.345] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.346] - accumulating results
[23:16:15.347] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:15.347] - extracting results
[23:16:15.348] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:15.351] doFuture() ...
[23:16:15.353] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:15.354] - R expression:
[23:16:15.354] {
[23:16:15.354] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:15.354] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:15.354] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:15.354] i <- NULL
[23:16:15.354] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:15.354] local({
[23:16:15.354] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:15.354] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:15.354] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.354] }
[23:16:15.354] })
[23:16:15.354] tryCatch({
[23:16:15.354] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:15.354] }, error = identity)
[23:16:15.354] })
[23:16:15.354] }
[23:16:15.355] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:15.355] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.356] Searching for globals...
[23:16:15.380] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:15.380] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:15.381] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:15.381] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:15.382] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:15.385] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:15.385] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:15.386] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.386] List of 3
[23:16:15.386] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:15.386] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:15.386] $ of 1
[23:16:15.386] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:15.386] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:15.386] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:15.386] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x42481b8>
[23:16:15.386] ..$ x :<environment: 0x41724b8>
[23:16:15.386] ..$<environment: 0x41724b8>
[23:16:15.386] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:15.386] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:15.386] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:15.406] - appending 1 '.export' globals (not already found through automatic lookup): '...'
[23:16:15.407] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.407] Retrieving globals ...
[23:16:15.408] - globals retrieved: [1] '...'
[23:16:15.408] Retrieving globals ... DONE
[23:16:15.408] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:15.409] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:15.409] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:15.410] The total size of the 1 globals is 56 bytes (56 bytes)
[23:16:15.410] - globals: [1] ''
[23:16:15.411] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.412] - R expression:
[23:16:15.412] {
[23:16:15.412] {
[23:16:15.412] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:15.412] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:15.412] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:15.412] i <- NULL
[23:16:15.412] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:15.412] local({
[23:16:15.412] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:15.412] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:15.412] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.412] }
[23:16:15.412] })
[23:16:15.412] tryCatch({
[23:16:15.412] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:15.412] }, error = identity)
[23:16:15.412] })
[23:16:15.412] }, args =
[23:16:15.412] }
[23:16:15.413] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.413] List of 3
[23:16:15.413] $ of 1
[23:16:15.413] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:15.413] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:15.413] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:15.413] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:15.413] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:15.413] ..$<environment: 0x41724b8>
[23:16:15.413] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x42481b8>
[23:16:15.413] ..$ x :<environment: 0x41724b8>
[23:16:15.413] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:15.413] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:15.413] - attr(*, "total_size")= num NA
[23:16:15.429] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:15.429] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:15.431] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:15.432] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:15.433] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:15.433] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:15.433] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:15.434] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.434] Searching for globals...
[23:16:15.435] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:15.436] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:15.436] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.437] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.438] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.438] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.438] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:15.440] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:15.440] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.441] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.448] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:15.448] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:15.455] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:15.455] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:15.455] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:15.455] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:15.455] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] base::local({
[23:16:15.455] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:15.455] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:15.455] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:15.455] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:15.455] else NULL
[23:16:15.455] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:15.455] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:15.455] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:15.455] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:15.455] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:15.455] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:15.455] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:15.455] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:15.455] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:15.455] info)
[23:16:15.455] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:15.455] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:15.455] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:15.455] info)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else {
[23:16:15.455] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:15.455] info, version)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] })
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] base::local({
[23:16:15.455] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:15.455] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:15.455] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] })
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] if ( {
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else {
[23:16:15.455] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:15.455] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:15.455] open = "w")
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else {
[23:16:15.455] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:15.455] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.455] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:15.455] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.455] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:15.455] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:15.455] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:15.455] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:15.455] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:15.455] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:15.455] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:15.455] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:15.455] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:15.455] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:15.455] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:15.455] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:15.455] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:15.455] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:15.455] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:15.455] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:15.455] envir = ns)
[23:16:15.455] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:15.455] master <- NULL
[23:16:15.455] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:15.455] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:15.455] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:15.455] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:15.455] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:15.455] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.455] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:15.455] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:15.455] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:15.455] success = TRUE)
[23:16:15.455] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:15.455] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] })
[23:16:15.455] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:15.455] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:15.455] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:15.455] i <- NULL
[23:16:15.455] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:15.455] local({
[23:16:15.455] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:15.455] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:15.455] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] })
[23:16:15.455] tryCatch({
[23:16:15.455] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:15.455] }, error = identity)
[23:16:15.455] })
[23:16:15.455] }, args =
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:15.455] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:15.455] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.455] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.455] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.455] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:15.455] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:15.455] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:15.455] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:15.455] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:15.455] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:15.455] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:15.455] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:15.455] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:15.455] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:15.455] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:15.455] name <- restart$name
[23:16:15.455] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:15.455] next
[23:16:15.455] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:15.455] next
[23:16:15.455] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:15.455] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.455] break
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.455] })
[23:16:15.455] }))
[23:16:15.455] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:15.455] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:15.455] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:15.455] version = "1.8")
[23:16:15.455] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:15.455] c <- base::c
[23:16:15.455] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.455] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.455] length <- base::length
[23:16:15.455] list <- base::list
[23:16:15.455] <-
[23:16:15.455] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:15.455] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:15.455] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:15.455] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:15.455] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:15.455] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:15.455] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:15.455] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:15.455] 3L)]
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] function(cond) {
[23:16:15.455] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:15.455] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:15.455] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:15.455] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:15.455] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:15.455] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:15.455] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:15.455] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:15.455] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:15.455] ))) {
[23:16:15.455] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:15.455] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:15.455] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:15.455] if (!signal) {
[23:16:15.455] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.455] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.455] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:15.455] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:15.455] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:15.455] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:15.455] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:15.455] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:15.455] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:15.455] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:15.455] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:15.455] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:15.455] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:15.455] name <- restart$name
[23:16:15.455] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:15.455] next
[23:16:15.455] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:15.455] next
[23:16:15.455] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:15.455] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.455] break
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] }))
[23:16:15.455] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:15.455] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:15.455] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:15.455] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:15.455] }, finally = {
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] NULL
[23:16:15.455] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:15.455] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:15.455] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(),
[23:16:15.455] user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE,
[23:16:15.455] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:15.455] ...)
[23:16:15.455] {
[23:16:15.455] if (substitute)
[23:16:15.455] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:15.455] future <- ClusterFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:15.455] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:15.455] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:15.455] workers = workers, user = user, revtunnel = revtunnel,
[23:16:15.455] homogeneous = homogeneous, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:15.455] label = label, ...)
[23:16:15.455] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:15.455] future <- run(future)
[23:16:15.455] invisible(future)
[23:16:15.455] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:15.455] })
[23:16:15.455] Sys.time
[23:16:15.455] if ( {
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else {
[23:16:15.455] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.455] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:15.455] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] else {
[23:16:15.455] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:15.455] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.455] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:15.455] ...future.result
[23:16:15.455] }
[23:16:15.460] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:15.461] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:15.462] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.463] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:15.464] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.468] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:15.483] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.483] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.484] ClusterFuture started
[23:16:15.485] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.485] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:15.486] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:15.486] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.486] Searching for globals...
[23:16:15.488] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:15.488] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:15.488] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.490] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.490] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.490] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.491] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:15.493] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:15.493] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.494] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.516] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:15.517] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:15.524] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:15.524] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:15.524] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:15.524] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:15.524] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] base::local({
[23:16:15.524] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:15.524] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:15.524] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:15.524] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:15.524] else NULL
[23:16:15.524] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:15.524] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:15.524] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:15.524] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:15.524] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:15.524] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:15.524] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:15.524] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:15.524] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:15.524] info)
[23:16:15.524] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:15.524] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:15.524] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:15.524] info)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else {
[23:16:15.524] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:15.524] info, version)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] })
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] base::local({
[23:16:15.524] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:15.524] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:15.524] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] })
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] if ( {
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else {
[23:16:15.524] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:15.524] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:15.524] open = "w")
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else {
[23:16:15.524] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:15.524] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.524] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:15.524] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.524] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:15.524] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:15.524] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:15.524] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:15.524] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:15.524] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:15.524] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:15.524] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:15.524] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:15.524] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:15.524] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:15.524] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:15.524] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:15.524] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:15.524] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:15.524] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:15.524] envir = ns)
[23:16:15.524] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:15.524] master <- NULL
[23:16:15.524] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:15.524] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:15.524] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:15.524] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:15.524] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:15.524] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.524] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:15.524] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:15.524] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:15.524] success = TRUE)
[23:16:15.524] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:15.524] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] })
[23:16:15.524] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:15.524] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:15.524] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:15.524] i <- NULL
[23:16:15.524] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:15.524] local({
[23:16:15.524] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:15.524] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:15.524] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] })
[23:16:15.524] tryCatch({
[23:16:15.524] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:15.524] }, error = identity)
[23:16:15.524] })
[23:16:15.524] }, args =
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:15.524] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:15.524] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.524] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.524] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.524] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:15.524] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:15.524] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:15.524] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:15.524] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:15.524] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:15.524] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:15.524] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:15.524] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:15.524] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:15.524] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:15.524] name <- restart$name
[23:16:15.524] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:15.524] next
[23:16:15.524] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:15.524] next
[23:16:15.524] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:15.524] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.524] break
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.524] })
[23:16:15.524] }))
[23:16:15.524] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:15.524] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:15.524] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:15.524] version = "1.8")
[23:16:15.524] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:15.524] c <- base::c
[23:16:15.524] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.524] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.524] length <- base::length
[23:16:15.524] list <- base::list
[23:16:15.524] <-
[23:16:15.524] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:15.524] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:15.524] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:15.524] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:15.524] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:15.524] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:15.524] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:15.524] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:15.524] 3L)]
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] function(cond) {
[23:16:15.524] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:15.524] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:15.524] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:15.524] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:15.524] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:15.524] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:15.524] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:15.524] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:15.524] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:15.524] ))) {
[23:16:15.524] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:15.524] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:15.524] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:15.524] if (!signal) {
[23:16:15.524] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.524] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.524] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:15.524] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:15.524] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:15.524] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:15.524] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:15.524] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:15.524] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:15.524] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:15.524] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:15.524] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:15.524] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:15.524] name <- restart$name
[23:16:15.524] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:15.524] next
[23:16:15.524] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:15.524] next
[23:16:15.524] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:15.524] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.524] break
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] }))
[23:16:15.524] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:15.524] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:15.524] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:15.524] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:15.524] }, finally = {
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] NULL
[23:16:15.524] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:15.524] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:15.524] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(),
[23:16:15.524] user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE,
[23:16:15.524] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:15.524] ...)
[23:16:15.524] {
[23:16:15.524] if (substitute)
[23:16:15.524] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:15.524] future <- ClusterFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:15.524] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:15.524] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:15.524] workers = workers, user = user, revtunnel = revtunnel,
[23:16:15.524] homogeneous = homogeneous, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:15.524] label = label, ...)
