Image by: Sally Peterson

How To Use A Tutorial

Tutorials on this website are designed to be used in either a Teacher-Student setting or by an individual in a Self-Teaching setting.

Teacher-Student Setting

The Teacher may be a professional or non-professional.

  1. The teacher will read the tutorial as written .

  2. There will be step-by-step instructions and explanatory information about the steps.

  3. The student will do the steps and observe the results on his/her computer screen.

  4. The student may look at the computer screen as explanatory information is read.

  5. A printout of the tutorial will have been placed on the students desk. The teacher can refer to a picture within the tutorial. (A picture is worth a thousand words) (The printout can be taken home by the student)

  6. “Teacher aides” circulating in the room are helpful.

  7. A teacher may download the tutorials in the OpenOffice format and modify the tutorials for their specific use.

Self-Teaching Setting

In the self-teaching setting, the printout of the tutorial is the teacher. The student may:

  1. Download and print the tutorial of choice. See “Download” below.

  2. Read the step-by-step tutorial.

  3. Do each step.

  • Observe the results of each step on the computer screen and compare to the printout. (some steps have a picture just below the step that shows what you will see on the screen.

  • Read any explanatory information that may be in parenthesis.

  1. Beginner users will use the entire tutorial. Advanced users may skim the tutorial and skip some parts.

Download, Print And Save A Free Tutorial

  1. Go to our website Under Our Tutorial Offerings, click on the underlined Writer, or Calc, etc. to get to the type of tutorial. (A page will open)

  2. Click on the underlined blue OO by the tutorial of your choice.

  3. Select Open with. Click OK and then print the tutorial.

  4. To save the tutorial, click File > Save As. In the Save in: pull-down menu box, click My Documents if it is not already selected. In the Save as type: pull-down menu box, click OpenDocument Text (.odt) if it is not already selected.

  5. In the File name: dialog box, type the name of the tutorial.

  6. Click Save. (The tutorial is saved.)


Tutorials are improved by input from users. We solicit your constructive criticism.

Click here to E-mail your suggestions and comments

Last Updated: 2008-07-31

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution2.5 License.