Project Gutenberg has removed Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech from its collection due to copyright issues. We apologize that we are unable to continue to offer this important speech. We waited years, even decades, for the US Judicial branch to come to grips with this, and then, after it was decided the speech had been distributed all over without copyright notice and was thus legally in the public domain, we finally published it some years afterwards. However, it recently, again after a long delay, is once again under the protection of US copyright... we apologize for the delays at both ends, but this is something that was not highly publicized and we did not receive any word from the King Estate, the action was totally our own. If you would care to contact the King Estate, this would definitely be something we would LOVE to put back in our collection, and we will keep the place in our catalog open. Please visit the rest of the Project Gutenberg collection at