[23:16:15.524] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:15.524] future <- run(future)
[23:16:15.524] invisible(future)
[23:16:15.524] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:15.524] })
[23:16:15.524] Sys.time
[23:16:15.524] if ( {
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else {
[23:16:15.524] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.524] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:15.524] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] else {
[23:16:15.524] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:15.524] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.524] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:15.524] ...future.result
[23:16:15.524] }
[23:16:15.549] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:15.550] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:15.551] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.552] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:15.553] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.553] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:15.554] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.554] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.556] ClusterFuture started
[23:16:15.556] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.557] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:15.557] - resolving futures
[23:16:15.557] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:15.558] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:15.558] recursive: 0
[23:16:15.558] length: 2
[23:16:15.561] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.561] - Validating connection of ClusterFuture
[23:16:15.562] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:15.562] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:15.562] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:15.563] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.563] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.563] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.564] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.564] Future #1
[23:16:15.564] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.565] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.565] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.565] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.566] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.566] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.566] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:15.567] - nx: 2
[23:16:15.567] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:15.567] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:15.568] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:15.568] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:15.568] - force: FALSE
[23:16:15.569] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:15.569] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:15.569] - until=1
[23:16:15.570] - relaying element #1
[23:16:15.570] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.570] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.571] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.571] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.572] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.572] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.572] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.573] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.573] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.573] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.574] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.574] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.574] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.575] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.575] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:15.575] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:15.612] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.612] - Validating connection of ClusterFuture
[23:16:15.613] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:15.613] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:15.614] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:15.614] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.614] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.615] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.615] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.615] Future #2
[23:16:15.616] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.616] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.616] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.617] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.617] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.617] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.618] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:15.618] - nx: 2
[23:16:15.618] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:15.619] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:15.619] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:15.619] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:15.620] - force: FALSE
[23:16:15.620] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.620] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.621] - until=2
[23:16:15.621] - relaying element #2
[23:16:15.621] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.622] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.622] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.622] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.623] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.623] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.623] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.624] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.624] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.624] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.625] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.625] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.625] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.626] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.626] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:15.643] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:15.643] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:15.643] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:15.644] - nx: 2
[23:16:15.644] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:15.644] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:15.645] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:15.645] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:15.645] - force: FALSE
[23:16:15.646] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.646] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:15.647] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.647] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.647] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:15.648] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:15.648] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:15.648] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.649] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.649] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.653] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.653] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.654] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.654] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.654] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.655] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.655] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.656] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.656] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.656] - accumulating results
[23:16:15.658] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:15.658] - extracting results
[23:16:15.675] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:15.678] doFuture() ...
[23:16:15.680] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:15.681] - R expression:
[23:16:15.681] {
[23:16:15.681] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:15.681] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:15.681] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:15.681] i <- NULL
[23:16:15.681] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:15.681] local({
[23:16:15.681] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:15.681] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:15.681] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.681] }
[23:16:15.681] })
[23:16:15.681] tryCatch({
[23:16:15.681] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:15.681] }, error = identity)
[23:16:15.681] })
[23:16:15.681] }
[23:16:15.682] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:15.682] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.683] Searching for globals...
[23:16:15.718] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:15.719] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:15.719] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:15.719] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:15.720] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:15.723] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:15.723] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:15.724] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.724] List of 3
[23:16:15.724] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:15.724] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:15.724] $ of 1
[23:16:15.724] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:15.724] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:15.724] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:15.724] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x29721a8>
[23:16:15.724] ..$ x :<environment: 0x30087b8>
[23:16:15.724] ..$<environment: 0x30087b8>
[23:16:15.724] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:15.724] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:15.724] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:15.740] - appending 1 '.export' globals (not already found through automatic lookup): '...'
[23:16:15.740] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.741] Retrieving globals ...
[23:16:15.741] - globals retrieved: [1] '...'
[23:16:15.742] Retrieving globals ... DONE
[23:16:15.742] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:15.742] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:15.743] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:15.744] The total size of the 1 globals is 56 bytes (56 bytes)
[23:16:15.745] - globals: [1] ''
[23:16:15.745] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.746] - R expression:
[23:16:15.747] {
[23:16:15.747] {
[23:16:15.747] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:15.747] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:15.747] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:15.747] i <- NULL
[23:16:15.747] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:15.747] local({
[23:16:15.747] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:15.747] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:15.747] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.747] }
[23:16:15.747] })
[23:16:15.747] tryCatch({
[23:16:15.747] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:15.747] }, error = identity)
[23:16:15.747] })
[23:16:15.747] }, args =
[23:16:15.747] }
[23:16:15.747] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.748] List of 3
[23:16:15.748] $ of 1
[23:16:15.748] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:15.748] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:15.748] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:15.748] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:15.748] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:15.748] ..$<environment: 0x30087b8>
[23:16:15.748] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x29721a8>
[23:16:15.748] ..$ x :<environment: 0x30087b8>
[23:16:15.748] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:15.748] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:15.748] - attr(*, "total_size")= num NA
[23:16:15.767] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:15.768] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:15.770] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:15.770] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:15.771] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:15.771] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:15.772] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:15.772] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.773] Searching for globals...
[23:16:15.774] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:15.774] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:15.774] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.775] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.776] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.776] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.777] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:15.778] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:15.779] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.780] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.790] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:15.791] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:15.798] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:15.798] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:15.798] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:15.798] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:15.798] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] base::local({
[23:16:15.798] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:15.798] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:15.798] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:15.798] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:15.798] else NULL
[23:16:15.798] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:15.798] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:15.798] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:15.798] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:15.798] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:15.798] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:15.798] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:15.798] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:15.798] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:15.798] info)
[23:16:15.798] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:15.798] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:15.798] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:15.798] info)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else {
[23:16:15.798] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:15.798] info, version)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] })
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] base::local({
[23:16:15.798] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:15.798] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:15.798] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] })
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] if ( {
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else {
[23:16:15.798] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:15.798] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:15.798] open = "w")
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else {
[23:16:15.798] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:15.798] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.798] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:15.798] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.798] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:15.798] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:15.798] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:15.798] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:15.798] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:15.798] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:15.798] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:15.798] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:15.798] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:15.798] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:15.798] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:15.798] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:15.798] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:15.798] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:15.798] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:15.798] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:15.798] envir = ns)
[23:16:15.798] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:15.798] master <- NULL
[23:16:15.798] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:15.798] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:15.798] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:15.798] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:15.798] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:15.798] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.798] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:15.798] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:15.798] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:15.798] success = TRUE)
[23:16:15.798] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:15.798] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] })
[23:16:15.798] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:15.798] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:15.798] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:15.798] i <- NULL
[23:16:15.798] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:15.798] local({
[23:16:15.798] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:15.798] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:15.798] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] })
[23:16:15.798] tryCatch({
[23:16:15.798] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:15.798] }, error = identity)
[23:16:15.798] })
[23:16:15.798] }, args =
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:15.798] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:15.798] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.798] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.798] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.798] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:15.798] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:15.798] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:15.798] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:15.798] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:15.798] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:15.798] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:15.798] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:15.798] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:15.798] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:15.798] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:15.798] name <- restart$name
[23:16:15.798] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:15.798] next
[23:16:15.798] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:15.798] next
[23:16:15.798] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:15.798] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.798] break
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.798] })
[23:16:15.798] }))
[23:16:15.798] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:15.798] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:15.798] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:15.798] version = "1.8")
[23:16:15.798] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:15.798] c <- base::c
[23:16:15.798] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.798] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.798] length <- base::length
[23:16:15.798] list <- base::list
[23:16:15.798] <-
[23:16:15.798] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:15.798] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:15.798] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:15.798] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:15.798] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:15.798] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:15.798] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:15.798] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:15.798] 3L)]
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] function(cond) {
[23:16:15.798] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:15.798] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:15.798] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:15.798] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:15.798] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:15.798] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:15.798] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:15.798] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:15.798] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:15.798] ))) {
[23:16:15.798] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:15.798] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:15.798] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:15.798] if (!signal) {
[23:16:15.798] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.798] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.798] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:15.798] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:15.798] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:15.798] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:15.798] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:15.798] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:15.798] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:15.798] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:15.798] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:15.798] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:15.798] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:15.798] name <- restart$name
[23:16:15.798] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:15.798] next
[23:16:15.798] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:15.798] next
[23:16:15.798] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:15.798] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.798] break
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] }))
[23:16:15.798] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:15.798] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:15.798] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:15.798] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:15.798] }, finally = {
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] NULL
[23:16:15.798] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:15.798] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:15.798] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(),
[23:16:15.798] user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE,
[23:16:15.798] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:15.798] ...)
[23:16:15.798] {
[23:16:15.798] if (substitute)
[23:16:15.798] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:15.798] future <- ClusterFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:15.798] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:15.798] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:15.798] workers = workers, user = user, revtunnel = revtunnel,
[23:16:15.798] homogeneous = homogeneous, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:15.798] label = label, ...)
[23:16:15.798] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:15.798] future <- run(future)
[23:16:15.798] invisible(future)
[23:16:15.798] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:15.798] })
[23:16:15.798] Sys.time
[23:16:15.798] if ( {
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else {
[23:16:15.798] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.798] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:15.798] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] else {
[23:16:15.798] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:15.798] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.798] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:15.798] ...future.result
[23:16:15.798] }
[23:16:15.805] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:15.806] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:15.807] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.808] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:15.809] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.809] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:15.810] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.810] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:15.812] ClusterFuture started
[23:16:15.812] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.812] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:15.813] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:15.813] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.813] Searching for globals...
[23:16:15.815] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:15.815] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:15.815] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.816] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.817] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.817] - globals passed as-is: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.818] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:15.819] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:15.820] - globals: [3] '', '...future.x_ii', 'x'
[23:16:15.821] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.827] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:15.828] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:15.839] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:15.839] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:15.839] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:15.839] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:15.839] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] base::local({
[23:16:15.839] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:15.839] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:15.839] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:15.839] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:15.839] else NULL
[23:16:15.839] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:15.839] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:15.839] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:15.839] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:15.839] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:15.839] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:15.839] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:15.839] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:15.839] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:15.839] info)
[23:16:15.839] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:15.839] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:15.839] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:15.839] info)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else {
[23:16:15.839] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:15.839] info, version)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] })
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] base::local({
[23:16:15.839] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:15.839] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:15.839] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] })
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] if ( {
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else {
[23:16:15.839] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:15.839] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:15.839] open = "w")
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else {
[23:16:15.839] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:15.839] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.839] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:15.839] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.839] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:15.839] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:15.839] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:15.839] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:15.839] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:15.839] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:15.839] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:15.839] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:15.839] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:15.839] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:15.839] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:15.839] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:15.839] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:15.839] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:15.839] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:15.839] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:15.839] envir = ns)
[23:16:15.839] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:15.839] master <- NULL
[23:16:15.839] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:15.839] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:15.839] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:15.839] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:15.839] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:15.839] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.839] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:15.839] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:15.839] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:15.839] success = TRUE)
[23:16:15.839] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:15.839] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] })
[23:16:15.839] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:15.839] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:15.839] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:15.839] i <- NULL
[23:16:15.839] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:15.839] local({
[23:16:15.839] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:15.839] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:15.839] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] })
[23:16:15.839] tryCatch({
[23:16:15.839] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:15.839] }, error = identity)
[23:16:15.839] })
[23:16:15.839] }, args =
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:15.839] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:15.839] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.839] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.839] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.839] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:15.839] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:15.839] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:15.839] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:15.839] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:15.839] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:15.839] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:15.839] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:15.839] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:15.839] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:15.839] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:15.839] name <- restart$name
[23:16:15.839] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:15.839] next
[23:16:15.839] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:15.839] next
[23:16:15.839] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:15.839] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.839] break
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.839] })
[23:16:15.839] }))
[23:16:15.839] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:15.839] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:15.839] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:15.839] version = "1.8")
[23:16:15.839] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:15.839] c <- base::c
[23:16:15.839] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.839] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.839] length <- base::length
[23:16:15.839] list <- base::list
[23:16:15.839] <-
[23:16:15.839] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:15.839] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:15.839] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:15.839] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:15.839] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:15.839] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:15.839] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:15.839] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:15.839] 3L)]
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] function(cond) {
[23:16:15.839] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:15.839] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:15.839] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:15.839] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:15.839] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:15.839] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:15.839] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:15.839] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:15.839] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:15.839] ))) {
[23:16:15.839] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:15.839] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:15.839] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:15.839] if (!signal) {
[23:16:15.839] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:15.839] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:15.839] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:15.839] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:15.839] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:15.839] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:15.839] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:15.839] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:15.839] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:15.839] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:15.839] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:15.839] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:15.839] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:15.839] name <- restart$name
[23:16:15.839] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:15.839] next
[23:16:15.839] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:15.839] next
[23:16:15.839] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:15.839] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:15.839] break
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] }))
[23:16:15.839] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:15.839] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:15.839] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:15.839] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:15.839] }, finally = {
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] NULL
[23:16:15.839] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:15.839] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:15.839] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(),
[23:16:15.839] user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE,
[23:16:15.839] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:15.839] ...)
[23:16:15.839] {
[23:16:15.839] if (substitute)
[23:16:15.839] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:15.839] future <- ClusterFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:15.839] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:15.839] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:15.839] workers = workers, user = user, revtunnel = revtunnel,
[23:16:15.839] homogeneous = homogeneous, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:15.839] label = label, ...)
[23:16:15.839] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:15.839] future <- run(future)
[23:16:15.839] invisible(future)
[23:16:15.839] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:15.839] })
[23:16:15.839] Sys.time
[23:16:15.839] if ( {
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else {
[23:16:15.839] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:15.839] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:15.839] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] else {
[23:16:15.839] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:15.839] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.839] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:15.839] ...future.result
[23:16:15.839] }
[23:16:15.845] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:15.846] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:15.847] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.847] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:15.848] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.849] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:15.850] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.850] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.851] ClusterFuture started
[23:16:15.852] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:15.852] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:15.852] - resolving futures
[23:16:15.853] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:15.853] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:15.853] recursive: 0
[23:16:15.854] length: 2
[23:16:15.862] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.862] - Validating connection of ClusterFuture
[23:16:15.863] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:15.863] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:15.864] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:15.864] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.864] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.865] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.865] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.865] Future #1
[23:16:15.866] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.866] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.866] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.867] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.867] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.867] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.868] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:15.868] - nx: 2
[23:16:15.869] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:15.869] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:15.869] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:15.869] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:15.870] - force: FALSE
[23:16:15.870] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:15.870] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:15.871] - until=1
[23:16:15.871] - relaying element #1
[23:16:15.872] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.872] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.872] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.873] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.873] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.873] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.874] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.874] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.874] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.875] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.875] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.875] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.876] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.876] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.876] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:15.877] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:15.900] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.901] - Validating connection of ClusterFuture
[23:16:15.901] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:15.902] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:15.902] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:15.903] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.903] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.903] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.904] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.904] Future #2
[23:16:15.904] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.905] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.905] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.905] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.906] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.906] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.906] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:15.907] - nx: 2
[23:16:15.907] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:15.907] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:15.908] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:15.908] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:15.908] - force: FALSE
[23:16:15.909] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.909] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:15.909] - until=2
[23:16:15.910] - relaying element #2
[23:16:15.910] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.911] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.911] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.912] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.912] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.913] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.913] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.913] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.914] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.914] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.914] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.915] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.915] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.915] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.926] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:15.927] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:15.927] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:15.927] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:15.928] - nx: 2
[23:16:15.928] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:15.928] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:15.929] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:15.929] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:15.929] - force: FALSE
[23:16:15.929] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.930] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:15.930] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.931] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:15.931] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:15.931] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:15.932] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:15.932] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.932] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.933] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.933] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.933] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.934] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.934] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.934] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.935] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.935] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:15.935] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:15.936] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:15.936] - accumulating results
[23:16:15.937] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:15.938] - extracting results
[23:16:15.938] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
[23:16:15.942] doFuture() ...
[23:16:15.957] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'i'
[23:16:15.959] - R expression:
[23:16:15.959] {
[23:16:15.959] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:15.959] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:15.959] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:15.959] i <- NULL
[23:16:15.959] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:15.959] local({
[23:16:15.959] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:15.959] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:15.959] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:15.959] }
[23:16:15.959] })
[23:16:15.959] tryCatch({
[23:16:15.959] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:15.959] }, error = identity)
[23:16:15.959] })
[23:16:15.959] }
[23:16:15.960] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:15.960] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:15.961] Searching for globals...
[23:16:15.988] - globals found: [18] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', '[', 'x', 'c', 'identity', '...'
[23:16:15.988] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:15.989] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:15.989] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ...
[23:16:15.990] Tweak future expression to call with '...' arguments ... DONE
[23:16:15.992] The total size of the 3 globals is 120 bytes (120 bytes)
[23:16:15.993] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:15.994] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:15.994] List of 3
[23:16:15.994] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:15.994] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:15.994] $ of 1
[23:16:15.994] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:15.994] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:15.994] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:15.994] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x45a23d8>
[23:16:15.994] ..$ x :<environment: 0x4499078>
[23:16:15.994] ..$<environment: 0x4499078>
[23:16:15.994] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:15.994] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:15.994] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:16.009] - R expression:
[23:16:16.009] {
[23:16:16.009] {
[23:16:16.009] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.009] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.009] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.009] i <- NULL
[23:16:16.009] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.009] local({
[23:16:16.009] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.009] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:16.009] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.009] }
[23:16:16.009] })
[23:16:16.009] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.009] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:16.009] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.009] })
[23:16:16.009] }, args =
[23:16:16.009] }
[23:16:16.010] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:16.010] List of 3
[23:16:16.010] $ ...future.x_ii : NULL
[23:16:16.010] $ x : int [1:3] 1 2 3
[23:16:16.010] $ of 1
[23:16:16.010] ..$ : int [1:2] 2 3
[23:16:16.010] ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "DotDotDotList" "list"
[23:16:16.010] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:16.010] ..$ ...future.x_ii :<environment: 0x45a23d8>
[23:16:16.010] ..$ x :<environment: 0x4499078>
[23:16:16.010] ..$<environment: 0x4499078>
[23:16:16.010] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:16.010] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:16.010] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 120
[23:16:16.025] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:16.026] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:16.028] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:16.028] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:16.029] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:16.029] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:16.030] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:16.030] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.030] Searching for globals...
[23:16:16.032] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:16.032] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:16.032] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.033] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:16.034] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.034] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:16.035] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:16.036] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:16.037] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:16.037] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.048] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:16.049] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:16.056] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:16.056] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:16.056] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:16.056] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:16.056] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] base::local({
[23:16:16.056] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:16.056] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:16.056] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:16.056] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:16.056] else NULL
[23:16:16.056] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:16.056] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:16.056] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:16.056] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:16.056] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:16.056] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:16.056] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:16.056] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:16.056] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:16.056] info)
[23:16:16.056] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:16.056] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:16.056] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:16.056] info)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else {
[23:16:16.056] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:16.056] info, version)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] })
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] base::local({
[23:16:16.056] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:16.056] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:16.056] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] })
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] if ( {
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else {
[23:16:16.056] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.056] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:16.056] open = "w")
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else {
[23:16:16.056] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:16.056] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.056] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:16.056] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.056] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.056] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:16.056] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:16.056] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:16.056] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:16.056] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:16.056] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:16.056] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:16.056] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:16.056] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:16.056] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:16.056] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:16.056] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:16.056] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:16.056] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:16.056] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:16.056] envir = ns)
[23:16:16.056] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:16.056] master <- NULL
[23:16:16.056] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:16.056] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:16.056] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:16.056] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:16.056] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:16.056] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.056] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:16.056] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:16.056] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:16.056] success = TRUE)
[23:16:16.056] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:16.056] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] })
[23:16:16.056] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.056] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.056] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.056] i <- NULL
[23:16:16.056] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.056] local({
[23:16:16.056] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.056] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:16.056] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] })
[23:16:16.056] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.056] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:16.056] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.056] })
[23:16:16.056] }, args =
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:16.056] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:16.056] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.056] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.056] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.056] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:16.056] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:16.056] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:16.056] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:16.056] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:16.056] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:16.056] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:16.056] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:16.056] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:16.056] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:16.056] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:16.056] name <- restart$name
[23:16:16.056] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:16.056] next
[23:16:16.056] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:16.056] next
[23:16:16.056] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:16.056] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.056] break
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.056] })
[23:16:16.056] }))
[23:16:16.056] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:16.056] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.056] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:16.056] version = "1.8")
[23:16:16.056] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:16.056] c <- base::c
[23:16:16.056] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.056] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.056] length <- base::length
[23:16:16.056] list <- base::list
[23:16:16.056] <-
[23:16:16.056] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:16.056] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:16.056] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:16.056] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:16.056] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:16.056] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:16.056] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:16.056] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:16.056] 3L)]
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] function(cond) {
[23:16:16.056] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:16.056] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:16.056] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:16.056] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:16.056] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.056] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:16.056] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:16.056] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:16.056] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:16.056] ))) {
[23:16:16.056] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:16.056] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.056] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:16.056] if (!signal) {
[23:16:16.056] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.056] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.056] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:16.056] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:16.056] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:16.056] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:16.056] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:16.056] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:16.056] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:16.056] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:16.056] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:16.056] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:16.056] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:16.056] name <- restart$name
[23:16:16.056] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:16.056] next
[23:16:16.056] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:16.056] next
[23:16:16.056] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:16.056] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.056] break
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] }))
[23:16:16.056] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:16.056] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:16.056] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.056] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:16.056] }, finally = {
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] NULL
[23:16:16.056] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:16.056] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:16.056] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(),
[23:16:16.056] user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE,
[23:16:16.056] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:16.056] ...)
[23:16:16.056] {
[23:16:16.056] if (substitute)
[23:16:16.056] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:16.056] future <- ClusterFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:16.056] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:16.056] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:16.056] workers = workers, user = user, revtunnel = revtunnel,
[23:16:16.056] homogeneous = homogeneous, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:16.056] label = label, ...)
[23:16:16.056] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:16.056] future <- run(future)
[23:16:16.056] invisible(future)
[23:16:16.056] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:16.056] })
[23:16:16.056] Sys.time
[23:16:16.056] if ( {
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else {
[23:16:16.056] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.056] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.056] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] else {
[23:16:16.056] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.056] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.056] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:16.056] ...future.result
[23:16:16.056] }
[23:16:16.061] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:16.062] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:16.063] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:16.063] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:16.064] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:16.065] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:16.066] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:16.066] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:16.068] ClusterFuture started
[23:16:16.068] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.068] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:16.069] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:16.069] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.069] Searching for globals...
[23:16:16.071] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:16.071] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:16.071] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.072] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.073] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.073] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:16.074] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:16.075] The total size of the 3 globals is 176 bytes (176 bytes)
[23:16:16.075] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'x', ''
[23:16:16.076] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.082] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:16.083] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:16.090] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:16.090] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:16.090] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:16.090] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:16.090] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] base::local({
[23:16:16.090] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:16.090] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:16.090] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:16.090] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:16.090] else NULL
[23:16:16.090] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:16.090] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:16.090] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:16.090] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:16.090] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:16.090] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:16.090] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:16.090] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:16.090] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:16.090] info)
[23:16:16.090] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:16.090] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:16.090] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:16.090] info)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else {
[23:16:16.090] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:16.090] info, version)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] })
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] base::local({
[23:16:16.090] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:16.090] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:16.090] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] })
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] if ( {
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else {
[23:16:16.090] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.090] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:16.090] open = "w")
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else {
[23:16:16.090] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:16.090] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.090] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:16.090] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.090] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.090] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:16.090] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:16.090] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:16.090] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:16.090] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:16.090] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:16.090] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:16.090] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:16.090] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:16.090] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:16.090] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:16.090] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:16.090] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:16.090] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:16.090] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:16.090] envir = ns)
[23:16:16.090] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:16.090] master <- NULL
[23:16:16.090] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:16.090] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:16.090] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:16.090] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:16.090] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:16.090] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.090] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:16.090] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:16.090] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:16.090] success = TRUE)
[23:16:16.090] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:16.090] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] })
[23:16:16.090] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.090] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.090] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.090] i <- NULL
[23:16:16.090] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.090] local({
[23:16:16.090] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.090] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:16.090] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] })
[23:16:16.090] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.090] x[c(i, ...)]
[23:16:16.090] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.090] })
[23:16:16.090] }, args =
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:16.090] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:16.090] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.090] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.090] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.090] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:16.090] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:16.090] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:16.090] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:16.090] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:16.090] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:16.090] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:16.090] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:16.090] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:16.090] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:16.090] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:16.090] name <- restart$name
[23:16:16.090] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:16.090] next
[23:16:16.090] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:16.090] next
[23:16:16.090] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:16.090] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.090] break
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.090] })
[23:16:16.090] }))
[23:16:16.090] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:16.090] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.090] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:16.090] version = "1.8")
[23:16:16.090] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:16.090] c <- base::c
[23:16:16.090] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.090] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.090] length <- base::length
[23:16:16.090] list <- base::list
[23:16:16.090] <-
[23:16:16.090] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:16.090] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:16.090] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:16.090] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:16.090] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:16.090] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:16.090] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:16.090] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:16.090] 3L)]
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] function(cond) {
[23:16:16.090] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:16.090] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:16.090] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:16.090] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:16.090] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.090] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:16.090] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:16.090] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:16.090] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:16.090] ))) {
[23:16:16.090] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:16.090] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.090] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:16.090] if (!signal) {
[23:16:16.090] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.090] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.090] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:16.090] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:16.090] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:16.090] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:16.090] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:16.090] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:16.090] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:16.090] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:16.090] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:16.090] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:16.090] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:16.090] name <- restart$name
[23:16:16.090] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:16.090] next
[23:16:16.090] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:16.090] next
[23:16:16.090] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:16.090] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.090] break
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] }))
[23:16:16.090] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:16.090] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:16.090] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.090] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:16.090] }, finally = {
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] NULL
[23:16:16.090] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:16.090] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:16.090] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(),
[23:16:16.090] user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE,
[23:16:16.090] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:16.090] ...)
[23:16:16.090] {
[23:16:16.090] if (substitute)
[23:16:16.090] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:16.090] future <- ClusterFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:16.090] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:16.090] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:16.090] workers = workers, user = user, revtunnel = revtunnel,
[23:16:16.090] homogeneous = homogeneous, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:16.090] label = label, ...)
[23:16:16.090] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:16.090] future <- run(future)
[23:16:16.090] invisible(future)
[23:16:16.090] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:16.090] })
[23:16:16.090] Sys.time
[23:16:16.090] if ( {
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else {
[23:16:16.090] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.090] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.090] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] else {
[23:16:16.090] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.090] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.090] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:16.090] ...future.result
[23:16:16.090] }
[23:16:16.095] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:16.095] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:16.096] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.097] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:16.098] Exporting 'x' (64 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.098] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:16.099] Exporting '' (56 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.100] Exporting 3 global objects (176 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.101] ClusterFuture started
[23:16:16.102] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.102] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:16.102] - resolving futures
[23:16:16.103] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:16.103] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:16.103] recursive: 0
[23:16:16.104] length: 2
[23:16:16.116] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.116] - Validating connection of ClusterFuture
[23:16:16.117] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:16.117] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:16.118] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:16.118] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.118] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.119] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.119] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.119] Future #1
[23:16:16.120] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.120] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.120] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.121] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.121] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.121] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.122] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:16.122] - nx: 2
[23:16:16.122] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:16.123] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:16.123] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:16.123] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:16.123] - force: FALSE
[23:16:16.124] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:16.124] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:16.124] - until=1
[23:16:16.125] - relaying element #1
[23:16:16.125] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.125] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.126] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.126] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.126] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.127] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.127] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.127] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.128] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.128] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.128] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.129] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.129] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:16.129] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:16.130] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:16.130] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:16.163] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.163] - Validating connection of ClusterFuture
[23:16:16.164] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:16.164] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:16.165] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:16.165] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.166] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.166] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.166] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.167] Future #2
[23:16:16.167] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.167] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.168] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.168] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.169] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.169] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.169] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:16.170] - nx: 2
[23:16:16.170] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:16.170] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:16.171] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:16.171] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:16.171] - force: FALSE
[23:16:16.172] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:16.172] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:16.172] - until=2
[23:16:16.173] - relaying element #2
[23:16:16.173] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.173] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.174] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.174] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.174] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.175] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.175] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.176] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.176] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.176] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.177] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.177] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.177] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.178] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.178] signalConditionsASAP(ClusterFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:16.195] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:16.195] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:16.195] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:16.196] - nx: 2
[23:16:16.196] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:16.196] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:16.197] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:16.197] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:16.197] - force: FALSE
[23:16:16.198] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.198] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:16.199] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.199] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.199] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:16.200] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:16.200] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:16.200] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.201] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.201] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.201] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.202] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.202] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.202] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.203] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.203] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.203] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:16.204] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:16.204] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:16.205] - accumulating results
[23:16:16.206] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:16.206] - extracting results
[23:16:16.206] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 2
$ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
$ : int [1:3] 2 2 3
- plan('cluster') ... DONE
> message("*** doFuture - explicitly exported globals ... DONE")
*** doFuture - explicitly exported globals ... DONE
> message("*** doFuture - automatically finding globals ...")
*** doFuture - automatically finding globals ...
> ## Example adopted from StackOverflow comment
> ##
> fibonacci <- function(n) {
+ if (n <= 1L) return(1L)
+ return(fibonacci(n - 1L) + fibonacci(n - 2L))
+ }
> X <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 3L, ncol = 4L)
> y_truth <- foreach(rr = 1:nrow(X)) %do% {
+ Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
+ }
> str(y_truth)
List of 3
$ : int [1:4] 1 5 3 2
$ : int [1:4] 2 1 5 3
$ : int [1:4] 3 2 1 5
> res0 <- NULL
> for (strategy in strategies) {
+ message(sprintf("- plan('%s') ...", strategy))
+ plan(strategy)
+ y <- foreach(rr = 1:nrow(X)) %dopar% {
+ Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
+ }
+ str(y)
+ stopifnot(all.equal(y, y_truth))
+ message(sprintf("- plan('%s') ... DONE", strategy))
+ } ## for (strategy ...)
- plan('sequential') ...
[23:16:16.279] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:16.280] List of future strategies:
[23:16:16.280] 1. sequential:
[23:16:16.280] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.280] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.280] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:16.282] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:16.283] doFuture() ...
[23:16:16.284] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'rr'
[23:16:16.285] - R expression:
[23:16:16.286] {
[23:16:16.286] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.286] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.286] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.286] rr <- NULL
[23:16:16.286] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.286] local({
[23:16:16.286] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.286] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:16.286] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.286] }
[23:16:16.286] })
[23:16:16.286] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.286] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:16.286] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.286] })
[23:16:16.286] }
[23:16:16.287] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:16.287] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.288] Searching for globals...
[23:16:16.311] - globals found: [23] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', 'Vectorize', 'fibonacci', '[', 'X', 'identity', 'if', '<=', 'return', '+', '-'
[23:16:16.312] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:16.312] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:16.315] The total size of the 3 globals is 10.96 KiB (11224 bytes)
[23:16:16.315] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.325] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.325] List of 3
[23:16:16.325] $ ...future.x_ii: NULL
[23:16:16.325] $ fibonacci :function (n)
[23:16:16.325] $ X : int [1:3, 1:4] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
[23:16:16.325] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:16.325] ..$ ...future.x_ii:<environment: 0x2759fd0>
[23:16:16.325] ..$ fibonacci :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:16.325] ..$ X :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:16.325] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:16.325] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:16.325] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 11224
[23:16:16.341] - R expression:
[23:16:16.342] {
[23:16:16.342] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.342] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.342] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.342] rr <- NULL
[23:16:16.342] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.342] local({
[23:16:16.342] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.342] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:16.342] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.342] }
[23:16:16.342] })
[23:16:16.342] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.342] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:16.342] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.342] })
[23:16:16.342] }
[23:16:16.342] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.343] List of 3
[23:16:16.343] $ ...future.x_ii: NULL
[23:16:16.343] $ fibonacci :function (n)
[23:16:16.343] $ X : int [1:3, 1:4] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
[23:16:16.343] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:16.343] ..$ ...future.x_ii:<environment: 0x2759fd0>
[23:16:16.343] ..$ fibonacci :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:16.343] ..$ X :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:16.343] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:16.343] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:16.343] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 11224
[23:16:16.356] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:16.356] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:16.357] Number of chunks: 1
[23:16:16.357] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 1
[23:16:16.358] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:16.358] Chunk #1 of 1 ...
[23:16:16.359] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:16.359] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.359] Searching for globals...
[23:16:16.360] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:16.361] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:16.361] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.362] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:16.362] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.363] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.363] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:16.364] The total size of the 3 globals is 11.12 KiB (11392 bytes)
[23:16:16.365] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.365] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.367] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:16.368] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:16.376] {
[23:16:16.376] {
[23:16:16.376] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:16.376] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:16.376] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:16.376] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:16.376] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:16.376] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:16.376] {
[23:16:16.376] {
[23:16:16.376] {
[23:16:16.376] base::local({
[23:16:16.376] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:16.376] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:16.376] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:16.376] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:16.376] else NULL
[23:16:16.376] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:16.376] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:16.376] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:16.376] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:16.376] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:16.376] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:16.376] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:16.376] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:16.376] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:16.376] info)
[23:16:16.376] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:16.376] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:16.376] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:16.376] info)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] else {
[23:16:16.376] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:16.376] info, version)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] })
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] base::local({
[23:16:16.376] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:16.376] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:16.376] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] })
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] if ( {
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] else {
[23:16:16.376] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.376] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:16.376] open = "w")
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] else {
[23:16:16.376] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:16.376] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.376] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:16.376] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.376] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.376] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:16.376] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:16.376] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:16.376] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:16.376] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:16.376] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:16.376] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.376] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.376] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.376] rr <- NULL
[23:16:16.376] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.376] local({
[23:16:16.376] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.376] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:16.376] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] })
[23:16:16.376] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.376] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:16.376] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.376] })
[23:16:16.376] }))
[23:16:16.376] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:16.376] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.376] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:16.376] version = "1.8")
[23:16:16.376] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:16.376] c <- base::c
[23:16:16.376] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.376] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.376] length <- base::length
[23:16:16.376] list <- base::list
[23:16:16.376] <-
[23:16:16.376] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:16.376] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:16.376] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:16.376] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:16.376] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:16.376] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:16.376] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:16.376] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:16.376] 3L)]
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] function(cond) {
[23:16:16.376] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:16.376] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:16.376] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:16.376] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:16.376] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.376] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:16.376] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:16.376] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:16.376] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:16.376] ))) {
[23:16:16.376] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:16.376] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.376] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:16.376] if (!signal) {
[23:16:16.376] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:16.376] {
[23:16:16.376] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.376] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.376] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:16.376] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:16.376] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:16.376] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:16.376] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:16.376] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:16.376] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:16.376] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:16.376] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:16.376] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:16.376] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:16.376] name <- restart$name
[23:16:16.376] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:16.376] next
[23:16:16.376] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:16.376] next
[23:16:16.376] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:16.376] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.376] break
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] }))
[23:16:16.376] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:16.376] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:16.376] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.376] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:16.376] }, finally = {
[23:16:16.376] {
[23:16:16.376] NULL
[23:16:16.376] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:16.376] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:16.376] globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE,
[23:16:16.376] label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.376] {
[23:16:16.376] if (substitute)
[23:16:16.376] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:16.376] local <- as.logical(local)
[23:16:16.376] future <- SequentialFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:16.376] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:16.376] globals = globals, local = local, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:16.376] label = label, ...)
[23:16:16.376] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:16.376] future <- run(future)
[23:16:16.376] invisible(future)
[23:16:16.376] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:16.376] })
[23:16:16.376] Sys.time
[23:16:16.376] if ( {
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] else {
[23:16:16.376] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.376] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.376] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] else {
[23:16:16.376] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.376] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.376] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:16.376] ...future.result
[23:16:16.376] }
[23:16:16.380] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:16.381] List of future strategies:
[23:16:16.381] 1. sequential:
[23:16:16.381] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.381] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.381] - call: NULL
[23:16:16.382] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:16.407] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:16.407] List of future strategies:
[23:16:16.407] 1. sequential:
[23:16:16.407] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.407] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.407] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:16.409] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:16.409] SequentialFuture started (and completed)
[23:16:16.410] Chunk #1 of 1 ... DONE
[23:16:16.410] Launching 1 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:16.411] - resolving futures
[23:16:16.411] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:16.411] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:16.411] recursive: 0
[23:16:16.412] length: 1
[23:16:16.413] Future #1
[23:16:16.413] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:16.413] - nx: 1
[23:16:16.414] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:16.414] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:16.414] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:16.415] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:16.415] - force: FALSE
[23:16:16.415] - relayed: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:16.416] - queued futures: [n=1] FALSE
[23:16:16.416] - until=1
[23:16:16.416] - relaying element #1
[23:16:16.417] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:16.417] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:16.418] signalConditionsASAP(SequentialFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:16.418] length: 0 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:16.418] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:16.419] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:16.419] - nx: 1
[23:16:16.419] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:16.420] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:16.420] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:16.420] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:16.421] - force: FALSE
[23:16:16.421] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:16.421] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:16.422] - relayed: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:16.422] - queued futures: [n=1] TRUE
[23:16:16.422] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:16.423] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:16.423] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:16.424] - accumulating results
[23:16:16.425] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:16.425] - extracting results
[23:16:16.426] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 3
$ : int [1:4] 1 5 3 2
$ : int [1:4] 2 1 5 3
$ : int [1:4] 3 2 1 5
- plan('sequential') ... DONE
- plan('multicore') ...
[23:16:16.432] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:16.433] List of future strategies:
[23:16:16.433] 1. multicore:
[23:16:16.433] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.433] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.433] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:16.434] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:16.435] doFuture() ...
[23:16:16.436] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'rr'
[23:16:16.438] - R expression:
[23:16:16.438] {
[23:16:16.438] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.438] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.438] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.438] rr <- NULL
[23:16:16.438] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.438] local({
[23:16:16.438] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.438] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:16.438] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.438] }
[23:16:16.438] })
[23:16:16.438] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.438] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:16.438] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.438] })
[23:16:16.438] }
[23:16:16.439] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:16.439] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.440] Searching for globals...
[23:16:16.461] - globals found: [23] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', 'Vectorize', 'fibonacci', '[', 'X', 'identity', 'if', '<=', 'return', '+', '-'
[23:16:16.462] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:16.462] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:16.465] The total size of the 3 globals is 10.96 KiB (11224 bytes)
[23:16:16.473] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.474] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.475] List of 3
[23:16:16.475] $ ...future.x_ii: NULL
[23:16:16.475] $ fibonacci :function (n)
[23:16:16.475] $ X : int [1:3, 1:4] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
[23:16:16.475] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:16.475] ..$ ...future.x_ii:<environment: 0x40cd1b0>
[23:16:16.475] ..$ fibonacci :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:16.475] ..$ X :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:16.475] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:16.475] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:16.475] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 11224
[23:16:16.487] - R expression:
[23:16:16.488] {
[23:16:16.488] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.488] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.488] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.488] rr <- NULL
[23:16:16.488] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.488] local({
[23:16:16.488] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.488] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:16.488] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.488] }
[23:16:16.488] })
[23:16:16.488] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.488] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:16.488] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.488] })
[23:16:16.488] }
[23:16:16.489] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.489] List of 3
[23:16:16.489] $ ...future.x_ii: NULL
[23:16:16.489] $ fibonacci :function (n)
[23:16:16.489] $ X : int [1:3, 1:4] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
[23:16:16.489] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:16.489] ..$ ...future.x_ii:<environment: 0x40cd1b0>
[23:16:16.489] ..$ fibonacci :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:16.489] ..$ X :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:16.489] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:16.489] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:16.489] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 11224
[23:16:16.501] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:16.501] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:16.503] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:16.503] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:16.504] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:16.505] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:16.505] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:16.505] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.506] Searching for globals...
[23:16:16.507] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:16.507] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:16.508] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.509] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:16.510] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.510] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.511] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:16.512] The total size of the 3 globals is 11.02 KiB (11280 bytes)
[23:16:16.512] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.513] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.515] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:16.516] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:16.522] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:16.522] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:16.522] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:16.522] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:16.522] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] base::local({
[23:16:16.522] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:16.522] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:16.522] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:16.522] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:16.522] else NULL
[23:16:16.522] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:16.522] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:16.522] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:16.522] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:16.522] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:16.522] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:16.522] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:16.522] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:16.522] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:16.522] info)
[23:16:16.522] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:16.522] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:16.522] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:16.522] info)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] else {
[23:16:16.522] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:16.522] info, version)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] })
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:16.522] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] base::local({
[23:16:16.522] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:16.522] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:16.522] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] })
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] if ( {
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] else {
[23:16:16.522] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.522] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:16.522] open = "w")
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] else {
[23:16:16.522] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:16.522] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.522] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:16.522] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.522] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.522] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:16.522] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:16.522] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:16.522] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:16.522] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:16.522] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:16.522] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.522] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.522] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.522] rr <- NULL
[23:16:16.522] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.522] local({
[23:16:16.522] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.522] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:16.522] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] })
[23:16:16.522] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.522] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:16.522] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.522] })
[23:16:16.522] }))
[23:16:16.522] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:16.522] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.522] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:16.522] version = "1.8")
[23:16:16.522] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:16.522] c <- base::c
[23:16:16.522] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.522] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.522] length <- base::length
[23:16:16.522] list <- base::list
[23:16:16.522] <-
[23:16:16.522] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:16.522] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:16.522] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:16.522] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:16.522] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:16.522] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:16.522] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:16.522] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:16.522] 3L)]
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] function(cond) {
[23:16:16.522] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:16.522] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:16.522] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:16.522] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:16.522] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.522] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:16.522] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:16.522] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:16.522] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:16.522] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:16.522] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.522] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:16.522] if (!signal) {
[23:16:16.522] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.522] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.522] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:16.522] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:16.522] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:16.522] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:16.522] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:16.522] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:16.522] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:16.522] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:16.522] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:16.522] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:16.522] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:16.522] name <- restart$name
[23:16:16.522] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:16.522] next
[23:16:16.522] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:16.522] next
[23:16:16.522] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:16.522] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.522] break
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] }))
[23:16:16.522] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:16.522] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:16.522] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.522] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:16.522] }, finally = {
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:16.522] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:16.522] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:16.522] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.522] {
[23:16:16.522] if (substitute)
[23:16:16.522] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:16.522] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:16.522] workers <- workers()
[23:16:16.522] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:16.522] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:16.522] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:16.522] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:16.522] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:16.522] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:16.522] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:16.522] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:16.522] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:16.522] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:16.522] label = label, ...)
[23:16:16.522] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:16.522] future <- run(future)
[23:16:16.522] invisible(future)
[23:16:16.522] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:16.522] })
[23:16:16.522] Sys.time
[23:16:16.522] if ( {
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] else {
[23:16:16.522] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.522] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.522] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] else {
[23:16:16.522] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.522] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.522] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:16.522] ...future.result
[23:16:16.522] }
[23:16:16.525] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:16.529] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:16.530] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.531] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:16.531] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:16.532] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.532] Searching for globals...
[23:16:16.534] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:16.535] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:16.535] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.537] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.539] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:16.539] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.540] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:16.542] The total size of the 3 globals is 11.07 KiB (11336 bytes)
[23:16:16.543] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:16.544] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:16.544] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:16.544] List of future strategies:
[23:16:16.544] 1. sequential:
[23:16:16.544] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.544] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.544] - call: NULL
[23:16:16.546] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:16.548] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:16.549] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:16.549] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:16.550] List of future strategies:
[23:16:16.550] 1. multicore:
[23:16:16.550] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.550] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.550] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:16.552] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:16.569] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:16.569] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:16.569] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:16.569] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:16.569] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] base::local({
[23:16:16.569] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:16.569] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:16.569] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:16.569] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:16.569] else NULL
[23:16:16.569] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:16.569] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:16.569] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:16.569] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:16.569] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:16.569] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:16.569] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:16.569] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:16.569] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:16.569] info)
[23:16:16.569] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:16.569] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:16.569] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:16.569] info)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] else {
[23:16:16.569] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:16.569] info, version)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] })
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:16.569] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] base::local({
[23:16:16.569] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:16.569] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:16.569] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] })
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] if ( {
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] else {
[23:16:16.569] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.569] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:16.569] open = "w")
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] else {
[23:16:16.569] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:16.569] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.569] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:16.569] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.569] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.569] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:16.569] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:16.569] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:16.569] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:16.569] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:16.569] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:16.569] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:16.569] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:16.569] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:16.569] rr <- NULL
[23:16:16.569] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:16.569] local({
[23:16:16.569] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:16.569] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:16.569] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] })
[23:16:16.569] tryCatch({
[23:16:16.569] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:16.569] }, error = identity)
[23:16:16.569] })
[23:16:16.569] }))
[23:16:16.569] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:16.569] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.569] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:16.569] version = "1.8")
[23:16:16.569] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:16.569] c <- base::c
[23:16:16.569] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.569] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.569] length <- base::length
[23:16:16.569] list <- base::list
[23:16:16.569] <-
[23:16:16.569] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:16.569] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:16.569] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:16.569] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:16.569] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:16.569] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:16.569] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:16.569] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:16.569] 3L)]
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] function(cond) {
[23:16:16.569] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:16.569] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:16.569] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:16.569] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:16.569] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.569] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:16.569] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:16.569] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:16.569] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:16.569] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0))
[23:16:16.569] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:16.569] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:16.569] if (!signal) {
[23:16:16.569] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:16.569] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:16.569] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:16.569] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:16.569] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:16.569] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:16.569] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:16.569] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:16.569] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:16.569] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:16.569] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:16.569] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:16.569] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:16.569] name <- restart$name
[23:16:16.569] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:16.569] next
[23:16:16.569] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:16.569] next
[23:16:16.569] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:16.569] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:16.569] break
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] }))
[23:16:16.569] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:16.569] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:16.569] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:16.569] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:16.569] }, finally = {
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:16.569] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:16.569] globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"),
[23:16:16.569] earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.569] {
[23:16:16.569] if (substitute)
[23:16:16.569] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:16.569] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:16.569] workers <- workers()
[23:16:16.569] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:16.569] stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L)
[23:16:16.569] if (workers == 1L || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) {
[23:16:16.569] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:16.569] lazy = lazy, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:16.569] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers)
[23:16:16.569] on.exit(options(oopts))
[23:16:16.569] future <- MulticoreFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:16.569] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:16.569] globals = globals, workers = workers, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:16.569] label = label, ...)
[23:16:16.569] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:16.569] future <- run(future)
[23:16:16.569] invisible(future)
[23:16:16.569] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:16.569] })
[23:16:16.569] Sys.time
[23:16:16.569] if ( {
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] else {
[23:16:16.569] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:16.569] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:16.569] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] else {
[23:16:16.569] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:16.569] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.569] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:16.569] ...future.result
[23:16:16.569] }
[23:16:16.574] requestCore(): workers = 2
[23:16:16.578] MulticoreFuture started
[23:16:16.580] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:16.581] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:16.582] - resolving futures
[23:16:16.583] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:16.584] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:16.585] recursive: 0
[23:16:16.585] length: 2
[23:16:16.587] Future #1
[23:16:16.590] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:16.591] - nx: 2
[23:16:16.591] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:16.592] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:16.592] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:16.593] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:16.593] - force: FALSE
[23:16:16.594] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:16.594] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:16.595] - until=1
[23:16:16.595] - relaying element #1
[23:16:16.596] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:16.596] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:16.597] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:16.597] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:16.598] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:16.597] List of future strategies:
[23:16:16.597] 1. sequential:
[23:16:16.597] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, local = TRUE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.597] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.597] - call: NULL
[23:16:16.599] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 1
[23:16:16.602] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:16.602] List of future strategies:
[23:16:16.602] 1. multicore:
[23:16:16.602] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.602] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.602] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:16.605] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:16.606] Future #2
[23:16:16.608] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:16.609] - nx: 2
[23:16:16.609] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:16.609] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:16.610] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:16.610] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:16.610] - force: FALSE
[23:16:16.611] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:16.611] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:16.612] - until=2
[23:16:16.612] - relaying element #2
[23:16:16.613] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.613] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.613] signalConditionsASAP(MulticoreFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:16.614] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:16.614] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:16.636] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:16.636] - nx: 2
[23:16:16.637] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:16.637] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:16.637] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:16.638] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:16.638] - force: FALSE
[23:16:16.639] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.639] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:16.640] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.640] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:16.640] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:16.641] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:16.641] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:16.642] - accumulating results
[23:16:16.643] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:16.644] - extracting results
[23:16:16.644] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 3
$ : int [1:4] 1 5 3 2
$ : int [1:4] 2 1 5 3
$ : int [1:4] 3 2 1 5
- plan('multicore') ... DONE
- plan('multisession') ...
[23:16:16.650] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:16.651] List of future strategies:
[23:16:16.651] 1. multisession:
[23:16:16.651] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(), gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.651] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.651] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:16.652] plan(): plan_init() of 'multisession', 'cluster', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ...
[23:16:16.652] multisession:
[23:16:16.652] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(), gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:16.652] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:16.652] - call: plan(strategy)
[local output] Workers: [n = 2] 'localhost', 'localhost'
[local output] Base port: 34875
[local output] Creating node 1 of 2 ...
[local output] - setting up node
Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: ''/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e "file.exists('/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/')"'
- Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE
[local output] Starting worker #1 on 'localhost': '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=foreach,globals.R:4409:gimli:hornik' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.slaveRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.workRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=localhost PORT=34875 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=TRUE
[local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0
[local output] Waiting for worker #1 on 'localhost' to connect back
[local output] Connection with worker #1 on 'localhost' established
[local output] - collecting session information
[local output] Creating node 1 of 2 ... done
[local output] Creating node 2 of 2 ...
[local output] - setting up node
Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: ''/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e "file.exists('/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/')"'
- Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE
[local output] Starting worker #2 on 'localhost': '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=foreach,globals.R:4409:gimli:hornik' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.slaveRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.workRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=localhost PORT=34875 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=TRUE
[local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0
[local output] Waiting for worker #2 on 'localhost' to connect back
[local output] Connection with worker #2 on 'localhost' established
[local output] - collecting session information
[local output] Creating node 2 of 2 ... done
[23:16:19.076] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:19.077] Not searching for globals
[23:16:19.077] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:19.078] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:19.083] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:19.084] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:19.095] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:19.095] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:19.095] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:19.095] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:19.095] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] base::local({
[23:16:19.095] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:19.095] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:19.095] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:19.095] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:19.095] else NULL
[23:16:19.095] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:19.095] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:19.095] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:19.095] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:19.095] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:19.095] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:19.095] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:19.095] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:19.095] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:19.095] info)
[23:16:19.095] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:19.095] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:19.095] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:19.095] info)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else {
[23:16:19.095] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:19.095] info, version)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] })
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:19.095] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] if ( {
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else {
[23:16:19.095] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:19.095] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:19.095] open = "w")
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else {
[23:16:19.095] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:19.095] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:19.095] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:19.095] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:19.095] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:19.095] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:19.095] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:19.095] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:19.095] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:19.095] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:19.095] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:19.095] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:19.095] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:19.095] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:19.095] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:19.095] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:19.095] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:19.095] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:19.095] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:19.095] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:19.095] envir = ns)
[23:16:19.095] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:19.095] master <- NULL
[23:16:19.095] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:19.095] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:19.095] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:19.095] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:19.095] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:19.095] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:19.095] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:19.095] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:19.095] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:19.095] success = TRUE)
[23:16:19.095] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:19.095] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] })
[23:16:19.095] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:19.095] NA
[23:16:19.095] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:19.095] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:19.095] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.095] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:19.095] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:19.095] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:19.095] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:19.095] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:19.095] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:19.095] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:19.095] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:19.095] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:19.095] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:19.095] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:19.095] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:19.095] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:19.095] name <- restart$name
[23:16:19.095] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:19.095] next
[23:16:19.095] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:19.095] next
[23:16:19.095] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:19.095] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.095] break
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.095] })
[23:16:19.095] }))
[23:16:19.095] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:19.095] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:19.095] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:19.095] version = "1.8")
[23:16:19.095] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:19.095] c <- base::c
[23:16:19.095] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:19.095] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:19.095] length <- base::length
[23:16:19.095] list <- base::list
[23:16:19.095] <-
[23:16:19.095] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:19.095] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:19.095] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:19.095] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:19.095] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:19.095] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:19.095] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:19.095] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:19.095] 3L)]
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] function(cond) {
[23:16:19.095] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:19.095] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:19.095] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:19.095] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:19.095] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:19.095] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:19.095] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:19.095] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:19.095] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:19.095] ))) {
[23:16:19.095] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:19.095] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:19.095] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:19.095] if (!signal) {
[23:16:19.095] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:19.095] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:19.095] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:19.095] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:19.095] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:19.095] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:19.095] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:19.095] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:19.095] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:19.095] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:19.095] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:19.095] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:19.095] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:19.095] name <- restart$name
[23:16:19.095] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:19.095] next
[23:16:19.095] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:19.095] next
[23:16:19.095] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:19.095] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.095] break
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] }))
[23:16:19.095] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:19.095] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:19.095] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:19.095] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:19.095] }, finally = {
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:19.095] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:19.095] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:19.095] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:19.095] ...)
[23:16:19.095] {
[23:16:19.095] if (substitute)
[23:16:19.095] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:19.095] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:19.095] workers <- workers()
[23:16:19.095] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:19.095] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:19.095] workers >= 1)
[23:16:19.095] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:19.095] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:19.095] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:19.095] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:19.095] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:19.095] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:19.095] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:19.095] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:19.095] label = label, ...)
[23:16:19.095] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:19.095] future <- run(future)
[23:16:19.095] invisible(future)
[23:16:19.095] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:19.095] })
[23:16:19.095] Sys.time
[23:16:19.095] if ( {
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else {
[23:16:19.095] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:19.095] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:19.095] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] else {
[23:16:19.095] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:19.095] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.095] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:19.095] ...future.result
[23:16:19.095] }
[23:16:19.116] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:19.117] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.117] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.117] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:19.309] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:19.316] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:19.317] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:19.317] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.318] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.318] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.335] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.335] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.336] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.336] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.337] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.337] plan(): plan_init() of 'multisession', 'cluster', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ... DONE
[23:16:19.339] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2
[23:16:19.339] doFuture() ...
[23:16:19.342] - dummy globals (as locals): [1] 'rr'
[23:16:19.343] - R expression:
[23:16:19.344] {
[23:16:19.344] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:19.344] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:19.344] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:19.344] rr <- NULL
[23:16:19.344] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:19.344] local({
[23:16:19.344] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:19.344] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:19.344] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:19.344] }
[23:16:19.344] })
[23:16:19.344] tryCatch({
[23:16:19.344] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:19.344] }, error = identity)
[23:16:19.344] })
[23:16:19.344] }
[23:16:19.345] - identifying globals and packages ...
[23:16:19.345] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:19.346] Searching for globals...
[23:16:19.393] - globals found: [23] '{', '::', 'lapply', 'seq_along', '...future.x_ii', '<-', '[[', 'environment', 'local', 'for', 'names', 'assign', 'tryCatch', 'Vectorize', 'fibonacci', '[', 'X', 'identity', 'if', '<=', 'return', '+', '-'
[23:16:19.394] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:19.394] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:19.397] The total size of the 3 globals is 10.96 KiB (11224 bytes)
[23:16:19.398] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:19.399] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:19.399] List of 3
[23:16:19.399] $ ...future.x_ii: NULL
[23:16:19.399] $ fibonacci :function (n)
[23:16:19.399] $ X : int [1:3, 1:4] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
[23:16:19.399] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:19.399] ..$ ...future.x_ii:<environment: 0x4bf7498>
[23:16:19.399] ..$ fibonacci :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:19.399] ..$ X :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:19.399] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:19.399] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:19.399] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 11224
[23:16:19.412] - R expression:
[23:16:19.412] {
[23:16:19.412] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:19.412] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:19.412] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:19.412] rr <- NULL
[23:16:19.412] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:19.412] local({
[23:16:19.412] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:19.412] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]], envir = ...future.env,
[23:16:19.412] inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:19.412] }
[23:16:19.412] })
[23:16:19.412] tryCatch({
[23:16:19.412] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:19.412] }, error = identity)
[23:16:19.412] })
[23:16:19.412] }
[23:16:19.413] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:19.413] List of 3
[23:16:19.413] $ ...future.x_ii: NULL
[23:16:19.413] $ fibonacci :function (n)
[23:16:19.413] $ X : int [1:3, 1:4] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
[23:16:19.413] - attr(*, "where")=List of 3
[23:16:19.413] ..$ ...future.x_ii:<environment: 0x4bf7498>
[23:16:19.413] ..$ fibonacci :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:19.413] ..$ X :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
[23:16:19.413] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "FutureGlobals" "Globals" "list"
[23:16:19.413] - attr(*, "resolved")= logi FALSE
[23:16:19.413] - attr(*, "total_size")= num 11224
[23:16:19.436] - packages: [1] 'doFuture'
[23:16:19.436] - identifying globals and packages ... DONE
[23:16:19.438] Number of chunks: 2
[23:16:19.438] Number of futures (= number of chunks): 2
[23:16:19.440] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ...
[23:16:19.440] Chunk #1 of 2 ...
[23:16:19.440] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #1 ...
[23:16:19.441] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:19.441] Searching for globals...
[23:16:19.443] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:19.443] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:19.443] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:19.444] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #1 ... DONE
[23:16:19.446] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:19.447] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:19.448] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:19.450] The total size of the 3 globals is 11.02 KiB (11280 bytes)
[23:16:19.451] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:19.453] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:19.459] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:19.460] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:19.467] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:19.467] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:19.467] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:19.467] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:19.467] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] base::local({
[23:16:19.467] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:19.467] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:19.467] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:19.467] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:19.467] else NULL
[23:16:19.467] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:19.467] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:19.467] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:19.467] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:19.467] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:19.467] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:19.467] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:19.467] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:19.467] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:19.467] info)
[23:16:19.467] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:19.467] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:19.467] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:19.467] info)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else {
[23:16:19.467] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:19.467] info, version)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] })
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:19.467] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] base::local({
[23:16:19.467] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:19.467] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:19.467] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] })
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] if ( {
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else {
[23:16:19.467] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:19.467] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:19.467] open = "w")
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else {
[23:16:19.467] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:19.467] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:19.467] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:19.467] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:19.467] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:19.467] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:19.467] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:19.467] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:19.467] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:19.467] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:19.467] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:19.467] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:19.467] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:19.467] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:19.467] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:19.467] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:19.467] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:19.467] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:19.467] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:19.467] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:19.467] envir = ns)
[23:16:19.467] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:19.467] master <- NULL
[23:16:19.467] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:19.467] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:19.467] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:19.467] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:19.467] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:19.467] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:19.467] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:19.467] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:19.467] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:19.467] success = TRUE)
[23:16:19.467] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:19.467] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] })
[23:16:19.467] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:19.467] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:19.467] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:19.467] rr <- NULL
[23:16:19.467] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:19.467] local({
[23:16:19.467] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:19.467] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:19.467] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] })
[23:16:19.467] tryCatch({
[23:16:19.467] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:19.467] }, error = identity)
[23:16:19.467] })
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:19.467] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:19.467] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.467] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:19.467] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:19.467] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:19.467] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:19.467] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:19.467] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:19.467] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:19.467] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:19.467] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:19.467] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:19.467] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:19.467] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:19.467] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:19.467] name <- restart$name
[23:16:19.467] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:19.467] next
[23:16:19.467] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:19.467] next
[23:16:19.467] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:19.467] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.467] break
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.467] })
[23:16:19.467] }))
[23:16:19.467] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:19.467] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:19.467] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:19.467] version = "1.8")
[23:16:19.467] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:19.467] c <- base::c
[23:16:19.467] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:19.467] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:19.467] length <- base::length
[23:16:19.467] list <- base::list
[23:16:19.467] <-
[23:16:19.467] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:19.467] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:19.467] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:19.467] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:19.467] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:19.467] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:19.467] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:19.467] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:19.467] 3L)]
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] function(cond) {
[23:16:19.467] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:19.467] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:19.467] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:19.467] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:19.467] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:19.467] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:19.467] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:19.467] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:19.467] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:19.467] ))) {
[23:16:19.467] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:19.467] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:19.467] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:19.467] if (!signal) {
[23:16:19.467] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:19.467] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:19.467] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:19.467] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:19.467] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:19.467] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:19.467] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:19.467] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:19.467] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:19.467] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:19.467] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:19.467] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:19.467] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:19.467] name <- restart$name
[23:16:19.467] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:19.467] next
[23:16:19.467] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:19.467] next
[23:16:19.467] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:19.467] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.467] break
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] }))
[23:16:19.467] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:19.467] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:19.467] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:19.467] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:19.467] }, finally = {
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:19.467] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:19.467] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:19.467] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:19.467] ...)
[23:16:19.467] {
[23:16:19.467] if (substitute)
[23:16:19.467] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:19.467] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:19.467] workers <- workers()
[23:16:19.467] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:19.467] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:19.467] workers >= 1)
[23:16:19.467] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:19.467] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:19.467] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:19.467] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:19.467] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:19.467] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:19.467] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:19.467] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:19.467] label = label, ...)
[23:16:19.467] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:19.467] future <- run(future)
[23:16:19.467] invisible(future)
[23:16:19.467] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:19.467] })
[23:16:19.467] Sys.time
[23:16:19.467] if ( {
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else {
[23:16:19.467] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:19.467] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:19.467] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] else {
[23:16:19.467] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:19.467] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.467] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:19.467] ...future.result
[23:16:19.467] }
[23:16:19.473] Exporting 3 global objects (11.02 KiB) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:19.474] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:19.475] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (56 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:19.476] Exporting 'fibonacci' (10.70 KiB) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:19.477] Exporting 'fibonacci' (10.70 KiB) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:19.477] Exporting 'X' (264 bytes) to cluster node #1 ...
[23:16:19.478] Exporting 'X' (264 bytes) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:19.479] Exporting 3 global objects (11.02 KiB) to cluster node #1 ... DONE
[23:16:19.480] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:19.481] Chunk #1 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:19.481] Chunk #2 of 2 ...
[23:16:19.482] - Finding globals in 'args_list' chunk #2 ...
[23:16:19.482] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:19.482] Searching for globals...
[23:16:19.484] Searching for globals ... DONE
[23:16:19.484] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:19.485] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:19.486] - Finding globals in 'args_list' for chunk #2 ... DONE
[23:16:19.487] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:19.488] - globals passed as-is: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:19.488] Resolving globals: FALSE
[23:16:19.489] The total size of the 3 globals is 11.07 KiB (11336 bytes)
[23:16:19.490] - globals: [3] '...future.x_ii', 'fibonacci', 'X'
[23:16:19.491] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[23:16:19.497] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 1): 'doFuture'
[23:16:19.497] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): <none>
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time()
[23:16:19.514] ...future.oldOptions <- base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE,
[23:16:19.514] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = NULL,
[23:16:19.514] future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL,
[23:16:19.514] future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL,
[23:16:19.514] future.resolve.recursive = NULL, width = 80L)
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] base::local({
[23:16:19.514] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future",
[23:16:19.514] quietly = TRUE)
[23:16:19.514] version <- if (has_future)
[23:16:19.514] utils::packageVersion("future")
[23:16:19.514] else NULL
[23:16:19.514] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") {
[23:16:19.514] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ",
[23:16:19.514] "", base::R.version$version.string),
[23:16:19.514] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)",
[23:16:19.514] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer),
[23:16:19.514] os = base::paste([base::c("sysname",
[23:16:19.514] "release", "version")], collapse = " "),
[23:16:19.514] hostname =[["nodename"]])
[23:16:19.514] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info),
[23:16:19.514] info)
[23:16:19.514] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ")
[23:16:19.514] if (!has_future) {
[23:16:19.514] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)",
[23:16:19.514] info)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else {
[23:16:19.514] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s",
[23:16:19.514] info, version)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] base::stop(msg)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] })
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] <- base::getOption("mc.cores")
[23:16:19.514] base::options(mc.cores = 1L)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] base::local({
[23:16:19.514] for (pkg in "doFuture") {
[23:16:19.514] base::loadNamespace(pkg)
[23:16:19.514] base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] })
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] if ( {
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else {
[23:16:19.514] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:19.514] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L),
[23:16:19.514] open = "w")
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else {
[23:16:19.514] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type,
[23:16:19.514] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w")
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:19.514] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) {
[23:16:19.514] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:19.514] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:19.514] }, add = TRUE)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe()
[23:16:19.514] ...future.conditions <- base::list()
[23:16:19.514] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed
[23:16:19.514] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({
[23:16:19.514] base::withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:19.514] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({
[23:16:19.514] ...future.sendCondition <- local({
[23:16:19.514] sendCondition <- NULL
[23:16:19.514] function(frame = 1L) {
[23:16:19.514] if (is.function(sendCondition))
[23:16:19.514] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:19.514] ns <- getNamespace("parallel")
[23:16:19.514] if (exists("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:19.514] envir = ns)) {
[23:16:19.514] parallel_sendData <- get("sendData", mode = "function",
[23:16:19.514] envir = ns)
[23:16:19.514] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:19.514] master <- NULL
[23:16:19.514] while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) &&
[23:16:19.514] !identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
[23:16:19.514] if (exists("master", mode = "list", envir = envir,
[23:16:19.514] inherits = FALSE)) {
[23:16:19.514] master <- get("master", mode = "list",
[23:16:19.514] envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:19.514] if (inherits(master, "SOCKnode")) {
[23:16:19.514] sendCondition <<- function(cond) {
[23:16:19.514] data <- list(type = "VALUE", value = cond,
[23:16:19.514] success = TRUE)
[23:16:19.514] parallel_sendData(master, data)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] return(sendCondition)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] frame <- frame + 1L
[23:16:19.514] envir <- sys.frame(frame)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] sendCondition <<- function(cond) NULL
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] })
[23:16:19.514] withCallingHandlers({
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] doFuture::registerDoFuture()
[23:16:19.514] lapply(seq_along(...future.x_ii), FUN = function(jj) {
[23:16:19.514] ...future.x_jj <- ...future.x_ii[[jj]]
[23:16:19.514] rr <- NULL
[23:16:19.514] ...future.env <- environment()
[23:16:19.514] local({
[23:16:19.514] for (name in names(...future.x_jj)) {
[23:16:19.514] assign(name, ...future.x_jj[[name]],
[23:16:19.514] envir = ...future.env, inherits = FALSE)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] })
[23:16:19.514] tryCatch({
[23:16:19.514] Vectorize(fibonacci)(X[rr, ])
[23:16:19.514] }, error = identity)
[23:16:19.514] })
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
[23:16:19.514] sendCondition <- ...future.sendCondition()
[23:16:19.514] sendCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.514] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:19.514] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:19.514] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:19.514] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:19.514] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:19.514] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:19.514] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:19.514] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:19.514] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:19.514] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:19.514] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:19.514] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:19.514] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:19.514] name <- restart$name
[23:16:19.514] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:19.514] next
[23:16:19.514] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:19.514] next
[23:16:19.514] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:19.514] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.514] break
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.514] })
[23:16:19.514] }))
[23:16:19.514] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value,
[23:16:19.514] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:19.514] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime,
[23:16:19.514] version = "1.8")
[23:16:19.514] }, condition = base::local({
[23:16:19.514] c <- base::c
[23:16:19.514] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:19.514] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:19.514] length <- base::length
[23:16:19.514] list <- base::list
[23:16:19.514] <-
[23:16:19.514] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition
[23:16:19.514] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls
[23:16:19.514] Sys.time <- base::Sys.time
[23:16:19.514] `[[` <- base::`[[`
[23:16:19.514] `+` <- base::`+`
[23:16:19.514] `<<-` <- base::`<<-`
[23:16:19.514] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) {
[23:16:19.514] calls[ = from + 12L, to = length(calls) -
[23:16:19.514] 3L)]
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] function(cond) {
[23:16:19.514] if (inherits(cond, "error")) {
[23:16:19.514] sessionInformation <- function() {
[23:16:19.514] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(),
[23:16:19.514] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(),
[23:16:19.514] search = base::search(), system =
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:19.514] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame),
[23:16:19.514] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(),
[23:16:19.514] timestamp = Sys.time(), signaled = 0L)
[23:16:19.514] signalCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else if (inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"
[23:16:19.514] ))) {
[23:16:19.514] signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition")
[23:16:19.514] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) +
[23:16:19.514] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal))
[23:16:19.514] if (!signal) {
[23:16:19.514] muffleCondition <- function (cond)
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] inherits <- base::inherits
[23:16:19.514] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
[23:16:19.514] muffled <- FALSE
[23:16:19.514] if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
[23:16:19.514] invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
[23:16:19.514] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
[23:16:19.514] invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
[23:16:19.514] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
[23:16:19.514] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
[23:16:19.514] grepl <- base::grepl
[23:16:19.514] is.null <- base::is.null
[23:16:19.514] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
[23:16:19.514] for (restart in restarts) {
[23:16:19.514] name <- restart$name
[23:16:19.514] if (is.null(name))
[23:16:19.514] next
[23:16:19.514] if (!grepl("^muffle", name))
[23:16:19.514] next
[23:16:19.514] invokeRestart(restart)
[23:16:19.514] muffled <- TRUE
[23:16:19.514] break
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] invisible(muffled)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] muffleCondition(cond)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] }))
[23:16:19.514] }, error = function(ex) {
[23:16:19.514] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL,
[23:16:19.514] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed,
[23:16:19.514] ...future.rng), version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")
[23:16:19.514] }, finally = {
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] base::options(mc.cores =
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] future::plan(list(function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
[23:16:19.514] substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL,
[23:16:19.514] globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableCores(),
[23:16:19.514] gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL,
[23:16:19.514] ...)
[23:16:19.514] {
[23:16:19.514] if (substitute)
[23:16:19.514] expr <- substitute(expr)
[23:16:19.514] if (is.function(workers))
[23:16:19.514] workers <- workers()
[23:16:19.514] workers <- as.integer(workers)
[23:16:19.514] stop_if_not(length(workers) == 1, is.finite(workers),
[23:16:19.514] workers >= 1)
[23:16:19.514] if (workers == 1L) {
[23:16:19.514] return(sequential(expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE,
[23:16:19.514] lazy = TRUE, seed = seed, globals = globals,
[23:16:19.514] local = TRUE, label = label, ...))
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] workers <- ClusterRegistry("start", workers = workers)
[23:16:19.514] future <- MultisessionFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir,
[23:16:19.514] substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, seed = seed,
[23:16:19.514] globals = globals, persistent = persistent,
[23:16:19.514] workers = workers, gc = gc, earlySignal = earlySignal,
[23:16:19.514] label = label, ...)
[23:16:19.514] if (!future$lazy)
[23:16:19.514] future <- run(future)
[23:16:19.514] invisible(future)
[23:16:19.514] }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] base::options(...future.oldOptions)
[23:16:19.514] })
[23:16:19.514] Sys.time
[23:16:19.514] if ( {
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else {
[23:16:19.514] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE)
[23:16:19.514] if (TRUE) {
[23:16:19.514] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout))
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] else {
[23:16:19.514] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL)
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] base::close(...future.stdout)
[23:16:19.514] ...future.stdout <- NULL
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.514] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions
[23:16:19.514] ...future.result
[23:16:19.514] }
[23:16:19.520] Exporting 3 global objects (11.07 KiB) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:19.520] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (112 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:19.521] Exporting '...future.x_ii' (112 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:19.522] Exporting 'fibonacci' (10.70 KiB) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:19.543] Exporting 'fibonacci' (10.70 KiB) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:19.544] Exporting 'X' (264 bytes) to cluster node #2 ...
[23:16:19.545] Exporting 'X' (264 bytes) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:19.546] Exporting 3 global objects (11.07 KiB) to cluster node #2 ... DONE
[23:16:19.548] MultisessionFuture started
[23:16:19.548] Chunk #2 of 2 ... DONE
[23:16:19.549] Launching 2 futures (chunks) ... DONE
[23:16:19.549] - resolving futures
[23:16:19.549] - gathering results & relaying conditions (except errors)
[23:16:19.550] resolve() on list ...
[23:16:19.550] recursive: 0
[23:16:19.551] length: 2
[23:16:19.651] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.651] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:19.652] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:19.652] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:19.659] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:19.660] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.660] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.661] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.661] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.662] Future #1
[23:16:19.662] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.663] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.663] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.664] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.664] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.664] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.665] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ...
[23:16:19.665] - nx: 2
[23:16:19.666] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:19.666] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:19.679] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:19.679] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:19.680] - force: FALSE
[23:16:19.680] - relayed: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:19.681] - queued futures: [n=2] FALSE, FALSE
[23:16:19.681] - until=1
[23:16:19.681] - relaying element #1
[23:16:19.682] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.682] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.683] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.683] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.684] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.684] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.685] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.685] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.686] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.686] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.686] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.687] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.687] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:19.687] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:19.688] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=1) ... done
[23:16:19.688] length: 1 (resolved future 1)
[23:16:19.993] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.994] - Validating connection of MultisessionFuture
[23:16:19.994] - received message: FutureResult
[23:16:19.995] - Received FutureResult
[23:16:19.995] - Erased future from FutureRegistry
[23:16:19.995] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.996] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.996] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.997] receiveMessageFromWorker() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.997] Future #2
[23:16:19.997] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.998] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.998] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:19.999] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:19.999] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:19.999] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:20.000] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ...
[23:16:20.000] - nx: 2
[23:16:20.011] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:20.011] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:20.011] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:20.012] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:20.012] - force: FALSE
[23:16:20.013] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:20.013] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, FALSE
[23:16:20.013] - until=2
[23:16:20.014] - relaying element #2
[23:16:20.014] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:20.015] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:20.015] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:20.015] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:20.016] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:20.016] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:20.017] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:20.017] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:20.017] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:20.018] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:20.018] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:20.018] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:20.019] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:20.019] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:20.020] signalConditionsASAP(MultisessionFuture, pos=2) ... done
[23:16:20.020] length: 0 (resolved future 2)
[23:16:20.020] Relaying remaining futures
[23:16:20.021] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ...
[23:16:20.021] - nx: 2
[23:16:20.021] - relay: TRUE
[23:16:20.022] - stdout: TRUE
[23:16:20.022] - signal: TRUE
[23:16:20.047] - resignal: FALSE
[23:16:20.047] - force: FALSE
[23:16:20.048] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:20.048] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
- flush all
[23:16:20.049] - relayed: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:20.049] - queued futures: [n=2] TRUE, TRUE
[23:16:20.050] signalConditionsASAP(NULL, pos=0) ... done
[23:16:20.050] resolve() on list ... DONE
[23:16:20.050] - collecting values of futures
[23:16:20.051] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:20.051] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:20.051] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:20.052] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:20.052] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:20.053] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:20.053] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:20.053] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:20.054] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:20.054] result() for ClusterFuture ...
[23:16:20.055] - result already collected: FutureResult
[23:16:20.055] result() for ClusterFuture ... done
[23:16:20.056] - accumulating results
[23:16:20.057] - processing errors (handler = 'stop')
[23:16:20.058] - extracting results
[23:16:20.058] doFuture() ... DONE
List of 3
$ : int [1:4] 1 5 3 2
$ : int [1:4] 2 1 5 3
$ : int [1:4] 3 2 1 5
- plan('multisession') ... DONE
- plan('cluster') ...
[23:16:20.081] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack:
[23:16:20.081] List of future strategies:
[23:16:20.081] 1. cluster:
[23:16:20.081] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(), user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE, gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:20.081] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:20.081] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:20.083] plan(): plan_init() of 'cluster', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ...
[23:16:20.084] cluster:
[23:16:20.084] - args: function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, globals = TRUE, persistent = FALSE, workers = availableWorkers(), user = NULL, revtunnel = TRUE, homogeneous = TRUE, gc = FALSE, earlySignal = FALSE, label = NULL, ...)
[23:16:20.084] - tweaked: FALSE
[23:16:20.084] - call: plan(strategy)
[23:16:20.085] getGlobalsAndPackages() ...
[23:16:20.085] Not searching for globals
[23:16:20.086] - globals: [0] <none>
[23:16:20.086] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE
[local output] Workers: [n = 2] 'localhost', 'localhost'
[local output] Base port: 36388
[local output] Creating node 1 of 2 ...
[local output] - setting up node
Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: ''/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e "file.exists('/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/')"'
- Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE
[local output] Starting worker #1 on 'localhost': '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=foreach,globals.R:4409:gimli:hornik' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.slaveRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.workRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=localhost PORT=36388 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=TRUE
[local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0
[local output] Waiting for worker #1 on 'localhost' to connect back
[local output] Detected a warning from socketConnection(): 'port 36388 cannot be opened'
Warning in socketConnection("localhost", port = port, server = TRUE, blocking = TRUE, :
port 36388 cannot be opened
Killing worker process (PID 12142) if still alive
[23:16:22.140] Attempting to find a working pid_exists_*() function ...
Call: tools::pskill(4409, signal = 0L)
[1] TRUE
Call: tools::pskill(4409, signal = 0L)
[1] TRUE
[23:16:22.141] - success
[23:16:22.141] Attempting to find a working pid_exists_*() function ... done
Worker (PID 12142) was successfully killed: TRUE
Error in socketConnection("localhost", port = port, server = TRUE, blocking = TRUE, :
Failed to launch and connect to R worker on local machine 'localhost' from local machine 'gimli'.
* The error produced by socketConnection() was: 'cannot open the connection'
* In addition, socketConnection() produced 1 warning(s):
- Warning #1: 'port 36388 cannot be opened' (which suggests that this port is either already occupied by another process or blocked by the firewall on your local machine)
* The localhost socket connection that failed to connect to the R worker used port 36388 using a communication timeout of 120 seconds and a connection timeout of 120 seconds.
* Worker launch call: '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/build/bin/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=foreach,globals.R:4409:gimli:hornik' -e 'try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="/tmp/Rtmp2Wj85z/")), silent = TRUE)' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.slaveRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.workRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=localhost PORT=36388 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=TRUE.
* Worker (PID 12142) was successfully killed: TRUE
* Troubleshooting suggestions:
- Suggestion #1: Set 'outfile=NULL' to see output from worker.
Calls: plan ... tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous> -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang